My pups know that the freezer must contain some interesting art or a brainteaser, as I’m often staring in there at night while pondering something. (You know, like whether to have an ice cream sandwich.)
My pups know that the freezer must contain some interesting art or a brainteaser, as I’m often staring in there at night while pondering something. (You know, like whether to have an ice cream sandwich.)
My dogs know enough to blackmail me for life.
jan recently posted..Animal Abusers Registry–an idea whose time has come
Amen, sister!
My dog knows enough not to spill the beans!
It’s probably god that mine can’t talk… π
LOL! That is so cute. My dogs must think I am a crazy person. At least they know it. π
Melf recently posted..The Old Daisy β A Look Back
And they love us anyway. π
That I’m a softie and “NO” does not always mean No.
Wyatt’s Mom
Wyatt recently posted..Chase it Down!
Oh, that’s a good one!
LOL Jasmine liked to stick her nose into the fridge when we opened the door too. Check out all her goodies and see what she’d likely want next. The decisions sometimes don’t come easy.
Jana Rade recently posted..What Happens In The Dog’s Body With Zinc Toxicity?
Aw… I can totally relate.
Love that video! My dogs know everything about me. We have no secrets… even going to the bathroom is a three dog event π
Sue at Talking Dogs recently posted..Dog Video: When You Board Your Dogs
LOL… too funny!
She knows WAY too much about me. Luckily she is not judgmental.
And now I’m hungry for an ice cream sandwich.
Very jealous of you being off at Blog Paws!
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: The Almost-Perfect Doormat
There’s never a bad time for an ice cream sandwich. π
My dog knows all my secrets… It’s a good job she’s discreet…
dog friendly cottage recently posted..Why Dogs Rule and Cats Drool
Loved that video. My dogs know mama goes away and then she comes back with a bag full of treats.
Jodi recently posted..The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men