You put the lime on the pup-o-nut…

No Frown Friday is back, baby!

  1. First up, your punny pet name: John Stamouse. (Bonus: I love a punny dog business.) (Double bonus: Colonel Meow!)
  2. The specials at this pizza place are a work of genius. I want to go to there… although then I might never want to leave. I am in awe. I mean, I almost didn’t finish writing this post because I wanted to read them all. (It’s hard to pick a favorite, but here’s a dog-related one for your enjoyment.)
  3. I’m not too proud to admit that this next link cracked me up. It’s a list of celebrity names that are also sentences. I think I just found a new party game.
  4. Have you seen the new someecards for pet lovers? I think that this one might be my favorite.
  5. Well, my dogs are often hungry like the wolf, so I guess this all adds up. (Wondering if that Duran Duran reference was intentional? Stop wondering.)
  6. I loved this video about an adorable therapy dog. You go, dog Koko.

Finally, here’s this week’s video:

Have a fantastic weekend!




9 thoughts on “You put the lime on the pup-o-nut…

  1. Pingback: What I Am Reading: Not Keeping My Promises Edition

  2. Another wonderful bit of links. I’d even considering not grooming Honey myself if we had a Temple of Groom in Ithaca.

    But I loved the video that proves yet again that puppy play time is more important than worrying about lime juice ruining your floor finish.

    Oh, and yes, I love the Harry Nilsson song title pun. It’s a fitting way to honor the writer of the Puppy Song.
    Pamela | Something Wagging This Way Comes recently posted..Don’t Let Anyone Judge You as a Bad Dog Owner – Good for the Dog; Good for You

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