So far this week, the focus has been on spa days (and sudsy pups). Bella doesn’t mind some of the amenities at my day spa, but she’d prefer to skip the bath part of it all.
Anyway, with that in mind, I’m giving you a task. Give me your best captions for these two photos from Bella’s recent bath adventure.
Here’s #1:
Here’s #2:
Get those creative juices flowing, and don’t forget to check out the spa-related giveaways I posted about yesterday.
Really! Already time for my yearly bath!?
Oooo, we don’t like baths either. I can’t really see a difference except the ear. Hmmmm
Uh oh… with talk like that, you might start exposing the ugly truth behind this whole bath racket!
Oh No not the dreaded bath time……your face said it all.
Best wishes Molly
For #1 – “For the love of Dog – Noooo!”
1. Please to not have bath?
2. Where’s that treat you promised?
1. You’re not serious … right?
2. It’s going to be a while until we’re back on speaking terms.
Poor Bella! Ty feels the same way about bath time.
I’m just lucky she has a relatively short memory!
#1 – Whatever it was, I promise I won’t do it again, just please don’t make me take a bath.
#2 – Well that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, do you have a smoke?
And I see nothing odd in picture. 🙁
Hehe… your caption for #2 cracked me up!
1. Please don’t make me go in there. I’ll never roll in mud ever again, I promise! Pleeeaaasse?
2. I am so totally getting mud all over the furniture now. How do you like them apples?
Poor Bella. 😉
I’m so in for it… she’s probably plotting her revenge as we speak.
1st one – “Bath? But I didn’t mean to roll around in the stinky stuff. Really.”
2nd one – “Oh crap. Not another bath. I just had one last month.”
LOL… so true. 🙂
1. If I tell you I love you, can we forget the bath? Please?
2. Baths make me sad….. and fluffy
Great ones! The second one is especially perfect.
Hi Y’all,
How y’all doin’? Just stopped by for a visit. Bella, don’t look so sad! I love takin’ a bath!
Hope y’all are havin’ a great week otherwise!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
#1 “Use the Force, not the bath! Search your feelings…”
#2 “I’m going to look exactly this innocent after I poop in your shoe for this!”
LOL! Both of these are gems.
Lol love the ear flop!!
I’m just amazed that both of Bella’s ears are up in the first shot! Was it caked dirt making it stiff like that? 🙂
Just gravity, I think. 🙂
#1 Dumbo’s ears helped him fly. C’mon dammit, flap.
#2 Walt Disney, you are dead to me.
Genius. I bet Bella wishes her ears could pull a Calgon and take her away.
My sheepdog actually likes the bath, I will have to send in a little video of her jumping into the tub! I used to use a tub mat so she didn’t slip, now no need, she hops right in when I tell her. It is really funny. 🙂
Oh, I’d love to see it!
Oh my gosh those heartbreaking eyes….how could you be so sad Bella I bet you’re smelling gorgeous now :))
She does smell fresh and clean. I approve, even if she does not.
Not gonna lie, she *does not* look thrilled in either picture!
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