22 thoughts on “What a difference a (spa) day makes

  1. LOL. I think he looks like quite the gentleman now. Though judging by his sober expression, I’d say he thinks he looked better in the first photo. I am sure it won’t take him long to undo all that work!

    Bella, of course, is adorable as always.

    • I can so see it! It’s probably the face. He has a tooth that needs to come out (the vet recommended we let him settle in first), so we asked the groomer to take it easy around his face for now.

    • He’s been grinning after too, but I just didn’t capture it on film. I think he was wondering what on earth my DSLR was!

      Bella seems… unimpressed. πŸ™‚

  2. Aww, he is very very cute (and Bella is, too, as usual). Although, I have to say, I am all about a scruffy dog, so I prefer the scraggly look to the pretty look–and this is totally why I should never ever get a dog without short hair. People would call the ASPCA on me.
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