I told you I take requests… so, today I present with “Bella the Snowdog.” (Hat tip to Pamela from Something Wagging for the suggestion.)
But first… a bonus video from 2010. (We don’t have snow yet this year, and that’s fine by me!)
Bella the Snowdog
Bella the Snowdog, is a silly, happy pup.
With gigantic ears and a big black nose,
and a tail that’s always up.
Bella the Snowdog is a lazy dog they say,
Sometimes she runs around, but it’s pretty clear
that she likes to snooze all day.
There must be cozy blankets in that doggie bed she found.
For when she goes to take a nap, she doesn’t move around.
O, Bella the Snowdog,
dreams of chasing squirrels up trees.
When she dreams, she runs and barks and plays,
Happy to snooze the day away.

(If you haven’t entered via Twitter or Facebook yet, you can still do so. For Facebook, click here. For Twitter, click here.) Good luck!
Bella clearly loves snow! It was great to see a video of her navigating the deep snow. I don't think I've ever seen her except in pictures, so kind of cool to see her in video. Still adorable either way. 🙂
We have no snow here either. I was thinking about that and how odd it feels to not have snow this close to Christmas. it feels like something is missing.
I sang Bella the Snow Dog while watching the video. Adorable!
When we get deep snow my sweetie digs a path in the yard so pups don't have to work so hard unless they want to. If you get some dumpers this year like you did last year you might want to do the same for Bella.
Of course snow surfing does lead to long naps, doesn't it? 🙂
We have no snow here either! I am confident it will be here by Christmas eve, though! Bella really is a snow dog. At least you have a video of snow. 🙁
Snow to us is something that makes peaks white on the mountains far away.
Bah she looks so cute in the snow (that's a LOT!) – I'm hoping for it this year, but for it to happen at home not at work since I no longer have my AWD car 🙁
I enjoyed a good sing-a-long there.
Love and licks, Winnie
Ha ha ha! Bella looks like a musher in slow motion! She's just so darned cute out there in the snow!
We don't have any snow, either, but after last year, I can't make myself be too sad.
Not sure what I'd donate to yet… probably the aspca 🙂
Mel – She's a total goofball in person. I'll have to try to catch a few more videos of her. 🙂
K9 Katastrophie – Agreed!
Pamela – Oh, she had a path… however, she chose to jump off the beaten path and jump around in the snow instead. She always does that for some reason. 🙂
Bassetmomma – Did you get any?
Jan – I don't think I'd mind that!
Stacy – That was during our Snowpocalype of 2010. Way too much!
Winnie – You're welcome!
houndstooth – She loves hopping around in it for some reason! I am with you – I'm not the biggest snow fan.
Sarah – Still plenty of time to decide. 🙂
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