Bella Holiday Tip #27

A few years ago, we ditched the traditional holiday card in favor of one with Bella on it.  Each year, Bella shares a holiday tip with the lucky recipients.  Before I unveil this year’s photo and tip, a walk down memory lane seemed appropriate.  First up, 2008’s card…

Bella Holiday Tip #27:
If you can’t find a festive outfit for your holiday party, accessorize any old outfit with a few shiny bows.




19 thoughts on “Bella Holiday Tip #27

  1. Bella is so sweet to let you put bows on her and pose nice for the camera!! What a beauty!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  2. Too cute! We do an annual Husky Christmas card. A few years back my daughter was in it as well, but then she told me she didn't want to be on the cards anymore (sad face). I guess since she's now almost 23, she earned that right, but as a Mom, I still wished she pose with the furkids! Maybe, one day…! PS – Bella looks adorable in her holiday finery!

  3. So cute, I am terribly impressed with Bella's control to sit for the photo with the bows on! We have yet to make a decision how we are going to torture Spike and Dru for their Christmas photo. I can't wait to see 2009 and 2010.

  4. Lol that's such a great idea for a holiday card! My boyfriend would kill me if the only picture on our card was of Ellie lol.

  5. Daisy's Mom – Bella doesn't always seem thrilled, but she's a pretty good sport. Or she's just too lazy to get up. 🙂

    If anyone else has their pups on their holiday cards, I'd love to see them!

  6. Hehe…we do this to the girls every year…they roll their eyes! And to tell you, I'm so embarassed – I thought I was already "following" you! **facepalm**

  7. That is adorable! My dogs just hate the holidays! Halloween = getting dressed up. Thanksgiving = Really good smells that they cant get at. And Christmas = Reindeer antlers and bows!
    What a good sport Bella is!

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