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Category Archives: puppies
Keep calm & carry a blanket: Senior Pet Health Month
I have a special treat for you today… a guest post! In honor of Senior Pet Health Month, Sharon Castellanos from Grouchy Puppy is here to talk about the mental health of senior dogs. Among her other awesome accomplishments, Sharon is Editor-at-Large for LIFE+DOG Magazine and an active Board Member of Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS). Sharon has contributed to this blog before (and I’ve even popped up on Grouchy Puppy), and I’m thrilled to have her back today.
One of the things I have noticed with my old dog Cleo is that she is all about the routine and the familiar. She turns to go down the street every morning, never up. Wherever she is, when it is close to dinner time, she moves to lay by the couch in a holding pattern. She knows it is a quick step to her food bowl from there. She is out of the traffic pattern of us cooking, but she has memorized the smells and sounds that say her meal is ready.
Besides her love for food, Cleo also loves her blankets. We bought four fake sherpa-fleece blankets from Costco about five years ago. One for the car, one for each bed, and a spare. They have been work horses and have held up better than the bed we bought on that same Costco trip. Maybe it’s because she is a big girl, but her beds seem to take a beating. Now I know what my sister means when she says that she is “hard on shoes.” No wonder she buys a new pair every other month. We haven’t had to buy Cleo new blankets, and one reason I’m glad, beside the cost savings, is their familiarity to Cleo.
Comfort in the familiar. When I think about Senior Pet Health Month, something that stands out for me now is Cleo’s mental health. She visibly relaxes when she is lying on one of her blankets. To me, with her deteriorating vision, the familiar texture and scent of her blankets seem to soothe her. Sometimes I will find her sleeping in the front room, with only her head buried in her blanket. We learned when she has sleepovers with a friend, to leave a blanket for her to sleep on, or rest on like Switzerland. The familiar blanket is probably more important to her than remembering treats. In places that are “not home”, her blanket is her special neutral zone, and safe place that smells like us and home.
When we go out for her walk in the morning, we equally contribute to the route and pace. I guide her away from curbs and places she might fall into, as well as slow her down before she rams her head into a tree trunk. She tells me if she wants to walk all the way around the block, or instead that she is ready to return home after a quick pee. If she wants to walk half way, then stand and sniff the air for 10 minutes, we do that. My goal is to give her opportunities for enjoyment.
Experiencing Cleo’s aging process helps me understand my parents better. I think of my long distance calls with my 80-year old mother. Half of our conversations involve detailed accounts of her daily routine. She enjoys the familiar and often tells me how much she does not like surprises. I think the calm from her routine helps her mental health, so I encourage her to tell me all about her day. Like with Cleo, I don’t rush her pace or hurry her off the call.
When I see first hand how Cleo sighs, stretches, and dozes off in contentment, because her surroundings are familiar thus relaxing, I’m happy. Cleo can go “off duty” and not worry about protecting us or being watchful. If I can help her mental health by making familiar noises so she knows dinner is ready, I will. If I have to sew the edges of her blankets to keep them from unraveling, thus allowing her to keep them another year, I will. If she wants to walk ten steps, or ten blocks, I will guide her. Caring for an old dog has given me a chance to learn about senior nutrition for the first time, but it has also shown me the importance of watching over Cleo’s mental health.
Loving Cleo the way we do, it is a gift to have this chance to be on guard for her.
Thanks again to Sharon for joining us today! Pop on over to Grouchy Puppy to read more of her work. Now, let’s get this party (by which I mean discussion) started… does your senior dog take comfort in the familiar?
Lazy Sunday: Puppy Island version
Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up and join the fun!
Things I wish I’d invented: Puppy Text
Regular fonts can be so boring sometimes (except when they’re cats, of course). I mean, haven’t you ever written something and thought that it would be so much better if you could say it with puppies instead of with letters? You’ll never have to make that choice again – now you can say it with puppies that are letters.
(Note to self: create TV show inspired by The Letter People, but involving puppies.)
