Caption this dog: Fuzz Lightyear Posted on August 6, 2014 by Pup Fan To infinity and beyond… or at least to that tree over there. How would you caption this Tavish? Similar Smells:It's my party, and I'll sleep if I want toThat's one way to stay cool...Give 'em a rakeComments comments
I don’t need no stinkin’ leash! Taryn recently posted..Give Cancer the Paw: All I Wanted Was for Dylan to Die of Old Age Reply ↓
Deep thought of those I love
“Let me go, will ya. Look what’s over there!”
Mary recently posted..Roxy on the river
I don’t need no stinkin’ leash!
Taryn recently posted..Give Cancer the Paw: All I Wanted Was for Dylan to Die of Old Age