Hat tip to Stevie Wonder.
Category Archives: wordless wednesday
Guess who got a new camera for Christmas?
It’s a tough job…
Visions of sugar plums
From the Bella archives…
Bella’s spa day
Two Words Wednesday
In one ear…
Pink ribbon puppy
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In support, Bella is digging out her pink ribbons:
Wondering how you can support breast cancer awareness? Visit Susan G. Komen for the Cure for more info.
A dose of Bella for your Wednesday
Bella likes being the center of attention. Every now and then, she reminds me that she’s the face of this operation, and that I should feature her more often. In an effort to appease my doggie boss and increase this week’s Bella quotient, I’ve illustrated this post with a few photos from the Bella archives.
Before I go, I have an update about International Homeless Animals Day this Saturday. Go check out this post at Bocci’s Beefs to find out how you can participate.
Finally, I want to say a quick thank you to Miley at Curious Cavorting Cavoodle. This sweet blogger bestowed another award on us! In lieu of writing a new post, I’ll just direct you to my other recent posts recognizing some great blogs and encourage you to visit the blogs listed in the blogroll at right. However, I did want to let Miley know how much I appreciate it – thanks again!