Sometimes, I almost forget that I’m a crazy dog lady.
Then, something happens that reminds me just how nutty I truly am. This past Friday, I received one of those reminders when I took Tavish to a new groomer. We had the first appointment of the day, so I got up early, tossed on a sweater, and loaded Tavish in the car. It was only after the groomer pointed it out that I realized there was a siimilarity between our respective ensembles.
That’s right. I inadvertently dressed like my dog. I went out in public that way.
I met new people who surely think I’m not quite right in the head, including Tavish’s new groomer. (Between the outfits and my overly detailed instructions, she probably made some sort of notation in our file.)
Crazy dog lady achievement unlocked. I’ve totally leveled up.
(Oh, and this experience has given me some insight into what the fox says. I think the fox would tell me to be thankful that Tavish is a dog – rather than a child – who doesn’t realize that he should be totally embarrassed to be seen in public with me.)
A great thing about dogs, unlike our human children, is that we never embarrass our dogs by what we wear.
jan recently posted..The Budweiser Clydesdales–a Super Bowl tradition: how big horses sell beer
And between the brown of your top and the blond of your hair, you look even more like Tavish.
BTW, are you telling us that you can forget you’re a crazy dog lady when you own the domain name “want more puppies?”
Pamela recently posted..How Do You Know When It’s Time To Get Another Dog
My powers of denial are strong.
What does the fox say?
I’m pretty sure he says “Even I’m embarrassed to be seen with these two.”
Kolchak, Felix & Jodi recently posted..Banana Pancakes You Can Share With Your Dogs
I love it! And yep, a human child would be soooooo embarrassed,
Oh my gosh! How funny! I think it looks really cute, I would probably have done that on purpose!
Tori recently posted..Navy and Black
Of course I can’t think of any examples, but I still think there are times Elka has acted embarrassed to be seen in public with me….
Jen recently posted..Wordless Wednesday February 5 2014
I love it, and look forward to the day that I am that much of a crazy dog lady!!
I think it’s so cute! I love Tavish’s harness and your matching sweater! Foxes are tres chic.
Michelle recently posted..February DIY Link Up + Sponsor Shout Out!
Maybe you could have Tavish’s groomer do your hair??? A short punky look-a-like cut? : )
Ryker recently posted..Wonderful day…
I laughed but then I have been know to match my clothes to Delilah’s collar, so what do I know? LOL
Jodi recently posted..Helping Sampson, the Holistic Response
So cute! I love both of your outfits! Yesterday I had a similar reminder… I was digging through my sock drawer, and I thought, “I really need more dog-themed socks.” Hmm. Would anyone but a crazy dog lady think that?
Maggie recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Poor Emmett
I’ve had that exact thought! LOL
Ha! Love it. I once went to the vet in my slippers. Totally forgot to put on shoes.
Roxanne @ Champion of My Heart recently posted..The Right Time to Get Another Dog, After One Dies
That’s hysterical. Wear that Crazy Dog Lady badge proudly, I say!
And my siblings would point out that they were quite embarrassed as children to be dressed all the same, plus the same as my mom, whenever they went on vacation. My sis posted a pic of them all at Bryce Canyon the other day – my 4 sisters, mom, and bro all wearing matching blue shorts and polka dot shirts. I guess w/ 5 kids you just wanna say “Today we’re wearing blue!” and not argue about it. (Luckily I am far enough behind the rest of them to have escaped this horror.)
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Less-Wordy Wednesday: Rita’s Super Bowl Sunday
You just crack me up!! I consider myself a crazy dog lady too, but I’m not sure I’ve ever done that one (if I did, no one noticed)!
Jan K; recently posted..Book Reviews by Samantha
Oh my gosh, I love this post for so many reasons! XD First – I too am obnoxiously detailed when dropping off Niles for grooming. Second – Did you see my post today? We are totally matching in it! XD It’s good being a crazy dog mom.
Nailah Bone recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Foxy DIY Dog Training Apron
Sadly, I can relate…I have not only dressed like Bandit–I have made matching Costumes for us (Halloween, The Barkus Parade during Mardi Gras in NOLA, game t-shirts for the Texas Rangers and the Atlanta Braves, going to Chick-fil-A on their “spotted day,” etc.) and when our outfits have not “matched” they have been cordinated The O-fficial Page of the World Famous Sweet Potato Queens parade). I don’t give the groomer explicit directions; however, I DO take my HAIRLESS dog to the groomer–I can’t see to do his nails–and while he’s there I go ahead and have him bathed. The last time we went, his bill was $36. Again, he’s a HAIRLESS dog. What’s even sadder? Sometimes his wardrobe is BETTER than mine.
There’s no shame in being a crazy dog lady…well, maybe a small amount of shame, but you’re in good company! (One of my aunts used to work in a vet clinic, and they’d put the initials “C.A.O” on some of the pets’ charts…”Crazy A** Owner!”).
Elyse and Riley recently posted..Sweetheart Giveaway Time!
Oh, now I’m wondering if there’s a file about me with those initials somewhere…
I would consider it an accomplishment. Wear your badge of honor proudly. You’re part of a special club.
–Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
Susan from recently posted..Haiku by Cat: Nice
OMG AJ! That is totally hilarious!
I think the Fox says “Hello crazy dog lady. ”
melf recently posted..Wordless Wednesday #173 – Fun in the snow
At a recent weekend-long business convention, I went to my hotel room and changed into my pj’s, which are my “Crazy Dog Lady” t-shirt and flannel pants with paw prints on them. Then, I went back down to the bar after all the events were over, but customers and colleagues were still down there drinking (I don’t drink but just wanted to hang out with them). When I walked in the room with my CDL t-shirt on about 5 people burst out laughing. How to make an entrance LOL!
That’s awesome!
I have a very similar tshirt myself!
There’s little to no chance I could do this with Moses or Alma given aside from a collar, they strut in their birthday suits (if I match, we have a problem – probably includes jail time and counselling).
But I have found the Husband and I inadvertently matching from time to time, which is odd.
Jen K recently posted..Throwback Thursday: The Bloodhound
Remember the scene in 101 Dalmations where Pongo is trying to find a partner for Roger, and all the owners looked exactly like their dogs?
one person’s view recently posted..The Pet Blogger Challenge – 2014 Edition
True to life!
Y’all some foxy beasts! {beast in a good way} Crazy, foxy beasts! hehe
Elizabeth K recently posted..It Rhymes With ‘Hump’ Day: Jump (reminder: they’re corgis)
LOL… indeed we are.
Hilarious!! What we won’t do for our pups, right? I have two and love them like my own children
They truly make life more interesting and fill our days with smiles, laughs and cuddles – Ah – a life worth living!
This is just fantastic. I love that you did this – you rock!!! You’re my kind of dog mom
Kimberly Gauthier recently posted..Dognition | Starting to Wonder if My Dog Loves Me