You might notice something a little different about today’s dog…
Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments!
You might notice something a little different about today’s dog…
Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments!
Oh, thought those were curnations. 🙂
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: An Unwelcome Visitor
Hee hee, that is a very cute dog. Probably quite too.
Roxy the traveling dog recently posted..Snappy H’appy photo challenge – week 4
Carna-doodle–the latest designer breed.
Kirsten recently posted..Winter hikes
Much to Jack’s dismay, the seeds he traded the family cow for grew a Carning-dog–who no longer has a family cow to herd.
Now I want to read the rest of that fairy tale…
What Dog.. Lol. 😛 I though there were some white flowers and some colored flowers 😛
alex white recently posted..What To Feed Your Siberian Husky
“I have an arrangement with my dog…”