He’ll be your Batdog for all seasons

Bear with me…

Yesterday, I quoted Grease 2 in order to convince you to vote for Bella in the Dogs of Blogville calendar contest. Today, I wanted to find a video that would fit the theme, but it proved tougher than anticipated. (Where’s a cool rider when you need one?) So, I took a few leaps. You may remember that Michelle Pfeiffer was in Grease 2. She also played a little character known as Catwoman.

Hence, a Batdog video seemed appropriate:

Have you voted for Bella today? If not, what are you waiting for? Swing by Heart Like a Dog to vote for the Bellaface once per day!


Things my dogs barked at while visiting my in-laws

This past weekend, we went on a road trip to visit my in-laws. As you can see, the dogs were thrilled about the prospect of being in the car for five hours.

Two bored dogs: I Still Want More Puppies

They can barely hide their excitement…

Bella has visited my in-laws (and has stayed with them) many a time. Tavish visited them for the first time this past Christmas, and he did great. They’ve also visited him at our house, and he was a big fan. This time, however, he alternated between cool cucumber and barking fool. Allow me to explain… Continue reading


7 other things you could do with a puppy brother

Okay, so I’m assuming that most of you have seen the puppy brother commercial. If you haven’t, today’s post will probably make more sense if you watch this video first:


I like the way that girl thinks. However, if you’re unconvinced by her reasoning – although I think taking him to show and tell and saying, “hey everyone, here’s my puppy brother” is a solid justification – let’s talk. I don’t want you to miss out on something awesome. After all, what’s not to love about this idea?

Without further ado, here are seven other things you could do with a puppy brother: Continue reading


Caption these dogs: Guarding the castle

Okay, so I’ve been in kind of a blogging funk lately. My goal is to get back on track ASAP and kick this case of blogger’s block. Until then, please enjoy these sleeping dogs. They’re holding down the blog while I get myself together. At least I’m in good paws. After all, I couldn’t ask for two cuter sentries.

Sleepy Bella: I Still Want More Puppies

None shall pass…

Sleepy Tavish: I Still Want More Puppies

Glad you’re on guard, because the dragon’s with me!


Gotcha Day: It’s a Tavishversary!

One year ago today, a furry little dude entered our lives. Although Bella was initially skeptical about her new and energetic little brother, I think she’s grown to love him and his crazy antics. It keeps her young.

Tavish is many things. He’s an artist, a chameleon, an aspiring movie star, a greeting card inspirer, a Bella kisser, a goofball, and a user of unconventional pillows. He sleeps with his favorite toy, tries to act tough, copies Bella’s quirks, and sticks his tongue out a lot.  If he ever needs a job, he could find employment as a Quokka impersonator. Most of all, he’s an adorable and indispensable part of our family.

I Still Want More Puppies: Tavish anniversary

A whole year of me? You’re welcome!

So, today I’m happy to celebrate an entire year of having Tavish in my life. Thanks for being so awesome, little dude.

No Frown Friday was on hiatus this week due to the holiday, but your weekly linkage will return next week. In any event, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for now… hope everyone is having a great weekend (and that your neighbors are finally done setting off those pesky fireworks).


Always look on the bright side of deaf

Bella's ear - I Still Want More Puppies

Ear’s the thing…

A few months ago, I realized that Bella is losing her hearing. It’s not totally gone yet, but she definitely has trouble hearing. When she does hear a sound, she seems to have trouble figuring out where it’s coming from. (Is your dog experiencing hearing loss too? Check out some of these tips.)

Initially, I was kind of sad about this realization. After all, my baby puppy is not as young as she used to be. However, I’ve come to realize that there are a few benefits to this new state of affairs. (Plus, deaf dogs rock!)

Should you find yourself in a similar situation, try to look on the bright side of life.

You might find that there are some silver linings to that seemingly dark cloud. (After all, we should always rely on Spamalot for important life lessons.) Here are a few good things I’ve discovered about having a dog that’s losing her hearing… Continue reading


20 posts you should read right now (instead of doing that whole job thing)

It’s time for another monthly roundup! May was full of fantastic posts. I’ve pulled together a list of twenty that I really enjoyed, but I easily could have kept going. Stop being so awesome, pet bloggers.

Anyway, here are some posts that will likely prove more fun than doing your job, unless your job happens to involve lying in the grass while being licked by puppies.

(If that is your job, please contact me. I would like to send you my resume. Said resume will just include a video of me getting licked by Tavish and a portfolio of dog photos. The video portion will kind of look like this:

Sort of a slo-mo Tavish: I Still Want More Puppies

via giphy.com

However, Tavish is nowhere near this calm about it, reinforcing the entry on my resume that says I have advanced skills in dog licking acceptance.)

Moving on… let’s get back to those blog posts I mentioned. Continue reading


I’m addicted to dog photos

Here’s another photo of my aunts’ dog Sweet Pea:

Sweet Pea: I Still Want More Puppies

She’s quite the little model… 

I’m lucky that I have the kind of family who finds it totally normal when you spend your visit with a camera attached to your side, constantly snapping photos of the various people and animals in attendance.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your WeinerMy Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!
