As you know, I am addicted to awards shows. The Academy Awards are this weekend, which makes me feel… well, kind of like this.
(Oh, and if you follow me on Twitter, I apologize in advance for the fact that I will probably tweet far too much about the Oscars on Sunday evening.)
- Your punny pet names are, of course, inspired by this year’s nominees: Spaniel Day-Lewis, Alan Barkin, and Fang Lee.
- I wish I was throwing an Oscar party so that I could make these punny foods. I’m especially partial to Beets of the Southern Wild.
- Has there ever been a puppy purse on the red carpet at the Academy Awards? Well, there will be soon. To paraphrase Ted Mosby… Pulling. It. Off.
- I would very much like to hire these animal doppelgängers to star in punny remakes of my favorite Oscar movies. (Until then, this video will have to do.)
- If that random Tupac hologram isn’t available, maybe the Academy should consider asking Tupac Shacorgi to be a presenter instead. Ratings gold.
- I enjoy this slightly different take on the Best Picture race.
- Speaking of Best Picture winners, these posters are pretty cool.
- Still need to fill out your Oscar ballot? Here’s one way to make your picks.
I was torn between two videos this week, both starring the canine star of a past Best Picture winner: Uggie from The Artist! Although this one features Uggie in a tie, the corny humor in the video below edged it out by the slimmest of margins.
Finally, in conclusion… thanks, Meryl.
I want one of those purses!! It will rock for the Dog Squad at blogpaws!!
Jodi recently posted..Co-Hosted Follow-Up Friday
You are so right… maybe we have found our Dog Squad gear!
Those purses are too cute! I want one!
Dogs N Pawz recently posted..Dogs Won’t Be In The Dog House In Luxury Dog Friendly Cottages
I don’t know which doppelganger I like better. Bradley Cooper at a sloth or Philip Seymour Hoffman as a fluffy chicken.
Karen Friesecke recently posted..How To Avoid Dog Food Recalls
Great post. Shouldn’t we all have a puppy purse?
Sue at Talking Dogs recently posted..Help! A Cat Music Video: Dog Song Saturday
I have a puppy purse. I can’t believe y’all don’t.
The doppelgangers are hysterical. (And speaking of doppelgangers and Ron Swanson… I have a friend whose dog looks just like him.) Maybe I’ll post their pics on my own blog and steal – I mean borrrow – your idea of sharing the Oscar nominee doppelgangers. (I’ve never used the word doppelganger so many times in one paragraph. And I learned that it needs an umlaut, so this was educational. Thank you.)
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Mirth Watch Thursday: March of the Penguin
You really have one? How have I been missing out?
You totally need to post a picture of the dog that looks like Ron Swanson! (I didn’t know there was an umlaut until spell check taught me while I was doing this post, so we’re learning together.)
I also get excited about the award shows. Until I realize that due to my tight budget this year, I haven’t seen any of the films.
Adding more dogs (although who needs the dresses and bows) would definitely win my vote.
And I’m sure I’d do a lot more drinking if there were Jack Russells involved.
Pamela | Something Wagging This Way Comes recently posted..10 Tips To Take Your Dog from Homebody to Adventure Pup
I didn’t see as many as usual – I didn’t even manage to go see Argo, and it won. Oops! I did see Silver Linings Playbook, Les Mis & Life of Pi.
Isn’t everything better with more dogs?