More doggie bloggy fun

Happy Thursday!  More bloggy fun in store… I have another award to pass on today.  The lovely George the Lad bestowed an award on this humble blog, and now it’s time to paw it forward and spotlight more awesome blogs.  (In fact, it’s kind of perfect… it was so hard to choose just 10 last time!)

Find out more (including the rules), after the jump.

First, thank the person who gave you the award.  Thanks again, George!  You’re quite the handsome Welsh Terrier.

Second, share seven things about yourself.  Because I just told you a few things about me,  I am going to bend the rules just a tiny bit, and share seven things about Bella:

  1. Bella loves to eat frozen french fries (and frozen tater tots).
  2. She runs around like a maniac if you say “peanut butter Bella time.”
  3. If you say “it’s 6 o’clock,” Bella knows it’s dinner time.  We didn’t teach that to her – one day we were just talking about it being 6 o’clock and she ran over to her bowl.
  4. The game of fetch has long eluded Bella.   When you throw a toy, she immediately returns it to Toy Corner (she’s adopted one of these in each place we’ve lived).  So the closest you can get to fetch is to sit right in front of Toy Corner and grab the toy when she tries to return it.
  5. Sometimes Bella is wagging her tail enthusiastically, then gets mad when her tail hits her.
  6. Speaking of things hitting Bella on the back, there was once a mockingbird who used to fly and hit Bella on her morning walks.
  7. Bella likes to sleep under things.  She used to start the night under our bed, and would later migrate to the dog bed in the middle of the night.  Then we got a bed that was too low to the ground.  Due to the resulting guilt, we have covered the bench at the end of the bed with an afghan.  We call it the cave.

Finally, this time I get to recognize 15 blogs that I’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic:

Whew… even that was hard!  I still missed quite a few that I enjoy.  Maybe you could all stop doing such a good job and make my life easier?  (I kid, I kid…)





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