About Pup Fan

I blog about pup culture, pop culture, cupcakes, and anything else that strikes my fancy. My motto? Puppies = Serenity Now.

Your Friday cute: Animal odd couples

I realize that No Frown Friday has been missing of late – but it’s back, baby! Let’s get to it.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Pony Soprano and Duckleberry Finn.
  2. Doug the cat and Charlie the dog could teach us all a thing or two. Citizens of the world, let them guide us to world peace.
  3. I really cannot resist a cat-dog friendship. It’s like catnip. (I couldn’t come up with a dog equivalent… it’s not like there’s some sort of dognip out there.)
  4. Prepare to melt when you read this story about a dog saving a kitten.
  5. Seriously though… perhaps it’s time we rethink that fighting like cats and dogs thing. In some cases, it just means “fighting” in the most adorable way possible.
  6. While we’re changing things up, I suggest we modify Duck, Duck, Goose as well. How about Duck, Duck, Dog?
  7. Up next in the odd couple parade, I present a dog riding a horse.
  8. Considering I cannot actually ride a horse – although I’d love to learn – I’m feeling a bit inadequate right now. Maybe I’ll just snuggle up with a stuffed animal… like this horse and his teddy bear. (Please excuse the rain that has appeared on my face. The teddy bear is his surrogate mama. I can’t even.)
  9. This cat has a stuffed leopard best friend. I am having lots of feelings today.

For today’s video, I thought we’d just overdose on adorable odd couples:


Whew. I hope that this installment of No Frown Friday helps you wag your way into the weekend!


#K9Kamp tips: Walking with your dog

She's got her eye on me: I Still Want More Puppies

I think she suspects something…

As I mentioned last week, we’re participating in K9 Kamp yet again. This week, I’ve been working on increasing the duration and intensity of my walks with Tavish to get a better workout.

Maybe we’ll buy matching tracksuits and kick it up in the style department as well. (Don’t worry, I’ll get Bella one too so that she won’t feel left out. And then she’ll give me the evil eye if I even think about putting her in it.)

When we first moved into our current house, I finally had a fenced yard. It made me a little lazy about going for walks, honestly. Bella tires easily these days, so her walks are shorter and less frequent. (She often prefers to amble around the yard and take a nap in the grass, I think. For this and many other reasons, I am pretty sure that Bella is my spirit animal.) However, adding Tavish to our family changed things significantly. He loves going for walks, and his enthusiasm is contagious. (It can also be painful, when his “enthusiasm” lands on my feet or jumps on my legs.)

Anyway, that brings me to the point of this post. (I realize I took a long and winding path to get here, but that’s pretty much par for the course.) If you’re interested in getting fit with your pup but don’t know where to start, might I suggest just grabbing the leash and going for a walk? It’s great for both of you, and it’s an easy way to get moving.  With that in mind, I thought I’d share a cute video I found that discusses the benefits of walking with your dog and offers a few tips.

What did you think of the video? Share your tips and thoughts in the comments!

Next week, I hope to try some new activities with my workout buddy. Stay tuned…


Tail Spin: Adorable pups spin the wheel for animal rescue

Obligatory legal disclosure: BumperPet provided me with two free t-shirts to give away to you, dear readers. The thoughts below, however, are my own. Promise.

Today’s post contains a few key items. Among them? Puppies, a spinning wheel,  adorable adoptables, prizes, and a t-shirt giveaway (at the end of this post). Who could ask for anything more? If you’re still not convinced, I submit the following photo for your consideration:

Dog Lotto

Like a wheel in the sky…


Continue reading


6 basic things to look for when choosing a new veterinarian

I cannot overstate the importance of having a good veterinarian. Nor can I overstate the importance of developing a relationship with your vet before there’s an emergency. After all, do you really want to entrust your precious pup with someone you barely know?

Friends... no!

via giphy.com

So, how do you avoid this predicament? Find a good veterinarian for your regular checkups, and then you’ll have someone to count on when times get tough.

Trust me, it’s worth it… even if it means you will have a few awkward conversations about whether you’re brushing your pup’s teeth or giving her too many treats.

Not eating right

via giphy.com

You may be wondering how to choose the right veterinarian. After all, how do you know when you’ve found a good one? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell when you’ve got a keeper or when it’s time to move on.

Lucky for you, I’ve got a few tips to share. Continue reading


If you could read your dog’s diary, what would it say?

Jodi from Kol’s Notes shared this video earlier today. I may have watched it multiple times since then. I can’t stop.


  • I have definitely sniffed both dogs’ backsides. How else am I going to figure out what’s going on in that mysterious digestive system?
  • Last night, I found myself sniffing the grass to try to determine what exactly had gone awry in Bella’s tummy. I lead a glamorous life.
  • This video finally explains why Scotti used to hump all of those teddy bears. I blame the cat.
  • I pretty much lost it when I got to the one about shaking. If you need me, I’ll be over here giggling about it for the next few hours. Dog Lawyer (note to self: do something with that) always advises his clients to carefully review the terms of the deal first.

Did any of the dog diaries hit home for you? If your dog had a diary, what would he or she write in it?


Fourteen fun posts from some furry (and funny) friends

I’ve been a bit behind on my monthly roundups. The past few months have been pretty busy. Given how often I probably complain about being busy, I feel like I should recognize how annoying that might be. Sorry, friends.

someecards.com - Thanks for all the time you spend listening to me complain about not having enough time.

via someecards.com

Anyway, I thought I’d make it up to you today and try to get back on track by sharing some of my favorite posts from the months of March and April. I hope that these posts put a smile on your face!

  1. We’re Taking Notes On Some of Your Favorite Dr. Seuss Quotes from My Brown Newfies – As you know, I love Seuss.
  2. Moving Tips from the Dog from Kol’s Notes – Take note, humans.
  3. The Dog Person’s Guide to Spring from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Those tumbleweeds of dog hair are certainly a sign of a new season.
  4. I Write More Letters from Rescued Insanity – Clever and touching.
  5. Küster’s Magic Shut Up Spoon from Tales and Tails – How do I order one?
  6. Bella blowing bubbles (video) from Bringing Up Bella – It may be impossible to watch this one without smiling.
  7. Buying a Couch When You Have a Dog from Sugar the Golden Retriever – Why, I can’t imagine what one would need to be concerned about…
  8. Weird Conversations I Had With My Husband This Week from My Brown Newfies – Dog hair in your sandwich sounds pretty normal to me.
  9. More Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Greyhound from Tales and Tails – You can’t argue with logic.
  10. Future Boys from BZ Dogs – Tribbles! Need I say more?
  11. The Dog Lover’s Guide to Great Sex from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I could not stop laughing.
  12. Blogger-to-Blogger Grammar Tips: How to Avoid Homonym Hades (illustrated with funny pet photos) from The Chronicles of Cardigan – Grammar nerds unite! If you need me, I’ll be over here giggling about the Shakespeare joke.
  13. Mirth Watch Thursday: Opposable Thumbs from Pooch Smooches – What would your dog do?
  14. Ways to Show Kindness in the Blogging World from Rescued Insanity – We could all use a little more kindness, after all.

Did I miss any of your favorite posts? Please share them in the comments. I’ve been behind on my reading, so I’m sure I missed some gems out there!
