250 punny dog names… and counting

Puns. You want ’em. I’ve got ’em.

It seems that lots of people are searching the Interwebz for punny pet names. I recently did a roundup of the punny cat names that have appeared on this blog (and I’ve done a more general roundup in the past). Today, I’m making your life easier, Internet searchers… I’m listing all of my punny dog names for you in one place.

Dog tired: wantmorepuppies.com

It’s hard work, but somedog has to do it…

(As a bonus, I added a few new ones. You’ll also find a few that I thought could work for both dogs and cats. If I found it somewhere else before I thought of it myself, I’ve linked to that source.)

  1. Abby Wambark
  2. A-fleas Anzari
  3. Alan Barkin
  4. Albus Puppledore
  5. Aleasha Packramone
  6. Amy Farrah Howler
  7. Amy Pawng
  8. Andy Warhowl
  9. AnnaLynne McCorg
  10. Arf Vader
  11. Arftoo-D2
  12. Arfur Miller
  13. Bark Darcy
  14. Bark Griswold
  15. Bark Linn-Baker
  16. Bark-Paul Gosselar
  17. Bark Ruffalo
  18. Bark Wahlberg
  19. Barker Posey
  20. Barkin’ Robbins
  21. Barkin’ Scorsese
  22. Barko DiSpirito
  23. Benji-man Franklin
  24. Bilbo Waggins
  25. Bill Lumbfurg
  26. Billy Corgi-an
  27. Billy Grrr-ystal
  28. Bite D. Eisenhowler
  29. B.J. Hunnimutt
  30. Blackeared the Pirate
  31. Blanche Deverpaw (one of the Golden Retriever Girls)
  32. Bob Scratchit
  33. Boba Fetch
  34. Bone Crawford
  35. Boston Powers
  36. Brad Sit
  37. Brandog Walsh
  38. Brenda Flea (always Scratchin’ Around the Christmas Tree)
  39. Brindle Walsh
  40. Britney Ears
  41. Bryan Waggams
  42. Bucky Scent
  43. Camilla Barker Bowles
  44. Carmen Sandi-dog-o
  45. Catherine Zeta-Bones
  46. Celine Pee-on
  47. Chasin’ Priestly
  48. Chester A. Arfur
  49. Christina Aguill-hair-a
  50. Coco Kennel
  51. Colin Furth
  52. Colin Howl
  53. Collie Golightly
  54. Collie Ringwald
  55. Collin Furrell
  56. Conan O’Grrrr-ien
  57. Conan O’Whinin’
  58. Cone Crawford
  59. Corg Clooney
  60. Corgi Cox
  61. Cullen Bones
  62. Dane Fonda
  63. David Rawhide Pierce
  64. Debbie Hairy
  65. Dick Bark
  66. Digmund Freud
  67. Dingo Starr
  68. Dobie Smulders
  69. Doggie Howser
  70. Dogson Leery
  71. Donna Barkin
  72. Doogie Howler
  73. Dorothy Zbornibark
  74. Drew Hairymore
  75. Drooliana Marguilles
  76. Drooly Andrews
  77. Dr. Cliff Pupstable
  78. Dr. Sniff Huxtable
  79. Dwight D. Eisenbow-wower
  80. Dylan Sit-Stay
  81. Eat’n Hunt
  82. Ebefleazer Scrooge
  83. Elizabeth Barkley
  84. Ernest Corgnine
  85. Ezra Hound
  86. Fang Lee
  87. Flea Michele
  88. Flea Thompson
  89. Flea-ba McEntire
  90. Fleador Seuss Geisel
  91. Fleas Witherspoon
  92. Fleayonce Knowles
  93. Frank Lloyd Bite (founder of the barkitechture school)
  94. Fred Flintsbone
  95. Furman Bates
  96. Furry Cruise
  97. Fuzz Alrdrin
  98. Gabby Puglas
  99. Gale Pawthorne
  100. George Bernard Paw
  101. George Cloonflea
  102. George Tailey
  103. George Washingbone
  104. Godric Gryffindog
  105. Grrr-mione Granger
  106. Hairy Mulligan
  107. Hairy Plotthound
  108. Hairy Queen
  109. Hairy Underwood
  110. Haymitch Aberwaggy
  111. Helena Bone-ham Carter
  112. Helga Hufflepup
  113. Houndrea Zuckerman
  114. Howly Long
  115. Howly Mandel
  116. Husky Springfield
  117. Ichabark Crane
  118. Ichabod Cone
  119. Ichabod Dane
  120. Ifleana Menzel
  121. Jack McFlea (you know, from Dogson’s Creek)
  122. Jake Gyllenpaw
  123. January Bones
  124. Janu-hairy Jones
  125. Jason Beagle
  126. Jen Brindley
  127. Jennifer Pawrence
  128. Jerry Flea Lewis
  129. Jesse Eisenbark
  130. Jessie Spaniel
  131. Jimmy Falhound
  132. J.K. Howling
  133. Joel McHowl
  134. Johann Sebastian Bark
  135. Jon Bone Jovi
  136. Josh Snarls
  137. Jude Paw
  138. Julia Sugarbarker
  139. Kathie Flea Snifford
  140. Katy Hairy
  141. k.d. fang
  142. Kelly Barkson
  143. Kristen Chewart
  144. Leif Ericsbone
  145. Lick Carter
  146. Lick Offerman
  147. LL Drool J
  148. Lionel Itchy
  149. Lou Dogstello
  150. Luke Skybarker
  151. Madogga
  152. Mariah Hairy
  153. Mario Lopetz
  154. Marshowl Erickson
  155. Mary Puppins
  156. Maya Rudog
  157. Michael J. Dox
  158. Michael Puglas
  159. Michael Whelps
  160. Mike-howl Ian Black
  161. Mischa Barkton
  162. Monique Droolier
  163. Mrs. Fleasley (get it?)
  164. Mutt Abbott
  165. Myles Foodish
  166. Napawsha Beddingfield
  167. Neil Arf-strong
  168. Nigel Lythgrowle
  169. Nigella Pawson
  170. Norman Tockwell
  171. Nose-Anne Barr
  172. Obi Wag Kenobi
  173. Olivia Chewton John
  174. Pacey Litter
  175. Pawdrey Hepburn
  176. Pawkeye
  177. Paw Newman
  178. Paw Revere
  179. Peeta Mebark
  180. Peter O’Drool
  181. PeMe White
  182. Phoebe Ruffay
  183. Pom Daley
  184. Pug E. Pug
  185. Pug McGraw
  186. Primnose Everdeen
  187. Richard Barx
  188. Richard Simbones
  189. Ricky Grrr-vais
  190. Robert Sniffin III
  191. Romeo Montawoof
  192. Ron Fleasly
  193. Ron Furgandy
  194. Rose Nylabone
  195. Rover Cleveland
  196. Rowena Ravenpaw
  197. Ryan Fleacrest
  198. Saint Howlentine
  199. Salazar Snifferin
  200. Salvador Doggy
  201. Sansa Bark
  202. Sarah Jessica Barker
  203. Scratch Adams
  204. Shed Beatty
  205. Sheddie Money
  206. Sheddie Veder
  207. Sheddy Krueger
  208. Sighound Freud
  209. Simon LeBone
  210. Sinead O’Collar
  211. Slobber the Hutt
  212. Slobbert Redford
  213. Snarls Widmore
  214. Snarly Brown
  215. Sniffany-Amber Theissen
  216. Snow BIte
  217. Spaniel Craig
  218. Spaniel Day-Lewis
  219. Spay Diggs
  220. Suzanne Sugarbarker
  221. Taylor Pawtner
  222. Terry Bradspaw
  223. The Cone Ranger
  224. The Great Houndini
  225. The Great Pupkin
  226. Thomas Snifferson
  227. Tina Spay
  228. Tom Colickio
  229. Tupac Shacorgi
  230. Turanga Fleala
  231. Tyribone Lannister
  232. Vera Fang
  233. Veronica Corningsbone
  234. Vince Pombardi
  235. Waggie Gyllenhall
  236. Waggy Smith
  237. Wagwood Bumstead
  238. Whinin’ L. Richie
  239. Wil Fleaton
  240. Will Arpet
  241. Will Sniff
  242. William Labsford
  243. Wilma Flintsbone
  244. Winston Furchill
  245. Woofgang Amadeus Mozart
  246. Woofgang Puck
  247. Woofus Wainwright
  248. Yorkie Sherwood (you might remember her from the Purrphy Brown show)
  249. Yukon Corgnelius
  250. Yukong Cornelius