Now, before you decide that I’ve gone completely off the deep end, let me explain. I’m not suggesting you corral an infinite number of puppies and train them to lay in various letter formations. Someone else has already done that and used the resulting photos to create a puppy font.
It’s too bad that you cannot start typing all of your Word docs in this font. I don’t know about you, but the quality of my memos at work would instantly be improved.
I bet you’re wondering how you can start delivering all news in puppy form. Well, you can visit the Puppy Text website to send puppy-fied messages to your friends. There’s also an iPhone app, which I downloaded it within three minutes of my husband bringing it to my attention.
(Seriously, why couldn’t I have come up with this idea?)
Vampire Dog is no Bunnicula
I fully realize that the title of this post will make no sense to the majority of people. Such is the life of a pop culture addict.
Anyway, this is the trailer for a real movie:
It looks… not great. However, I may have already added it to my Netflix queue and might secretly watch it one night in the privacy of my living room. Only the dogs will know, and they won’t be telling anyone else about it. (Maybe they should have called it Dogcula instead.)
What it really makes me want to do, however, is revisit the Bunnicula books of my youth. Anyone else remember those?
(Want to read about more crazy canines? Check out the Monday Mischief blog hop!)
7 books I wish my dogs would write
The posts at Something Wagging This Way Comes never fail to get me thinking. This recent post is no exception: 7 Books I Wish Dog Trainers Would Write. (Head on over and check it out… I’ll wait here.) I hope the one about teaching your dog to stop shedding gets written. If I could, I’d reserve a copy now.
Since Pamela’s got the dog training books covered, I thought I’d turn my eye to another segment of the market – books about dog behavior. I’m sure we all have a few mysteries in need of solving (and after all, imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery – I hope Pamela feels sufficiently flattered today). To solve these mysteries, I’m going to the source.
Dog math: When three is not the magic number
Yesterday, I found myself in a position I never expected. I was standing at an animal shelter surrendering a dog. How many times had I wondered how someone could do something like that? Countless. Yet… there I was.
As you may have guessed from the title of this post, our tiny herd is no longer a trio. Instead, it’s now a dynamic duo. (I will, however, still be referring to them as a tiny herd. Old habits – you know, all of two and a half weeks old – die hard.)
How did we end up here? Read on, my friend… though be warned, it’s a long one. Continue reading
Post-Puppum Anxiety Disorder
I hate to admit it, but I’ve come down with a case of Post-Puppum Anxiety Disorder (PPAD). Obviously, it’s not a real disorder, so I just made up a name for it. (I did do a quick search, and found a few discussions of post-puppy depression online, actually. I guess mine is slightly different variation on that one.)
Anyway, I’m a bit mortified to be writing this post. After all, the name of the blog screams my desire to have more puppies, and my longstanding motto has been “Puppies = Serenity Now.” Well, that just shows what I know. At the moment, more puppies = unjustified anxiety and a serious case of PPAD. So, if you’ve got your judgy pants on today, I suggest you hop on over to another blog. I can’t take the stress, and this post is turning out to be a long one. Continue reading
Movie Monday: Bella & the boys
I thought you might enjoy a video of Bella and the boys in action… yesterday, Tavish and Roscoe decided that a game of bitey face was in order. Bella seemed a bit puzzled regarding what to do with her rowdy little brothers (well, except for when she was doing this). Check it out after the jump… Continue reading
Dog math: When 1 + 1 = 3
Now, before you get any bright ideas, I want to clear something up. Although the title suggests that two dogs decided to create a puppy, you’ll find no titillating tales of canine copulation in this post.
Anyway, if you saw Friday’s post, you might have an inkling as to what’s going on. If you follow our adventures on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve certainly figured it out by now. (If you’re not our friend on Facebook, why not? Head on over there.) In any event, I wish I had been able to update you here sooner, but I’ve been… otherwise occupied. Let me tell you how I got that way… Continue reading