Mutt mixtape: More dog song parodies

As you probably know, I love a good parody (especially when it incorporates puppies).  I enjoyed sharing some of my favorite dog song parodies with you last month, so I decided that a second installment was in order.  Without further ado, here are five more dog song parodies for your listening (reading?) pleasure… feel free to serenade (annoy?) your own pet with these as you see fit.

  1. It’s My Party” by… well, lots of people,
    but originally by Lesley Gore – I break this one out when Bella is
    watching neighborhood dogs pass by our house: “It’s my Bella and she’ll
    bark if she wants to, bark if she wants to, bark if she wants to, you
    would bark too if you had seen that pooch…” 
  2. …Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears – I made this one up while on a very long walk: “Your dawdling… is killing me (and I) I must confess, I’d like to leave (like to leave).  You’ve sniffed that same thing a million times… but you make me whine… and sniff that hydrant one more time.”
  3. What About Love” by Heart – appropriate for Bella’s favorite game: “What about tug?  Don’t you want someone to play it with you?  What about tug… or maybe keep-a-way?  What about tug? I only want to hide the rope bone from you… you can have it back one day…”
  4. All You Need is Love” by
    The Beatles – there’s not a lot to this particular parody (it’s really
    just a simple word change in the chorus), but I do enjoy it:  “All you
    need is pups… pups are all you need.”
  5. If I Had a Million Dollars” by the Barenaked Ladies – definitely one of my feel good songs (both original and parody versions): “If I had a million doggies (if I had a million doggies), I would buy them a house (I would buy them a house).  If I had a million doggies (if I had a million doggies), I’d buy them lots of goodies for that house (maybe a nice squeaky toy or a rope bone)….”  and so on: “If I had a million doggies, I’d install a million doggie doors.  If I had a million doggies, I’d probably still want more…”

People had some great songs in the comments last time… do you have any new dog song parodies to add to our playlist?




15 thoughts on “Mutt mixtape: More dog song parodies

  1. WE don't have any songs but we like that one 'All you need is pups' That would make a great song especially for the shelters to use.Have a great day.

  2. We are big fans of dancing around in the living room when we bust out old school music…vanilla ice…ice ice baby. The dogs love it.
    Fred sings along….it gets annoying!

  3. The LOTH says she relates to the Baby One More Time… she says I dawdle around lamp posts and hedges. I think she's just rude.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  4. Baby One More Time, oh, that could be about our house! And I love the Barenaked Ladies one, too!

    There are quite a few unfortunate parodies here. Have you ever heard the old song "Sunny"? When you have a dog named Bunny, it begs to be parodied, doesn't it?

    Bunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
    Bunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.
    Oh, the dark days are gone and the bright days are here,
    my Bunny one shines so sincere.
    Oh, Bunny one so true, I love you.

  5. Im shocked I'm not the only one who does this!!!

    I always use my horse though…. Ke$ha – "wake up in the morning feeling like Archielicious…"

    haha, so happy I am not alone šŸ™‚

  6. (to the tune of My Bonnie)

    My doggie is going out walking
    My doggie is going to pee
    My doggie is evermore barking
    Oh bring back my doggie to me

    (to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen)

    I see a little pup barking in the window
    Barka woof barka woof
    Can you do the fandango

    Gnashing teeth and barking
    Very, very frightening
    Me, Puppy wayo
    Puppy wayo figaro

    I'm just a little pup
    Everybody likes me
    She's just a little pup
    From a dog family

    Take her outside for perambulatory…

    Can you tell I do this alot?

    I'd like to hear your songs. Should we be expecting an audio clip someday soon?

  7. Marg – Good call!

    Hound Girl – You can't go wrong with Vanilla Ice. (Though now I'm singing "Stop. Collaborate and listen…")

    Winnie – I think that we humans just don't get it sometimes.

    Caren – I'm such a sucker for Heart.

    houndstooth – I love the Bunny song. So sweet!

    Pamela – I am dying over here! Those are both fantastic. I don't think I'll ever be able to sing Bohemian Rhapsody the original way again.

  8. I've got a million of 'em!

    REM – Shiny Happy Vizslas
    The Orb – Little Fluffy Dogs
    Sir-mix-a-lot – I Like Big Dogs
    Steve Miller Band – Fly Like A Vizsla
    Duran Duran – Hungry Like The Vizsla

    I could go on….

  9. Well, if you had a million dollars, you don't have to buy Bella a fur coat– and she already has a real one! šŸ™‚

    (Love The Barenaked Ladies– they're Canadian, you know!)

  10. Karen – I'm loving the Vizsla theme… you could record an entire album! šŸ™‚

    Life Student – LOL… good call. I always loved the part about "but not a real fur coat, that's cruel." Those guys are awesome.

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