150 punny cat names… and counting

I was browsing the list of terms that bring people to this blog (as you do), and I realized that quite a few people are searching for punny cat names. I’ve shared several on the blog, but I’ve never compiled them into one post. Today, that changes.

Dear Cat Lover:

Thank you for visiting this blog in search of punny cat names, despite the puppy-focused title. Although I’m currently a crazy dog lady, my first love was a cat. I still consider myself one of you. Honestly, a more accurate title for this blog would be “I Still Want More Puppies and a Cat or Two, But My Dogs Would Chase Them so I Can’t Actually Have a Cat.” Catchy, right? I totally should have gone with that one.

someecards.com - There's nothing like watching cat videos to help me pass the time until I can see my cat again.

… or to fill that cat-sized hole in my heart.

I tend to make a lot of puns. One might even say that I make a lot of bad puns. However, if even one of those puns can bring joy to your life – or a punny name to a feline in search of an identity – then all of this punning will be worth it.

Over the years, I’ve shared several punny cat names on this blog. Although last year I shared a list of punny names to date, it wasn’t cat-specific. So, in order to make your life easier, I’ve compiled them all into one comprehensive list below.

(As a bonus, I added a few new ones. You’ll also find a few that I thought could work for both dogs and cats. If I found it somewhere else before I thought of it myself, I’ve linked to that source.)

  1. Abraham Lynxin
  2. A-fleas Anzari
  3. Baz Purrman
  4. Blanche Deverpaw (she can hang out with the Golden Retriever Girls)
  5. Bill Lumbfurg
  6. Bob Scratchit
  7. Brad Kitt
  8. Brenda Flea (always Scratchin’ Around the Christmas Tree)
  9. Bruce Stringsteen
  10. Catalie Coughlin
  11. Catalie Portman
  12. Cat Benetar
  13. Cat Damon
  14. Cat Middleton
  15. Catnip Everdeen (from District 12, of course)
  16. Catnippa Middleton
  17. Catrick Stewart
  18. Catsy Cline
  19. Catti LaBelle
  20. Catty Griffin
  21. Cat Winslet
  22. Cheetah Rivera
  23. Chris Yarnell
  24. Cindy Clawford
  25. Colin Furth
  26. Collin Furrel
  27. Chairman Meow
  28. Colonel Meow
  29. Christina Aguill-hair-a
  30. Daniel Day-Mewis
  31. David Meowie
  32. Debbie Hairy
  33. Diane Kitten
  34. Doctor Mew
  35. Don Drapurr (you just know he wrote the Meow Mix jingle)
  36. Drew Hairymore
  37. Ebefleazer Scrooge
  38. Effie Trincat (may the treats be ever in your flavor)
  39. F. Scott Fitz-feral
  40. Feral Ladd
  41. Ferris Mewler
  42. Fleador Seuss Geisel
  43. Flea Michele
  44. Fleas Witherspoon
  45. Fleyonce Knowles
  46. Frank Catra
  47. Frank Lloyd Bite (the first cat to attend barkitechture school)
  48. Furman Bates
  49. Furry Cruise
  50. Fuzz Aldrin
  51. Gale Pawthorne
  52. George Cloonflea
  53. George Bernard Paw
  54. George Tailey (it’s a meowonderful life)
  55. Gerard Leopardu
  56. Hairy Mulligan
  57. Hairy Potter
  58. Hairy Underwood (you get the idea)
  59. Henry Hissinger
  60. Hunter S. Thomcat
  61. Jack McFlea (you know, from Dogson’s Creek)
  62. Jaguar-ren Beatty
  63. James Meowdison
  64. Janu-hairy Jones
  65. Jean Renroar
  66. Jennipurr Aniston
  67. Jerry Flea Lewis
  68. Johnny Cats-le (nobody puts Baby in a corner)
  69. John Catterly
  70. J.R.R. Tollkitten
  71. Jude Paw
  72. Juliet Catulet (dog companion: Romeo Montawoof or Rovermeo)
  73. Kelly Ka-meowski
  74. Kelly Tay-Roar
  75. Kit Romney
  76. Kitty Ya-meow-guchi
  77. Lando Abyssinian (as seen in Star Wags: A New Rope Toy)
  78. Leopard Nimoy
  79. Leopardo DiCatrio
  80. LeVar Purrton
  81. Lily Tomcatlin
  82. Lionel Itchy (Hello? Is it a kitty you’re looking for?)
  83. Lou Claws
  84. M. Night Shyamalion
  85. Madelion Albright
  86. Mandy Catinkin
  87. Margaret Scratcher
  88. Mariah Hairy
  89. Mary Purrphy
  90. Mary Todd Lynxin
  91. McKayla Meowroni
  92. Meoward Stern
  93. Meowly Cyrus
  94. Meowrice Sendak
  95. Meowrio Lopez
  96. Meowrio Manningham
  97. Meowy Long
  98. Mew Costello (dog companion: Mutt Abbott)
  99. Mew McClanahan
  100. Mew Reed
  101. Mrs. Fleasley (get it?)
  102. Napawsha Beddingfield
  103. Neil Catrick Harris
  104. Nick Purry
  105. Olivia Mewton-John
  106. Oscar Meowdison (dog companion: Felix Ungrrr)
  107. Pablo Picatso
  108. Pacey Litter (also from Dogson’s Creek)
  109. Pawdrey Hepburn
  110. Pawkeye
  111. Paw Newman
  112. Paw Revere
  113. PetMe White (not the best Betty White pun ever, obviously)
  114. Puma Thurman
  115. Purrmione Granger
  116. Rachel Scratch
  117. Ricky Purrvais
  118. Roarin’ Beatty
  119. Robert Cattison
  120. Roger Purrling
  121. Ron Fleasly
  122. Ron Furgandy
  123. Rowena Ravenpaw (dog companions: Godric Gryffindog, Helga Hufflepup & Salazar Snifferin)
  124. Ryan Fleacrest
  125. Santa Claws
  126. Scratch Adams
  127. Shed Beatty
  128. Sheddie Vedder
  129. Sinead O’Collar
  130. Sofeline Petrillo
  131. Snow Bite
  132. Tabby Douglas
  133. Tabby Wambach
  134. Tabigail Adams (my inspiration)
  135. Taylor Pawtner
  136. TayRoar Swift
  137. Teri Scratcher
  138. Terrance Meoward
  139. Terry Bradspaw
  140. The Dowager Cattress
  141. The Sorting Cat
  142. Tina Spay
  143. Tobey Catguire
  144. Tomcat Colicchio
  145. Tom Catterford (the cool cat on Barks and Recreation)
  146. Wil Fleaton
  147. Will Arpet
  148. William Catner
  149. Winston Furchill
  150. Zack Roaris

