And she’s making a stairway to Bella.
When you get there you know, that the stairs will be closed.
With a treat you can get to the next floor.
Ooh, you must pay to use the stairway to Bella.
I seriously can’t help myself. The husband sent me this photo and it was just begging for a Led Zeppelin parody, don’t you think?
Now, it’s your turn. How would you caption this Bella?
I don’t know, I love the Zeppelin reference.
How about, “I can’t walk another step and you can’t make me.”
Roxy the Traveling Dog recently posted..Wordless Wednesday
I like that one!
Stairway to Bella is a really nice caption. I like the line about being able to pass to the next floor with a treat. It reminds me of Cerberus the three-headed dog in Greek mythology which guards the gate from Hades. In one story, he is lulled to sleep with music. Why go through all that trouble when Cerberus could have easily been bribed with a treat or two (or three). :0)
Dawn recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Fun in the Sun Dogs
Excellent point!
Love the Zeppelin! Takin’ a little rest between floors!
Corbin recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Maxin’ & Relaxin’
Can’t top your caption! (What an adorable photo!!)
KimT recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: A Special Email
Woof! Woof! LOVE it! Happy WW! Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar
SUGAR: goldenwoofs recently posted..Wordless Wednesday
You can’t get any better than Led Zepplin for this one!
Bassetmomma recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – King of the Crescent
Love it Zepplin and Bella! It doesn’t get any better than that!
Jen recently posted..Sherman’s Protecting and Leroy’s Still Broken.
Full disclosure: although I came up with the lyrics, the husband is the one who came up with “Stairway to Bella.” He just pointed out that I neglected to mention that. LOL.
Georgia Little Pea recently posted..The sisterhood of white pants.
I used to tease him that I didn’t think he read it, so I guess he proved me wrong!
Dogs are so weird. You buy them all these comfortable and expensive beds and they decide to sleep on the floor where they are underfoot. If I had a dog as small as Bella, I imagine I’d step on her far too often.
I think the expression on her face matches the Zepplin theme very well. She is a misunderstood soul.
Kristine recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Fence Friend
It’s so true. She loves the landing and often creates an obstacle course there. (I often sing “Landing Puppy” to the tune of “Captain Planet.”)
I like the Zeppelin reference. It reminds me of my college days. My caption: zzzzzzzzzzz.
Happy Wednesday!
Colby recently posted..Wordlesss Wednesday – Apache, A Guide Dog Puppy In Training
I’ve read all your comments and the best I could do was answer your full disclosure, but a last minute thought just popped into my head.
Bella: I’m so sleepy, I feel like led today.
It’s okay, you can go phooey.
Georgia Little Pea recently posted..The sisterhood of white pants.
Ha! I love it.
The Zepplin reference is perfect. But, since you are asking for another caption:
“Where is the elevator!”
She’d probably appreciate that… she’s a lazy gal.
“StairMaster”, though I like yours better with the lyric parody!
2 Punk Dogs recently posted..Tiger Butt
Hehe… I like that one too!
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Just stopping by to tell you that I passed on the One Lovely Bloggers Award to you! Check out the url for the post:
Have a great weekend!
Wags and Woofs,
Dogs N Pawz
Aw… thank you!
“I couldn’t finish my climb”
Funny Dog Videos recently posted..K9 Kenzo Saves Officers
Carry Me!
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