About Pup Fan

I blog about pup culture, pop culture, cupcakes, and anything else that strikes my fancy. My motto? Puppies = Serenity Now.

Inspiration from Hope for Paws and the Bill Foundation

Many of the sessions at BlogPaws were about the nuts and bolts of blogging. After all, it’s important to know what you have in your toolbox when you’re building a blog. One of my favorite sessions of the conference sounded like it would also be about tools – but it was really about heart.

The session had an simple enough title: “Make Some NOISE – How to Connect All Your Social Media & Create Buzz.” The speakers for this session were Eldad Hagar and Annie Hart, two rescue rock stars. Eldad works with Hope for Paws, Annie works with the Bill Foundation, and they both work together to make a difference for animals in need.

It was a very informative session, but it was also a very emotional one. Eldad and Annie showed us two videos. I’d seen the first one before, but it rained on my face anyway. (Grab a tissue and go watch it. It’s about Janie, a dog with a broken back and a wounded spirit. As you’ll see, she needed more than surgery to heal her heart. I love a happy ending.)

I thought I’d share the second video here today. We got a sneak preview at BlogPaws, but the video was posted on YouTube this past Friday. It was beautiful to see two different organizations working together to promote each other’s missions. We really can reach more people together than we can alone.

In addition to giving my tear ducts a workout, Eldad and Annie shared a number of useful tips. However, the most important thing I took away that day was inspiration.

What inspires you?


Puppies & poppies for Memorial Day

It’s Memorial Day here in the U.S., so I thought I’d take a momentary break from the silly. (Well, mostly. I just had to share this one.)

Today, my thoughts often go to the poem In Flanders Field. It turns out that I’m not the only one – you should hop over to Tales and Tails and My Brown Newfies to learn more about this poem and the Buddy Poppy. Like Ms. Taleteller, I didn’t see anyone selling Buddy Poppies this year either, and I was surprised. I actually keep one on my desk at work – it serves as a reminder of my grandfather’s service in WWII and all that he and so many others have given to protect our country.

I also wanted to share a few other links today:

  • In addition to valiant humans, many dogs have served our country, including Military Working Dogs.
  • These photos of soldiers and animals will melt your heart.
  • You can help rescue dogs get paired with veterans with just a click.
  • I didn’t have a chance to take a patriotic photo of the pups, but this one from BZ Training should do quite nicely.

That’s all for today, folks. To those of you in the U.S., I hope you have a peaceful Memorial Day.


Something adorable this way comes

Today, I thought I’d share another photo from BlogPaws. Here’s a shot of the beautiful Honey from Something Wagging This Way Comes.

Oh, Honey : I Still Want More Puppies

Oh, Honey!

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your WeinerMy Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!


Do you think it’s awkward when Goofy runs into Pluto?

I have a video to share with you today that is beyond charming. However, after watching it, I was reminded about that pesky Goofy-Pluto conundrum.

They’re both dogs, but they are so very different. Goofy acts like a person, and he’s basically accepted as such by the other anthropomorphized animals populating that world. How does he co-exist with Pluto, a dog who acts like a traditional dog? Is it awkward when they hang out?  If you really think about it, cartoon doghood is a complicated business. We may never know the answer.

Anyway, here’s the video that inspired all of these deep thoughts.


Apparently, there are nineteen all-new Disney shorts on the way. If they’re all as adorable as this one, I’m in.


Follow-Up Friday: Thelma & Louise edition

I’ve got something a little different for you today. Instead of my usual No Frown Friday, I’m changing things up a bit.

This week, I have the pleasure of co-hosting Heart Like a Dog‘s Follow-Up Friday. It’s the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

Let’s get to it!

