Dogs of a feather flock together

I’m back again with more Daily Dog Challenge photos.  It’s so fun to come up with photos that respond to the daily prompts.

Since I’ve been engaging in plenty of navel gazing this week, today’s photos follow on that theme. Although you won’t find any pictures of navels (if I’m being honest, I find bellybuttons gross – no offense, Koly), today’s photos are inspired by the reflective mood that happens as we transition from one year to the next.

Up first, the photo below was in response to the prompt: “Take a photo that signifies a great memory you have with your dog this year.”

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The photo in the photo (how meta) is actually from several years ago. However, I have to admit that giving Bella a bath has resulted in some of my favorite memories over the years. I know she’s not a big fan, but she’s always such a goofball once it’s over that I just have to smile.

The next prompt: “As we get ready to celebrate the New Year, show us your dog being a party animal!”

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Bet Bella wishes I hadn’t picked up this boa to wear to our Clue-themed New Year’s Eve party!

You can see all of the photos submitted as part of the DDC here.  Enjoy!




38 thoughts on “Dogs of a feather flock together

  1. Ohhh, I love the boa picture! I got a new camera… think I may need to check out the Daily Dog Challenge too!
    Diane and Cosmo

  2. Woof! Woof! LOVE the RED feathers. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    If you have not visited my blog … we finally did the blog move to WordPress…Visit my new (WP) blog:
    In order to follow my blog, subscribe to my blog feed (details on my blog) and/or add/update my url to your blog reader. Lots of Golden Thanks

  3. These are lovely photos. I think I need to make a commitment to taking more photos of my dogs… More good photos, that aren't of them sleeping, that is…

  4. I Love that last photo and how the red really accentuates Bella's face! It's a great artificial color contrast against her natural fur colors.

  5. Bella! You are absolutely chic!! What a great color.

    Sage would have made short work of that boa and I sure don't want to think about what would have happen next. πŸ™‚

  6. So stinking cute!!! Love the photos!!! Everything looks a bit more intentional than my mix of snap & shoot photos. Of course, my dog rarely stays still, so that's a challenge in itself.
    Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see more great photos here!!!

  7. I have to admit I love the one with Bella in feathers. Such a rock star diva. I am sure Koly must be jealous. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing that group. I love the idea and the challenge. I'll have to see if I can include it in my daily schedule. I love taking pictures of my dogs.

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