This past weekend, we went on a road trip to visit my in-laws. As you can see, the dogs were thrilled about the prospect of being in the car for five hours.
Bella has visited my in-laws (and has stayed with them) many a time. Tavish visited them for the first time this past Christmas, and he did great. They’ve also visited him at our house, and he was a big fan. This time, however, he alternated between cool cucumber and barking fool. Allow me to explain…
Things that Tavish barked at this weekend
- Doorbells
- Cell phones
- When the front door opened
- When the back door opened
- When the pantry door opened
- When we put up the baby gate
- When we took down the baby gate
- When someone sat a cup down too loudly
- The motion light turning on
- The motion light turning off
- Dogs barking (it was totally the Twilight Bark on Saturday)
- Dogs not barking
- Dogs standing nearby
- Dogs walking by
- People walking by
- Cars driving by
- Trucks driving by
- People arriving
- People leaving
- People riding bikes
- People not riding bikes
- People hugging
- People standing up after sitting on the couch
- People sitting down on the couch after standing
- People just sitting on the couch
- People shifting position on the couch
- People closing the recliner
- People opening the recliner
- People turning off mute on the TV
- A toddler running (during a brief visit)
- A toddler not running (ditto)
- A toddler attempting to play fetch
- Nothing (or something that we could not hear)
Things that Bella barked at this weekend
- Tavish barking
Things that I wished I could bark at this weekend
- Tavish
Things that I did not bark at this weekend
- Tavish
- Bella
Things that are still cute in spite of being barking machines
- Tavish
Things that are cute and not really barking machines
- Bella
Things I realized this weekend
- That I have an upper limit to my barking tolerance
- That we really need to work on teaching Tavish a “be quiet” cue
- That I’ve been lazy in not teaching that cue sooner
- That I will be teaching him said cue posthaste
I realize that this list makes it sound like Tavish spent the whole weekend barking. I promise that I’m exaggerating… at least a little bit. He spent a lot of time sleeping on, playing with, licking, snuggling, and being adored by my in-laws too.
Yes, Gracie will be quite and then give an all points bulletin bark out of the middle of nowhere that will scare you to death. And all because she saw a knat at forty paces. Who knows???
Sass muffins recently posted..Spa Day
Maybe Tavish was barking at a gnat when I couldn’t figure out what had set him off!
Oh ouch. Sounds familiar. I swear Bella barks at falling leaves in the Fall so I feel your pain. Quiet is a good cue if you can get the dog to shut up long enough to hear/see you give it. 😉
Leslie recently posted..Wordless Wednesday 100 – Miss Moody
I have a feeling that will be a challenge…
There may have been evil spirits at your in-law’s house and now they are gone, thanks to fearsome barking.
jan recently posted..Researchers say dogs will be able to talk to humans in 5 years
Well, then I should give Tavish a thank you treat!
That is a long list of things he barked at!!! D: But you’re great. I believe I probably have the lowest level of barking tolerance. I jump and usually yell in horrified in surprise if Donna even just bark one time, and that makes whoever in the same room as me jump and look around in horror too. Hahaha! Thank fully Donna doesn’t bark. Not really. Wishing you quick success with the be quiet cue 🙂
weliveinaflat recently posted..How to take a dog selfie
Jasmine would bark at some things at HER places. Though not so much after we got JD–most of the time she had him to do the “dirty work.”
She wouldn’t bark when visiting somebody else’s place. “Your place, your problem.”
Jana Rade recently posted..Symptoms To Watch For In Your Dog: Excessive Head Shaking
Yeah… that’s what I found odd. He seemed more barky there than he ever is at our house!
Woah! And I thought I bark a lot; at a family member arriving by car, someone entering, food, other dogs, stuff humans can’t hear….
Ha! This was a funny read and I love your use of lists. I’m sorry you had to deal with Tavish barking so much! Maybe he was being extra protective of everyone in a semi unfamiliar place.
Michelle recently posted..Get Crafty! How to Make Fabric Tassels
Perhaps… I never could figure out what was going through his head.
Good luck with the no barking cue. Mom has yet to get my howling under control.
emma recently posted..Outerspace | GBGV | Wordless Wednesday
Funny! Any theories as to why?
When we take Rita new places she’ll bark a lot at strange noises (and unfortunately a lot of it is “strange” in a new place). She has grave concerns for our safety, I guess.
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Mirth Watch Thursday: Lion Cubs, Meatball(s) and a Social-Networking Bear
So far, I’m clueless…
Wouldn’t know anything about a dog what barks. Nope, nothing at all. *whistling*
one person’s view recently posted..Glutton for Punishment
When someone rings my doorbell, I would bet money you can hear Jimmy barking over at your house!
Taryn recently posted..A Wee Widdle Wilson on Wordless Wednesday
This totally cracked me up, though I’m sure it’s not as funny for you! It’s exactly what it’s like taking Cooper places… the nonstop, earsplitting barking! Like you, I totally have an upper limit, though it’s not actually all that “upper.” It’s pretty “lower.” I’ve been working on teaching a knock-it-off-right-now cue (“enough”), but it’s tough with multiple dogs because they feed off of each other barking so much. Good luck! Let me know if you hit on a solution!
Maggie recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Whadya suppose…?
Honestly, since we’ve been home, he’s maybe barked three times all week. I don’t get him.
OMD HOW YOU MADE ME LAUGH!!! This sounds just like Dakota!
Caren Gittleman recently posted..Dearborn Animal Shelter to host Adopt-A-Thon at Westborn Mall. #Michigan
Ah ha ha, isn’t it weird the things they bark at when they are somewhere other than home?
I really heart this list.
Jodi recently posted..Follow-Up Friday Has Fleas
On our last visit, Silas barked at my dad for folding laundry. I really thought I’d seen (heard) it all, but obviously not.
Jessica recently posted..Socialization
Haha… I guess I should be glad that there was no laundry while Tavish was visiting!
That’s a whole lot of barking. 🙂
joann stancer recently posted..Follow Up Friday
Well that’s a fun list. I definitely have an upper level on my barking tolerance and sometimes, Felix decides to test me.
Surprisingly, now that we’re in an apartment, he’s not as barky. I guess the yard was his trigger. Hmmmmm…seems like Tavish has a lot of triggers. LOL
Kolchak, Felix & Jodi recently posted..Fetch Friday: This is Not a Joke Edition
You know, it’s funny… most of these things wouldn’t even catch his attention at our house. I’m happy about that, even if I wish he wasn’t so barky while visiting the in-laws this time.