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Bloggers are kind of like cicadas

We’ve talked about cicadas on the blog before. However, while reflecting upon my recent BlogPaws experience, it hit me. While I can’t speak for bloggers in general, I think I’ve stumbled upon an interesting discovery: pet bloggers are kind of like cicadas.

via giphy.com

Now, before you get bent out of shape, obviously there are some differences. None of the pet bloggers that I have met are freaky bugs with orange eyes. (If you are an actual cicada who maintains a pet blog, please give me a call. Or an email. I’m not sure which technology you prefer. However, I have so many questions for you. First, what kind of pet does a cicada have? A fruit fly? How do you type? Do you just hop from key to key? How do you want me to pronounce your name? Did you start life as a cicada or was it some sort of Kafka thing? Oh, and sorry for that “freaky” comment. No hard feelings?)

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Captioning like cats & dogs: BlogPaws edition

I realize that I haven’t shared much about my BlogPaws experience yet. I’m still catching up on life, but I promise I’ll get there eventually. In the meantime, I thought I’d share a few photos I snapped over the weekend.

First up, a pink punk rocker from Curlz and Swirls:

Pink Punk Rock Cat: I Still Want More Puppies

Anyone else thinking of Jem and the Holograms right now?

And here’s dapper Dewi from the Chronicles of Cardigan:

Dewi the Corgi: I Still Want More Puppies

All your treats are belong to Dewi

Think you can do better? Give me your best captions in the comments!


7 dogs you might not want to invite to your summer barbecue

Memorial Day weekend is almost here. It’s time to dust off the patio furniture, call up a few friends, and fire up the grill. It can be hard to decide who to invite, so here are seven dogs you might want to “accidentally” leave off the guest list…

The dog who who tells everyone that he can grill better than you.

Dinner Time

via Flickr user Extra Zebra

source | terms

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Crafts for dogs: Build a couch fort

Do dogs need a creative outlet?

During BlogPaws this past weekend (more on that later), I ended up talking to a fellow blogger about how blogging allows me to satisfy my creative side. I couldn’t help but wonder, how do dogs scratch that creative itch?

For example, Tavish has found a way to channel his creative energies. He’s becoming quite the crafty canine. While I was busy attending sessions on Friday, Tavish was busy constructing this:

Tavish's couch fort: I Still Want More Puppies

For a proper fort, arrange the cushions just so…

He’s really been in a fort phase lately. The photo above depicts just one of his many creations. Some of his more advanced work even incorporates a blanket.

Next time your dog is bored, perhaps you should encourage him to embrace his inner abstract artist (or his inner Bob the Builder). It’s a little known fact, but fort building is good for the soul. Have more than one dog? They can work together to improve their interpersonal (inter-pup-sual?) skills.

Be sure to give your dog space, however. Some artists don’t like to be interrupted when they’re creating.

Tavish and pillows: I Still Want More Puppies

Keep out: Artists only!

You should also reassure your dog not to get stressed out if the fort doesn’t come together right away. The creative process can take time, so breaks are encouraged.

The artist at rest: I Still Want More Puppies

The artist at rest.

So, there you have it. An easy craft project for any dog. It’s a good thing.

(Want to check out some real mischief? Swing by the Monday Mischief blog hop!)


A valley of cat scratches?

It’s BlogPaws weekend! In the spirit of pet blogger unity, I thought it was the perfect time to share another meow mix link roundup, inspired by F. Scott Fitz-feral:

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Tobey Catguire, Baz Purrmann, and Hairy Mulligan. (Also, I totally made that DiCatrio pun ages ago… and with a little extra flair, to boot.)
  2. Don’t even try to pretend. You know you kind of want to buy this.
  3. If the Internet had been around back then, I bet that some of the characters in Gatsby would have inspired the inaugural first-world problems meme.
  4. I can hear the tiny violins now, can’t you?
  5. I mean, we all have rough days. You feel trapped. You don’t have an appetite. Maybe you’re feeling under the weather.
  6. Honestly, sometimes you’re the cat, and sometimes you feel like the box. You know what I’m talking about.
  7. If you’re experiencing your own first-world problems, maybe you should hit up the gym and sweat it out.
  8. In any event, I’m sorry if you’re feeling down. Hang in there, buddy. With a little hard work, you may find your goals within reach.

On another note, I demand a full-length version of this movie immediately:

So we eat on, rats against the purrent, borne back flea-lessly into the cats.
