We’ve touched on the issue of pet safety in the summer before. I don’t understand how people still don’t get it. I mean, it’s a really simple concept: DON’T LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A HOT CAR. Although you’d think this would be easy to grasp, apparently it’s too advanced for some people. Some thoughtless, terrible people.
You may be wondering why I’m so worked up about this today. I just read a story that made me so angry that I wanted to punch something… in particular, the woman in the story.
The headline says it all: “Woman finds dog dead in her sweltering car outside Costco, returns pet supplies.” (There’s a link to a segment aired by a local news outlet in that article, but I couldn’t bring myself to watch it. The woman has been charged with cruelty.)
Seriously? It’s been hot for weeks in the DC area… temperatures have been consistently in the nineties, and sometimes even higher. Yet this woman thought it would be okay to leave her poor dog, Delta, locked in a car? It was 104 degrees outside. While shopping at Costco, she left Delta in an oven for an hour and fifteen minutes. Then, when she returned and realized that she had killed Delta, she RETURNED THE PET SUPPLIES she had just purchased. I can think of many words to describe this woman right now, none of which are PG-13. (Don’t even get me started on the comments by her estranged husband in this article. Waterworks initiated. That poor man.)
I’m so angry I can’t even type anymore. (League of Angry Gentlemen – I expect an equally angry post from you about this pathetic excuse for a person. Update: The Angry Gentlemen answered the call. When you want anger done right, go to a professional.)