Do your dogs kiss each other? I ask, because apparently mine do.
Well, one of them does. The other one just looks puzzled.
I’ve read that this licking behavior might be a sign of affection. I hope that’s the case, because that’s a pretty nice idea.
On the other hand, Tavish licks everything that moves, so maybe Bella just ends up in the right place at the right time. On the other other hand, Bella licks everything too, but she doesn’t usually lick Tavish. How do your dogs show affection?
(Want to check out some real mischief? Swing by the Monday Mischief blog hop!)
Welcome to the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s Notes, PupLove, Rescued Insanity, Woof Woof Mama & I Still Want More Puppies!

Our dogs give each other kisses as well. They also do by doing a loving cuddle and roll around each other with a hint of bitey face. But always with lots of kisses. 🙂
Cute photo. 🙂
Oh, so cute! Bella and Tavish haven’t gotten to the cuddling stage yet, but I’m still hoping they will. 🙂
I don’t have 2 dogs but I have a cat and a dog and they kiss each other ALL of the time! Darling photo!
caren gittleman recently posted..Purina is Searching for America’s Most Pet-Friendly Companies!
That’s so sweet!
Stella-Bob the puppy kisses Haylie – I always heard it was submission gesture. I like to think they just love each other 🙂
Kari recently posted..New Baby and Dogs
That’s what I like to think too. 🙂
Rita doesn’t have a sibling, but I have seen her sometimes sneak a kiss with other dogs, like her cousin Lucy. She hardly ever kisses me or my hubs, so we are jealous when she kisses Lucy. (Yes, we are odd.)
Rita likes to put her paw on me. I’m hoping that is a sign of love – and not a “get up and do something with me. NOW.”-gesture.
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Monday Mischief: Slobber-fest
hehe… Bella & Tavish are masters of that paw gesture too!
(Tavish also kisses me and the hub constantly. He’s a lover.)
Since we only have a dog and a cat, our dog definitely does not lick our cat. She knows she would probably lose her tonque!
This picture is adorable, though. The outfits make it perfect!
Kristine recently posted..An Introvert’s #BarkWorld Experience
Shiva’s brave, but not foolhardy! 🙂
Kelly does this! Well, with her it is more like grooming than kissing. She cleans Brooks’ ears and eyes! He doesn’t especially enjoy it but he puts up with it. I think it’s a sign of her feeling of dominance over him, or maybe it’s more of a maternal thing. He never kisses her back…not even under the mistletoe!
Peggy Frezon recently posted..Holiday destination with your dog–San Francisco
Interesting that Kelly is the one who does the licking. It’s the opposite in my house!
Mine lick each other all the damn time!! ahah…it’s so cute though, I love it.
Bebe recently posted..TTE Thrills and Spills Wednesday!
I bet!
Well, I’m the only dog but the cats will lick me and rub up against me and I have been known to lick and nibble on them too (don’t tell).
Your secret’s safe with me.
I sometimes smoochie the fosters, but I have to really like the fosters to smoochie them… and they have to be girl fosters, I don’t smoochie the dudes, except dad!
Corbin recently posted..Corbin Photos!
haha… Too funny!
Such a sweet photo! My three rarely kiss each other, though they do wag at each other when they come into the room. It totally melts me when they do that! Cooper tends to lick other dogs’ mouths, which is gross!
Maggie recently posted..The best gifts for pet lovers: BlogPaws 2012 holiday gift guide
Aw, the wagging is really cute too. 🙂
love this picture…..dogs are so 2 younger girls, kiss one another….except when food is involved then they get territorial. but they love one another….the baby, 2 yrs old, tried to cuddle up to her older sister who is 11, but she wont have it….
I’m still waiting on the cuddling from my two…
Buster and Ty don’t smooch each other – but they both have been trained to smooch me!
Amy@GoPetFriendly recently posted..Ambushed by Hotel Pet Fees
Haha… no one had to train Tavish to do that. He’s a licking machine!
Cheyenne, my 11yo dog, will lick my 3yo dog Shiloh- if I’m petting her, lol. When I get home from work and sit on the couch, both dogs will come up to me. Cheyenne lines up for her ear scratching, and Shiloh crawls up near her. When he gets close, if I’m still petting her, Cheyenne will lick Shiloh- cleaning his face and ears. The second I stop, if he still has his face in front of hers, she’ll snap at him to get away. Other times he tries to lick her to get her attention, but she doesn’t care for it.
How interesting!
When I hear I want more puppy…..I would love to have more puppy I have 2. I love your blogs and pictures of all the puppy. Thanks
Sharon Gilbert recently posted..Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers Day 23: Chet the Dog