7 other things you could do with a puppy brother

Okay, so I’m assuming that most of you have seen the puppy brother commercial. If you haven’t, today’s post will probably make more sense if you watch this video first:


I like the way that girl thinks. However, if you’re unconvinced by her reasoning – although I think taking him to show and tell and saying, “hey everyone, here’s my puppy brother” is a solid justification – let’s talk. I don’t want you to miss out on something awesome. After all, what’s not to love about this idea?

Without further ado, here are seven other things you could do with a puppy brother:

Simplify. Justย buy him a shirt declaring his puppy brother status. Then you can save your voice in case a big audition pops up.

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Alternatively, you could purchase a pair of shades and have a Puppy Blues Brother.

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Wondering if your “friends” are talking about you behind your back? Send in the perfect spy. Your puppy brother will fit right in, and they won’t suspect a thing.

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Use him to get one step closer to Jon Hamm.

I'm with you, Don

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Get free stuff by making good use of those irresistible puppy dog eyes.

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Don’t worry about that assignment. You’ve got a built in excuse. Silly puppy brother… always eating your homework. (Make sure to clue him in on the plan though.)

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Ask him to invite all of his new friends to your house for a sleepover. You know why.

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So, what would you do if you had a puppy brother?




18 thoughts on “7 other things you could do with a puppy brother

  1. Hysterical. And I love that commercial, especially the look on the little girl’s face at the end. Like yeah, that makes perfect sense!

    If I had a puppy brother I would let him eat all the foods Mom makes that I don’t like!
    Sass muffins recently posted..Ace Is The Place

  2. Technically, I am the puppy sister in the house but there has been some talk about getting me a baby sister one day. I would definitely show her the ropes and let her do some of my dirty work too ๐Ÿ™‚ We don’t think we will ever have a male dog, so I have to bark about a puppy sister.
    emma recently posted..Candyland | GBGV | Wordless Wednesday

  3. Love it. The last one is my fave. If I had a puppy brother, I’d probably hug him way more than I hug my real brother. I might feel weird about rubbing his belly though….

    My brother is an awesome cook (the best in our family with 5 girls and 1 boy) so I would hate to lose that. I doubt a puppy brother would make excellent fried chicken. He’d have to really make up for it in terms of sheer cuteness!
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  4. It’s one of my favorite commercials. I really want a puppy brother. If someone makes me mad my puppy brother will growl and bark at them and if I want something, I will send him over and his sweet puppy breath will win them over.

    You can’t lose if you have a puppy brother.
    Jodi recently posted..Follow-Up Friday โ€“ July 26, 2013

  5. That commercial is so funny… You know, I think I almost had a puppy brother, like for reals. My brother lived most of his younger years pretending that he was a dog named Rocky. Of course, I also almost had a turtle brother too. That was the other animal he liked to pretend to be. ๐Ÿ™‚
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