Christmas carols, doggie style

You know, I almost used this post title in the past. However, I chickened out. This year, I’m chickening in instead. (Is that the opposite of chickening out?)

In any event, I thought I’d kick things off with the first caroldy of the year. Pretend I’m singing it to you. (If you need to jog your memory, here’s the tune.)


Be glad I’m not actually singing to you, as it would probably just hurt your ears. I really need a singer and director on my staff to take these to the next level. However, first I need a staff. It’s a real chicken and egg problem (or something). Anyway…

Joy to the World (Dog Edition)

Joy to the world! My owner’s home.
Let her fill up my bowl.
Let’s take a walk, around the block,
When lots of things I’ll be sniffing,
When lots of things I’ll be sniffing,
When lots and lots of things I’ll be sniffing.

Joy to the world! A brand new bone.
Let me chew upon it please.
While you watch TV, I’ll chew loudly,
You won’t hear a single word,
You won’t hear a single word,
You won’t hear, hear, a single word.

So, now it’s your turn. What songs deserve the caroldy treatment this year? The Greatest Hits CD so far includes:

Share your requests in the comments, add some more verses to the song above, or hit me with some caroldies of your own!




14 thoughts on “Christmas carols, doggie style

  1. Here come puppy dogs, Here come puppy dogs
    Right down dog park lane
    Schnauzers and boxers, And all the mixed breeds
    Sniffing the great Dane

    Dogs are barking, Owners are larking
    All is merry and bright
    Get your leash out and chew your Kong
    ‘Cause puppy dogs play tonight

    I am so grateful that you keep sharing the true lyrics so these holiday songs can be sung the way they were meant to be sung.

    I’m almost as grateful as your not chickening out on the doggie style thing. Maybe it will take some pressure off Something Wagging for sexy dog talk. 🙂
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