Does your dog sleep with a stuffed animal?

When I was a kid, my dog Scotti had two favorite teddy bears. She always carried one with her everywhere, and often slept with one of them.


Bella’s never been one for stuffed animals. She just tends to sprawl out. Sometimes she’ll end up with her head on a toy, but not always.


Tavish, on the other hand, likes to snuggle with his favorite toy. He has a blue stuffed dinosaur that he just adores. He puts it in his bed and snuggles up with it at night.


So, do your dogs like to snuggle with their stuffed friends?




21 thoughts on “Does your dog sleep with a stuffed animal?

  1. Yep! He either sleeps with two in his “area” (crate, blanket, surrounding carpet) or two in the living area. Sometimes he’ll use one as a pillow but only 2 of the four are used for that, I guess the other two just aren’t soft enough!
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  2. Henry often will grab something but isn’t picky as to what it is. Could be a toy. Could be clean laundry. Zachary snuggles with us. πŸ™‚

  3. Pingback: Does your pet sleep with stuffed animals? | Huggable Love

  4. My dog used to sleep with a tiny Teddy Bear, but now shes grown out of it and might have buried the bear as I haven’t seen it in a while.

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