Thank you again for choosing I Still Want More Puppies for your pun-related needs. Go forth and pun, my friend.

If you have any punny dog names to add to the list, please share them in the comments. Let’s make this post the Internet’s preeminent source for punny dog names… or, you know, just a place where we can all enjoy bad puns without shame.

Who am I kidding? This whole blog is a place to enjoy bad puns, and I clearly have no shame. Bring on the puns, fellow punsters.




65 thoughts on “250 punny dog names… and counting

  1. Pingback: Happy Weekend! | Hey Love Designs

  2. Pingback: Something Wagging Readers Are The Best - Follow Up Friday | Something Wagging This Way Comes

  3. Pingback: Windsor woman’s designs headed to New York fashion runway – Windsor Star (blog) | Pug News

  4. Why no Sherlock Bones! That’s what I call my my dog when he stops 80 times on a walk to smell where some other dog peed.
    “Good job, Sherlock Bones, you found another clue!”

  5. Pingback: Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade – New York Daily News (registration) (blog) | Pug News

  6. Pingback: Peugeot 308 GTI is a chip off the old block – City A.M. | Pug News

  7. Pingback: Meet Ed Bassmaster, Philadelphia’s Biggest Star … on YouTube – Philadelphia Magazine (blog) | Pug News

  8. Pingback: Pug News

  9. Pingback: Pets Recreate Holiday Movies And It’s The Cutest Thing Ever – Huffington Post Canada | Pug News

  10. Pingback: Let the reason be love: Ronan’s stormy weather – Irish Independent | Pug News

  11. Pingback: Salma Hayek’s Dog Was Trespassing When Neighbor Shot and Killed It, Police Conclude – Us Weekly | Pug News

  12. Pingback: Edd the pug has 83000 followers on Instagram – NW Evening Mail | Pug News

  13. Sometimes it s best to spend a little bit of time getting to know your new pet before you decide on a name, but sometimes you see the right name and you know right away it will be a good fit.

  14. 42a Buffy Scent Marie
    57a Conan the BarBuryin’
    I run music sessions in a pub called The Guide Dog. As well as trying to learn a new dog-related song for every meeting, I’m also collecting dog-pun song titles (Don’t Cry For Me, Affenpinscher) and band/artiste names (Mutt the Hoople/David BowWowie). Your list has given me some more inspiration (I hadn’t got any “Grrrr” ones, plus several others). Somewhen, I’ll get them on our website, changing daily, and invite other contributions.

    • I just put a deposit on a Doxie, and I’m thinking Snarles Darwin, Edgar Allen Paw or PAWesome.

      I once named a Pitt Bull “Miranda” because then I could tell people to keep quiet or I’d use her against them! (I never actually did that, but I did like that I COULD.) ha ha

  15. Pingback: Something Wagging Readers Are The Best - Follow Up Friday - Something Wagging This Way Comes

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