Cash for you AND for animals in need? Yes, please!

As you may remember, a few weeks ago I mentioned a holiday blogging event created by Two Little Cavaliers to help animals in need.  Well, the time has come… the Social Media for Social Good event is here!

So, what’s in it for you?  You can enter to win a cash prize – if you win, forty percent will go to you and sixty percent will be donated to the animal charity of your choice.  It can be any 501(c)(3) that helps animals (or a properly recognized charity in your country if you’re not in the U.S.). 

Good for you AND for animals in need – what more could you ask for?

All you need to do is Like this humble blog on Facebook using the Rafflecopter below (after the jump).  Just scroll down to find I Still Want More Puppies on the list and click “Do it” for instructions.  (If you already Like our page, you can still enter – after you click “Do it” you should have the option to enter as well.)

For more entries, you can Like the other great bloggers participating in the event as well.  Check out the list via the Rafflecopter or through the Linky at the end of this post.  (You’ll have more chances to enter in the upcoming weeks using Twitter and Google+.  Check back on December 18 for another chance to enter.)

I’d love to hear about the organization you’d send the donation to if you won.  If I won, I’d send the money to a local rescue to help adoptable pets like this adorable guy, Riker.  He’s currently at Friends of Homeless Animals and is looking for a home in the Northern Virginia area.

What about you?  In the comments, tell me a little about the organization you would like to donate to if you win.  (As you can see from the Rafflecopter, commenting on this blog post will earn you another entry… so go for it!)

Good luck to everyone – hope you have a great Wednesday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Meet the other participating bloggers…




5 thoughts on “Cash for you AND for animals in need? Yes, please!

  1. Hi Pup Fan, Bella and I are participating for Save a Sato, her rescuers. 🙂

    All the chosen causes are wonderful – I wish everybody could win!

  2. It wouldn't let me put in a blog post about who I would like to win, I'm a follower of Lone Star Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso Rescue.

    Anne Beckham

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