When puppies make puppies…

Blog the ChangeThis post is part of Blog the Change for Animals, a quarterly blog event dedicated to shining a spotlight on animal causes. I originally had another post planned for today, but it’s still in limbo due to a nasty case of writer’s block. So, I decided to share a post I did last year (with a few tweaks) about a topic that never seems to go out of style.  (Just ask Bob Barker.) 

From time to time, I write about some of the more interesting search terms that bring people to this humble blog. One of these search terms inspired today’s post. Those fateful words? “I want a puppy that makes puppies.” Well, dear searcher… what exactly do you mean by that? I kind of hope you’re looking for some sort of child’s toy that I haven’t heard of yet. Or a puppy prodigy that spends his spare time building Lego replicas of other puppies.

However, I have a feeling that you want a real puppy that makes other puppies. Is that the case? I’m not here to teach you about the birds and the bees, but… technically, most puppies can play some role in the creation of other puppies. That being said, just because they can do something doesn’t always mean that they should.

Listen, as with most things in life, the answer to your searching relates back to The Price is Right. Remember when Bob Barker would tell you to help control the pet population?  That’s what we’re talking about today. I struggled with what to say in this post – spay and neuter is occasionally controversial, but I am in support of it. I’m not looking to court controversy today, however – I believe in encouraging people to do their homework and really consider their options.

I’ve shared this video (and others in the same campaign) before, but I think today is a good time to share it yet again. Even though we’re talking about puppies, the idea of a kitten making other kittens is equally applicable:


It’s something to think about, right? (Also, I have to award bonus points for the Dawson’s Creek reference.)

Before you follow through on that goal to let your puppy make other puppies, you might want to consider all of your options and the impact your choices can have on other cute pups out there. Don’t let this be your pet:

via giphy.com

Swing by Fix at Four to learn more.

There are lots of great bloggers participating in Blog the Change for Animals today. Check them out!




12 thoughts on “When puppies make puppies…

  1. Reading the search terms that drive people to our blogs is enough to make us crazy, isn’t it?

    But I think you have a great idea hidden in this post. How about marketing a “puppy making puppies” toy? Either one that drops a puppy on the ground when you pump a dog’s tail or one that makes other puppies out of Legos. They’re both good.

    Each toy comes with an adoption certificate (remember Cabbage Patch dolls?) And makes a donation to animal rescue with every purchase. If it becomes the next hot trend, you could retire early and spread an important message.
    Pamela recently posted..The Dog Lover’s Guide To Fall

    • That’s genius, Pamela! I did recently read that they’re releasing Puppy Surprise again, which is a similar kind of idea (although there’s no real interactive element). They should donate a percentage to rescue!

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