Do dogs need a creative outlet?
During BlogPaws this past weekend (more on that later), I ended up talking to a fellow blogger about how blogging allows me to satisfy my creative side. I couldn’t help but wonder, how do dogs scratch that creative itch?
For example, Tavish has found a way to channel his creative energies. He’s becoming quite the crafty canine. While I was busy attending sessions on Friday, Tavish was busy constructing this:
He’s really been in a fort phase lately. The photo above depicts just one of his many creations. Some of his more advanced work even incorporates a blanket.
Next time your dog is bored, perhaps you should encourage him to embrace his inner abstract artist (or his inner Bob the Builder). It’s a little known fact, but fort building is good for the soul. Have more than one dog? They can work together to improve their interpersonal (inter-pup-sual?) skills.
Be sure to give your dog space, however. Some artists don’t like to be interrupted when they’re creating.
You should also reassure your dog not to get stressed out if the fort doesn’t come together right away. The creative process can take time, so breaks are encouraged.
So, there you have it. An easy craft project for any dog. It’s a good thing.
(Want to check out some real mischief? Swing by the Monday Mischief blog hop!)
That Tavish is one cute pup. And smart! He clearly earned a degree in civil engineering AND architecture!
Can I pretend that he’s growing his hair out so that he’ll more closely resemble Einstein? It’s his attempt to make sure we recognize his genius.
My dogs are undoubtedly fort making experts! I think it’s time they considered a new hobby before I am completely out of cushions!!
Tavish should be very proud of his fort making skills!
Becca T recently posted..Gran Bazar Primavera de Andale
He’s ridiculously cute – and quite talented as well. Ty and Buster never seem to have the urge to build. They’re too busy examining the inside of their eyelids.
Amy@GoPetFriendly recently posted..Happy Birthday, Buster!
That’s Bella’s favorite hobby too.
Ha ha ha! Tavish really should have come to walk down the red carpet! I think Bunny has taken a page from Tavish’s playbook. I’ll have to take pictures of one of her creations so they can take notes!
houndstooth4 recently posted..So Why Go To A Pet Blog Conference
He probably would have tried to claim the red carpet as his own, if you know what I mean…
My dogs are very uncreative, I’ve never once seen either one of them even attempt such an undertaking. I was however suitably impressed when shown Tavish’s artistic skills this past weekend.
And to think while we were drinking and having fun, poor little Tavish was home holding down the fort.
Jodi recently posted..Drifting on Petfinder
The wordplay! You get me. You really get me.
Oh wow! How creative! My pups never build forts. They just walk around looking for chicken, duck and rabbit poo, which they find in abundance. Did I miss you at BlogPaws? I was in the booth with the chicks.
Flea recently posted..Disaster Relief on Tasty Tuesday
I think I did miss you! I popped over there briefly, but then never made it back. The best laid plans…
He he, our cats like to do that…are you sure your not part cat?
Well, he does sleep in a cat bed… don’t tell anyone.
Wow, Tavish sure is creative! We don’t have pillows on our couch or blankets (because we’re really boring and have no sense of style obviously), but I bet if we did, Riley and Chloe would have a ball rearranging them to their hearts’ content!!
Where was Bella during all of the abstract art-eest’s creations? Probably staying out of trouble!
So great to meet you this weekend!
Elyse and Riley recently posted..While Mom’s Away…Riley Will PLAY!
Bella was supervising… with her eyes closed.
I prefer to knock all the pillows off the couch.
Kirby the Dorkie recently posted..Paleo Chef for Dogs – Free Kindle Book
Wow he is quite talented!
Ann Paws recently posted..Cute Baby Cardinals!
So you have a barkitecht in the family, huh? A regular I.M. (pup)Pei? This generation’s Frank Lloyd Bite? Perhaps the next Mies Van der Ruff?
You better stop me. I could do this all day.
Pamela recently posted..What is BlogPaws Like for a Dog?
Why would I stop you? Please keep going.
I’ll have to show this tutorial to Jersey & Dexter
Karen Friesecke recently posted..Dog A Day Project – The Long Weekend Is Over
You totally should!
Ahhhhh – it’s a rainy Sunday here. Our dogs have camped out all over our sofas and chairs. Our youngest, Blue, likes to sleep on back of the coach like a cat and eventually sinks in between the cushions – kind of making his own fort
Kimberly, The Fur Mom recently posted..Oklahoma Inspires 10 Ways We Can Help Pets in Need #Paws4OK #BlogPaws