Caption this dog: Head of the class Posted on August 7, 2013 by Pup Fan You have to face your problems head-on… Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments! Similar Smells:So long, farewell...You give cats... a bad nameWalking in a Neutered WonderlandComments comments
“She’s deciding who gets a bath. *PANIC* Don’t make eye contact!” Jodi, Kolchak & Felix recently posted..Meaty Fruit Jerky Dog Treat Recipe Reply ↓
“One ear cocked for the rattle of the cookie jar — check! Innocent face in place — check! Patch of sunshine — check! Now to wait for the inevitable human gushing followed by treats…” houndstooth recently posted..A Taste Of Instinct Reply ↓
“She’s deciding who gets a bath. *PANIC* Don’t make eye contact!”
Jodi, Kolchak & Felix recently posted..Meaty Fruit Jerky Dog Treat Recipe
He usually gets his from the groomer, so he’s safe from my clutches!
“My owner just farted right here in this spot. Ah…….”
I blame Mr. Pup Fan then…
“One ear cocked for the rattle of the cookie jar — check!
Innocent face in place — check!
Patch of sunshine — check!
Now to wait for the inevitable human gushing followed by treats…”
houndstooth recently posted..A Taste Of Instinct
Her blog title says “I still want more puppies” but this pose should cure her.