Six silly reasons to adopt a dog

Blog the ChangeI’m not going to lie to you. I had a hard time deciding what to write about for today’s Blog the Change event.ย For some reason, I had a case of writer’s block. Finally, I decided to share a few simple reasons to adopt a dog. When all else fails, keep it simple, right?

  1. If you’re going to adopt something, a dog is smaller than a highway. (You’ll still have to do cleanup duty, however.)
  2. You can tell people you’re part of the A Team. You know, for adoption. (I don’t think anyone says that, but let’s make it a thing. I pity the fool who doesn’t adopt!)
  3. It’s called animal rescue… so it follows that by rescuing a pup, you’re a hero. Who doesn’t want to be a hero?
  4. An adopted pup will never ask you who his or her biological parents are. No angst, no awkward adoption conversations!
  5. You’ll be part of an amazing group of people. Seriously. I’m constantly running to other people in my neighborhood who have rescued pups. It’s pretty cool.
  6. I’ll think you’re awesome. Seems like a pretty solid reason to me.

Wondering what other causes I’ve highlighted? I don’t always have writer’s block. In the past, I’ve covered a variety of topics, includingย dog rescue,ย finding the perfect volunteer opportunity,ย shelter photography,ย the evils of puppy mills,ย Pets of the Homeless,ย celebrating Petfinder,ย domestic violence and pets, andย adoptable bunnies. Feel free to swing by and check them out.

Whatever you do, make sure to explore the other great blogs participating today…




24 thoughts on “Six silly reasons to adopt a dog

  1. Thank you for commenting on my blog for change! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your blog, I would love to follow it, but as I am rather new to wordpress and do not see a follow button am unsure how?

  2. (sorry I’ll show who I am so you know who is talking to you)
    Thank you for commenting on my blog for change! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your blog, I would love to follow it, but as I am rather new to wordpress and do not see a follow button am unsure how?

    • Do you use Google Reader or anything similar? There’s a linnk to the RSS feed in the upper right corner if you do.

      You can also subscribe by email – just fill in your email address in the box in the right sidebar – also upper right corner of this page. ๐Ÿ™‚

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