Make of our paws one paw…

I’m using the term “paw” quite loosely here, as you’ll see…

First, I’m happy to tell you that (currently) the knots in my stomach have loosened a little. I’m still not back to normal, but I think I’m taking steps in that direction.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled linkage. Today’s theme? Odd couples.

  1. Your punny pet names: Mutt Abbott and Mew Costello. (Or, if you prefer: Bud Rabbit and Lou Dogstello. Also, here’s a bonus pun for you.)
  2. You guys. This dog and cheetah are just… Internet, you have outdone yourself.
  3. In other spot-related news, can someone please explain to me why this piglet looks so much like the aforementioned cheetah?
  4. Apparently baa-baa-bird is now the word.
  5. Speaking of things I’ve heard, it seems that chicks really dig cats. (I’m officially declaring this one a trend. You know, because I have authority to do that.)
  6. Crabs: friends or toys that don’t require batteries? You be the judge.
  7. This bunny, lion & dog trio are just too much to handle. (But are they Super Golden Friends? We may never know.)
  8. Next movie pitch: The Fawn & the Hound. (This time, I demand a happy ending.)
  9. Finally, I’m also a sucker for a good game of tug. This one’s pretty fun.

I chose today’s featured video in large part due to the commenter who referred to them as Rovermeo & Gentooliet. (Also, due to the commenter who made up a punny song about it.) I’m not going to lie, I’m somewhat confused as to how this scene occurred and I’m not about to suggest these two actually get to hang out, but still…

So there you have it… happy Friday! (Unrelated Friday the 13th link: in spite of my rural upbringing, this one is so me.) I hope I’ve made up for last week’s hiatus!




8 thoughts on “Make of our paws one paw…

  1. OMG I couldnt stop smiling watching that super friends video. Classic.

    Seems I’ve missed some important life changing posts this week. I hope you feel better now and the boys too. Hubby and I talked, or should I say cursed, a lot the first few MONTHS after getting Georgia. She changed our relaxed routine so much. We blamed each other AND Rufus especially for picking such a horror LOL. It all worked out fine of course and we can’t imagine what a bore our lives would be now without her.

    Hugs X
    Georgia Little Pea recently posted..Spit the dummy, what.

    • They’ve remained steady since Friday… not any worse, but not any better.

      I can’t resist a Cheetah & dog combo. You’re probably right – they’re totally playing us.

    • Whew… luckily that was not the inspiration for the post title! Although a perfectly choreographed routine could be cute, I’d like to miss out on any dogfights, for sure.

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