Excuse me, you have a singing Bellagram

Hello, hello, hello, you called? I can’t hear a thing.
I cannot hear you in the yard you see, see.
Wha-Wha-What did you say? Oh, you’re just too far away.
Sorry, I cannot hear you I’m busy sniffing.

K-kinda sniffing.
K-kinda sniffing.
Sorry I cannot hear you
I’m kinda sniffing.

Just a second, it’s my favorite toy with which to play
And I cannot come in the house while I’m fetching it, okay?
You should’ve called me sooner before I was running free,
And now you won’t stop calling, but I’m busy sniffing.

Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t want to come in the door.
I want to stay outside and play in the grass more.
Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t want to come in the door.
I want to stay outside and play in the grass more.

The heart wants what it wants – and today my heart wanted to parody another Lady Gaga song.Β I’ll stop now.Β (Also, I won’t lie. I’m kind of addicted to Instagram. Do you use it? If so, follow me and let’s connect!)




22 thoughts on “Excuse me, you have a singing Bellagram

  1. Getting a singing telegram is one of my most deep-seated fears. Now a Bellagram, that’s more like it.

    Bella, you can show up at my door any day. πŸ™‚
    Pamela recently posted..Lap Dog

  2. I must say you have an adorable pup and I absolutely love this post! When I was working out this morning I this song came on so I knew instantly what song you were going for.

    And, I also have a bit of an instagram obsession.
    Emily recently posted..wordless wednesday

  3. I read this last night and completely forgot that I hadn’t responded! Augh!

    First, love, love, love the photo of Miss Bella. I am a sucker for any dog who has one ear up and one ear down. I think it adds to the adorableness factor. πŸ™‚

    Second, I so admire your wit. I love that you can write a whole Bellagram and make it sounds god together. I found myself lyrically singing it as I read it. Thanks for the smile. πŸ™‚
    MelF recently posted..The Scoop on Poop: Do you dump and run?

  4. Pingback: I Still Want More Puppies…and more blog posts. | Kol's Notes

  5. Pingback: I Still Want More Puppies...and more blog posts. - Kol's Notes

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