Category Archives: wordless wednesday
Always be my baby…
I own all the things!
So, we have a dog bed on our main level that is the twin (aside from color) of the bed Bella has in our bedroom. She loves the bed upstairs, but generally ignores the bed on the main level. It’s really become a site for excess toy storage – she leaves the toys she doesn’t really play with in there and takes her favorite ones to Toy Corner.
In the past, she’s occasionally shown interest in the bed when we had another canine visitor in the house. True to form, when Roscoe and Tavish started sniffing her bed on Saturday, she just had to get in there… hence, today’s post title.
(As you may have noticed, all of my photos of late have been of the iPhone/Instagram variety. Once the pups are settled in, I will happily return to my real camera!)
Now it’s your turn – what’s Bella thinking?
Bored on the Fourth of July
Up close & personal
Hairy Garfield & the Half-Belated Birthday Doodle
Today’s topic is artistic ability. I have a little – occasionally, I can render a pretty good drawing, although I never quite mastered perspective and scale. I’m by no means an artist, so today we’re actually talking about doodles: what you doodle, when you doodle, how you doodle. (That word gets more fun each time I say it… doodle, doodle, doodle. How do any of you with a Labradoodle or other -doodle dog get anything done? I’d just repeat that to myself all the time.)
Why doodles, you might ask? Well, I’m a habitual doodler, but not terribly creative. Those that have ever sat next to me in a meeting, taken a class with me, or known me for years are aware that I have a doodle of choice. It’s appeared in countless notebooks and textbooks over the years.
Yesterday happened to be the birthday of my favorite doodle inspiration, so I thought I’d honor this esteemed personage with a belated birthday doodle…
Ms. Bella’s Neighborhood
A dog in a hot car’s just not right…
Today, we’re going with some vintage Bella from 2007 combined with a PSA from the pup herself. (She totally wrote this song.)
Hot dog, summer in the city
Whether a Beagle, Yorkie, or a Pitty.
Why can’t I just nap like a kitty?
It isn’t getting any cooler in the city.
All around people being brain dead
Even though that car is hotter than a match head.
But it’s not hard to be a pearl,
Be smart about the world.
Come on, come on, and see the light
A dog in a hot car’s just not right.
And babe, don’t you know it’s a pity,
Some people just aren’t all that bright
In the summer, in the city
In the country, or the city.
Stay cool, no need for that pity
Just remember this little ditty.
Sure enough, you’ll be sitting pretty
Looking out for dogs in the country and the city.
I’m already filled with dread knowing that the usual hot car stories are just around the corner… as usual, I’m sure the news cycle will bring out my Hulk-ian tendencies. (As in, “Hulk smash idiots who leave their dogs in hot cars.” Hulk smash a lot.)
Caption this: Stairway to Bella
And she’s making a stairway to Bella.
When you get there you know, that the stairs will be closed.
With a treat you can get to the next floor.
Ooh, you must pay to use the stairway to Bella.
I seriously can’t help myself. The husband sent me this photo and it was just begging for a Led Zeppelin parody, don’t you think?
Now, it’s your turn. How would you caption this Bella?
Excuse me, you have a singing Bellagram
Hello, hello, hello, you called? I can’t hear a thing.
I cannot hear you in the yard you see, see.
Wha-Wha-What did you say? Oh, you’re just too far away.
Sorry, I cannot hear you I’m busy sniffing.
K-kinda sniffing.
K-kinda sniffing.
Sorry I cannot hear you
I’m kinda sniffing.
Just a second, it’s my favorite toy with which to play
And I cannot come in the house while I’m fetching it, okay?
You should’ve called me sooner before I was running free,
And now you won’t stop calling, but I’m busy sniffing.
Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t want to come in the door.
I want to stay outside and play in the grass more.
Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t want to come in the door.
I want to stay outside and play in the grass more.
The heart wants what it wants – and today my heart wanted to parody another Lady Gaga song. I’ll stop now. (Also, I won’t lie. I’m kind of addicted to Instagram. Do you use it? If so, follow me and let’s connect!)