Thank you again for choosing I Still Want More Puppies for your pun-related needs. Go forth and pun, my friend.

If you have any punny cat names to add to the list, please share them in the comments. Let’s make this post the Internet’s preeminent source for punny cat names… or, you know, just a place where we can all enjoy bad puns without shame.




172 thoughts on “150 punny cat names… and counting

  1. i call my cats “muss” instead of “puss”, so…

    mussolini or (if you’ve ever seen the nz film ‘once were warriors’, jake the muss. neither one i’ve used, for kind of obvious reasons, but i can’t stop thinking they’d be great punny names!

  2. my latest cat is a real handful… always getting the better of me, I can’t win…
    name = Mission imPUSSable…

  3. Great list. My 10 yr old daughter and I are trying to name our kitten and cant agree on ANYTHING! I love this list—many she doesnt get but she liked William Shakespurr. I am a huge Beatles fan—I came up with Pawl McCatney–get it—Paul McCartney. Ha. Ha.

  4. These are NOT puns, these are names with cat phrases and such. For example of a REAL punny cat name would be, a few years back I was asked to help someone name their kitten who had survived against all odds when found in a bad condition and I suggested Sir Vivor, THAT is punny because the cat was a survivor. Again I was asked for help on a cat’s name recently who was adopted from a shelter and likes to watch her new owner, just staring at her and I suggested Sir Veillance (Lance for short). Changing real life people’s names for cats is cute, not punny.

    • Have you ever thought that sometimes everyone else is wrong and you are right Heather?
      Well, let me tell you Heather, this isn’t one of those times…

      you have two alleged puns you thought of a few years ago about cats that are based on the same word, this does earn you a phd in cat puns…

  5. I don’t know why Heather’s comment frustrates me so much, but here are a few possible reasons. While these names do not adhere to the literal definition of the term “pun,” there is also a socially accepted definition which is more loosely translated as a play on words. Secondly, this is just a fun little list for people to enjoy… No need to be rude. And third, when telling everyone that you ACTUALLY created several feline names that were more traditional puns, you come across like that obnoxious kid at college that loves to raise their hand to prove the professors wrong, the kind that starts most sentences with “well, ACTUALLY…” So perhaps, be polite next time. It’s a list of funny cat names for goodness sake, not SAT prep.

  6. Payton Catting (Payton Manning)
    Cattin America (Captain America)
    Purry Farrell or Feral (Perry Farrell – Jane’s Addiction)

  7. We named a cat after the great Olympic hurdler Edwin C. Moses. This cat could jump to the top of a 8 ft. Privacy fence in one leap. Therefore he became Edwin C. Meowses.

  8. We have four cats. Their names are Kathmandu, Mitt Jagger (he is polydactyl with mitten shaped feet.), Mr. Meowgi, and Kat Sajak. They are beautiful Highlanders.

  9. We recently lost our beloved Rottweiler/Lab mix. Big old boy, all black, built like a Rot, cropped tail… His name was Donovan McNubb… he was a Super Star too ! loved your puns ! thanks… Anna

  10. Pingback: 25 Funny Cat Names That Are Really 'Punny' | LifeDaily

  11. My neighbors moved and left a purrfectly loveable cat behind so my husband and adopted her we never knew her name so we called her ” Asker “

  12. I recently got a new kitten. I was looking at this list and bouncing off names to my mom, then she came up with a clever name that’s currently pop culture-y:

    Stephen Purry (after NBA star Stephen Curry).

  13. Ingrid Furman
    Grace Kitty
    Mary Pickfur
    Lauren Backclaw
    Sally FieldCat
    Joan Clawford
    Maureen O’Hairy
    Clawdette Colbert
    Puma Therman
    Jessica Tabby
    Marhissa Tomey

    And of course…. Robert Redfur

  14. what about the great songs written about cats?

    More Than A Feline – Boston
    You’ve lost that lovin’ Feline – Righteous Brothers
    Feline Making Love – Bad Company

  15. These cat puns are my life. Before I found these my life was dull and boring but I have since seen the light. Neil Catrick Harris is without a doubt the best name for anything in the world. I hope to someday find a blonde, homosexual, blue-eyed cat of which I can name Neil Catrick Harris. Leonardo DiCatrio is also a personal favorite. In fact, I want to adopt 60 cats to fulfill my need of punny cat names. To the creator of this blog; thank you. Your creativity has made my life meaningful once more.

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