I don’t know how I missed this ad during the holiday season (after all, I am mildly obsessed with the life and times of the Travelers Insurance dog). I realize it’s a bit late to be sharing a Christmas ad… however, it made me smile, so I’m posting it anyway. You know you don’t mind…
There are even more ads online that I just discovered – one with a soapbox car and another involving a cat burglar. How am I not seeing these when I watch TV – have they been aired in your area?
Anyway, I was a bit curious about these ads and the canine thespian therein. The dog who stars in these commercials is named Chopper. This former shelter dog makes my day every time I see one of the ads.
His trainer, Sue Chipperton, even has her own blog, called Check the Gate. (You may have seen one of her videos recently over at Life With Dogs, in fact.) A few fun facts I learned from her blog:
- He’s a mixed breed. Mutts represent! (Apparently Chopper should have participated in last year’s Magical Mystery Mutt Tour.)
- There appear to be a lot of Chopper doppelgangers (Choppergangers?) out there… so cute!
- Chopper’s trainer also worked with (and loved) Gidget, aka the Taco Bell dog. (For more on Gidget, you can check out Chipperton’s book.)
- A dog can go from shelter to movie set in just a few days – Chopper’s not the only one. It happened to Mulligan too.
I don't watch that much TV, so I am sooo glad you shared this…blink, blink!
We luv that dog too. He reminds us of Bocci from the blog Bocci's Beefs!
Wyatt and Stanzie
I would probably buy anything that some dog was selling.
I love those commercials too, that dog is so cute! Funny about your comment Wyatt, because I was thinking my childhood dog Corky was almost a Chopperganger, and Corky looks a lot like Bocci!
Thanks, can't believe I hadn't seen that – great ad!
I love these commercials too, they do such a great job with them!
Awwww. That commercial was so adorable!! Chopper brings a Christmas present to his sick buddy. I've never seen these commercials, I don't think that they air in Canada.
I am in love with that commercial too! It is just the cutest!
I remember seeing this ad! I love it!!
Awww, too cute! Thanks for sharing. Will probably be watching it over and over now
Love all these pups!
The Road Dogs' Mom
Teri – Glad to be of service!
Wyatt – He does look a lot like Bocci! Good call.
Jan – Me too. I'm easily swayed by adorable dogs.
Peggy – My heart just got a whole size bigger when you used my made-up word in a sentence. Hehe.
cate – I know. I'm wondering if they haven't been airing newer ones in my market.
Stacy – Agreed. Such a creative ad.
Karen – The hound in his cone… I die!
Caren – Agreed!
jen – It's just too darn adorable.
Road Dogs – It can be addictive!
OMC! Mom loves that doggy too! She tweeted about him once and Travelers Insurance tweeted her back! She had not seen the holiday commercial so I showed her your bloggy. She loved it!
What?! I haven't seen that one either! And it's not only cute, it's super sweet! Thanks for sharing. When the pack was chasing him, it made me think of the gang in Christmas Story getting chased home after school by Farkus and his toadie!
-Chandra at Daley's Dog Years
That's so cool!
Aw, I didn't even make the Christmas Story connection – I love it!
I love these commercials and so does Cali
this is fantastic. thank you for sharing. i've been dying to know what kind of dog he is!
I love Chopper! And as someone who raised two very smart dogs, I am astounded by the amazing tricks in Chopper’s tool kit. Every time I see him wipe his paws and clean up the spilled milk in the Traveler’s commercial, I think that he is a cool dog who deserves to eat steak every single day. Not sure of his breed, but he looks like a Briar/Westie mix. Yup, he’s very cool
Agreed – the coolest!
My fav holiday commercial, so sweet! I love when the Boston smiles at the end!!
I found a dog today that looks identical to Chopper except this one is smaller and younger. Oh yeah, I found him tied up to a pole and abandoned. Nice huh? No water, no food and totally panicked. Well I took this pup home and tonight he has a forever home that no one will ever take away from him. He is a love and this pup looks identical to Chopper, so sweet and loving. My gain, the prior owner’s loss, what a dirt bag.
How horrible! I really don’t understand people. I’m so glad that you took this pup in – he’s a lucky dog that you found him!
I couldn’t not help this little dude, he was literally screaming and every car that went by he tried to see if it was his people. Poor little dude was panicked, and I mean panicked and then here comes this person he doesn’t know if they will be nice to him or mean, I reassured him with a sweet, soft voice and before long he was relaxed. I told him what a good boy he is and how he deserves more than what he got and he buried his little head in my lap like he understood. He is the sweetest little boy. Since he looks like Chopper, I’m trying to come up with a similar name for a little Chopper. LOL
Chopper is definitely a terrier mix. Terriers are super smart dogs, they were bred to kill rats. I’m not surprised he is so good at his job. I love watching him and now I have my own Little Chopper.
I’m an animal lover in general, and have had Siamese cats in my life, but Chopper is sooo special- as a mutt it shows all animals can be specials. He brings so much joy when I recognize him in All commercials!!! His little half ear up and half ear down- LOVE CHOPPER. And so proud he was discovered to make his owners and All of America smile!!!!
I totally agree – yay for mutts!
I’m so glad I found your site!! I love Chopper too!! If I ever find one like him I’m getting him/her!! He is so smart, I swore they had multiple dogs doing all the tricks that he can do!! I have four cat’s but I’d take Chopper in a minute:)