Okay, so I’ve been in kind of a blogging funk lately. My goal is to get back on track ASAP and kick this case of blogger’s block. Until then, please enjoy these sleeping dogs. They’re holding down the blog while I get myself together. At least I’m in good paws. After all, I couldn’t ask for two cuter sentries.
So glad they are guarding the castle so thoroughly! Wow. I had no idea they were guard dogs at all.
BTW – Don’t worry about that blogger’s block. We all go through it. It seems to hit a few years out. I went through it too.
melf recently posted..Wordless Wednesday #150
I know, right? They hide it well.
Oh, and thanks… I hope you’re right and that I get past it soon!
Mom says dog sleeping photos are best photos. I see one “eye” open. LOVE the blue dragon sleeping dragon.
Bloggers Block … must be the weather. You’ll be back soon.
Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
SUGAR: Golden Woofs recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: BUSY
I hope that’s all it is! I don’t know where my head’s been lately.
We might look like we’re sleeping, but I assure you we hear everything!
Taryn recently posted..Wilson’s Wagon on Wordless Wednesday
So adorabella and tavishly delicious!
Now I want some Lucky Charms… even though I don’t even really like them.
Ooh, I’m a little worried about Bella after reading your caption. Let’s hope she gives up her guard post a little faster than the Black Knight.
Pamela recently posted..Canine Coral – Wordless Wednesday
Now I want to watch that movie again…
Haha! I always laugh when security system sales people come to the door and suggest maybe we don’t need one because of the dogs… Their guarding skills are similar to yours!
Jen K recently posted..Monday Mischief, 13th edition
Well, if a vicious doorbell attacks, Tavish will be on the job in seconds!
According to my dogs, dogs never are truly asleep. They are ready to spring into action at the first sign of danger. Could have fooled me.
jan recently posted..Urban Mushing with Tofu the rescue Poodle
We just can’t understand their advanced tactics, I guess…
They sure look comfy and happy!
emma recently posted..Candyland | GBGV | Wordless Wednesday
Awww, my Abby had that same dragon toy! (She destroyed it…)
Pamela’s comment cracked me up!
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Cover Reveal for “Rescue Me, Maybe”!
Aw… Tavish keeps this (and a Dino from the same line) in his bed.
I could sit and watch them sleep for hours and sometimes do.
Jodi recently posted..Follow-Up Friday – July 26, 2013