I’m trying something new today. It appears that punny pet names are this blog’s most popular content. (There’s no accounting for taste, I suppose. Yours or mine.)
So, I present to you the first in a (possible) series… illustrated punny pet names! Our first fur-lebrity to get the picture treatment?
Everyone’s favorite lifeguard, the star of Haywatch… Ms. Hamela Anderson! Please enjoy this autographed photo from the lady hamster herself:
Fun fact (or… just a fact): this is my first time drawing a hamster. I have a feeling that this news will not surprise you.
So, tell me… is this feature a keeper? (Be honest.) If so, any suggestions for a possible title? (In addition to “Picture this Pun,” I briefly considered “Profiles in Punnage” as an alternate.)
Yes. It is a keeper. I still want more punnies.
one person’s view recently posted..The Pet Blogger Challenge, 2015 Edition
A definite keeper and we can’t wait to see the accompanying art work.
jan recently posted..“Vulture puppy” gets a foster home
Keeper. Bring on those tasty puns.
A keeper for sure, Too funny….or punny.
Mary recently posted..Why Boondocking
Love it! Can’t wait to see more in this series. I wish I could help with a name for it, but my brain has lost all creativity.
dawn recently posted..52 Snapshots Of Life- Dream
Yes. More, please.
I laughed at the title, and then even more at the drawing. Love.
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Lots to Celebrate! (Including Book News!)
Oh my goodness–you are quite the artist! That is a stunningly beautiful hamster.
Kirsten recently posted..Toward a Back Pain Solution: Core workouts with Dahlia
LOL! Yes, it is most definitely a feature keeper! I saw this in my feed and had to come read it.
melf recently posted..Wordless Wednesday #223 – Sunset at Whitetail Woods Regional Park
Haha – too funny! Definitely a keeper.
Monty and Harlow
Sam recently posted..Throwback Thursday – Angel Sam and Monty Edition
Haha – I love it! Great job.
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