14 thoughts on “Wanted: one stunt double

  1. Jack is a saint among dogs.

    I wouldn't put up with that I'm afraid. No way!

    The Lady Of The House says "Aaaaahhhhhh! How lovely".

    Hmmm? I'm not so sure.

  2. Awww, one very patient Jack. Maybe Jack is saying "maybe if I ignore it, it will go away!" Hmmmm, probably not! Cute!

  3. I totally agree… I can't believe how patient Jack is. (And Kristine, this video makes me want a kitten too… however, I'm not sure Bella will agree!)

  4. that was one of the cutest videos I have ever seen!
    Jack is the most patient dog ever and that kitten is just over the moon in love with him!

  5. What a patient kitty! My brother gets that very same pained look on his face when I wanna play. HUMPF, Big Brothers! They should just PLAY when we wanna play!

  6. Oh my gosh Jack you are the most patient dog I have ever seen!!! And that Julia BOL! Hilarious! I luved it when she fell backward off the couch! Too funny 😀 Thanks for the chuckles!

    Waggin at ya,

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