Top 10 reasons to ask your dog to be your Valentine

Valentine’s Day is almost here. Considering that it’s a day all about love, a lot of people don’t exactly love the holiday. In fact, some of you may be a bit anxious about it.


Listen, my friendā€¦ there’s no need to fret.Ā I’m going to let you in a on a little secret. Humans are fine and all, but they’re totally overrated.

The best Valentine is the canine kind. Seriously, canines are where it’s at. (To paraphrase my favorite fashionable movie, Valencanines are so hot this year.)

Still not convinced? That’s okay. I’ve got ten reasons that dogs make better Valentines than their human counterpartsā€¦Ā  Continue reading


6 Valentines from your friendly neighborhood canines

Bella wants to be fed, and Tavish does too. If dogs could send Valentines, who knows what they’d do?

I do.

Well, I think I do. I’ve been working on some new canine Valentines (Valencanines?) to share with you this year. They’re not quite ready yet, but I thought I’d give you a little taste by diggingĀ last year’s selections out of the archives.

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You know you’re a crazy dog lady when…

Sometimes, I almost forget that I’m a crazy dog lady.


Then, something happens that reminds me just how nutty I truly am. This past Friday, I received one of those reminders when I took Tavish to a new groomer. We had the first appointment of the day, so I got up early, tossed on a sweater, and loaded Tavish in the car. It was only after the groomer pointed it out that I realized there was a siimilarity between our respective ensembles.

Not Tavish the fox

Tavish the fox


That’s right. I inadvertently dressed like my dog. I went out in public that way.

I met new people who surely think I’m not quite right in the head, including Tavish’s new groomer. (Between the outfits and my overly detailed instructions, she probably made some sort of notation in our file.)

Crazy dog lady achievement unlocked. I’ve totally leveled up.

(Oh, and this experience has given me some insight into what the fox says. I think the fox would tell me to be thankful that Tavish is a dog – rather than a child – who doesn’t realize that he should be totally embarrassed to be seen in public with me.)


Step 1: Get a bowl. Step 2: Put a puppy in that bowl.

Step 3: Enjoy today’s dose of Friday linkage. It’s that easy.

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Hayton Manning (for a horse, obviously).
  2. So, let’s talk about the most important bowl in the cupboard this weekend. That’s rightā€¦ the Puppy Bowl is almost here! Who’s on your fantasy team?

    This is a puppy bowl, but not THE Puppy Bowl. (via

  3. ForgetĀ Behind the Music. Let’s go behind the Puppy Bowl! (Here’s even more behind the scenes action. You’re welcome.)
  4. You may have already seen it by now, but if notā€¦ Budweiser has officially won the advertising portion of the Super Bowl. (I don’t normally go for a Bud Light. However, the next time my only choices are of the cheap beer variety, I think I’ll have to give it the edge.)
  5. Speaking of ads, these guys are a strong contender in the less prestigious (but still intriguing) non-animal division. (Unfortunately, this year’s crop of ads aren’t all winners. Le sigh.)
  6. Anywayā€¦ wondering who will win the actual game that’s being played on Sunday? These puppies know the answer.

CarMax made an all-puppy reenactment of its Super Bowl ad this year. I heard that it was only going to be posted online, but this really has Puppy Bowl written all over it:

Next year, I think all Super Bowl ads should be reenacted with adorable animals and aired during the various Adorable Bowls.

Finally, in case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:

Who are you rooting for this weekend? The Broncos? The Seahawks? Opie? Wyatt? Pong? (Choose your favorite player here.)


Who run the world? Squirrels.

You guysā€¦ I am seriously slacking off. I almost forgot that today is Squirrel Appreciation Day (aka Kolchak’s least favorite holiday).

Shocking, I know. (via

Thanks for the reminder, Cute Overload.

In honor of this momentous day, I give you a bevy of squirrel-related puns.

You’re welcome. (via

Settle in with a cup of Squirrel Grey Tea (the drink of choice for refined squirrels everywhere) and enjoy this journey through the annals of squirrel history.

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Are dogs furry kids?

I (somewhat) recently read a piece fromĀ Smithsonian MagazineĀ that posed the following question: Are Dogs Now Just Furry Kids?Ā I figured it would be your typical article about how people spend a lot on their dogs, dress them up, and do crazy things like blog about them.

I was wrong.

Instead, it was all science-y and stuff. Researchers have found that the human-dog bond is in some ways very similar to a parent-child bond.

Now, I’m not one who considers myself a mom to my pups (I don’t really know what word I’d use), but I thought I’d do my own non-scientific analysis as to whether dogs are simply furry children. (Being an English major, my “scientific analysis” is really just an imaginary debate I had in my own head. Just roll with it, okay?)

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Animal Odd Couples 2: Eclectic Boogaloo

I like animals who break the mold. Those who refuse to conform to peer pressure and boldly look outside their own species for friends. After all, who am I to argue with generations of Disney movies saluting interspecies friendships?


(And yes, I’m totally aware that I have done way more than two posts about animal odd couples. However, the number three bazillion didn’t yield any catchy rhyming titles with a completely random pop culture reference. I’m sure you understand.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Fawn Luc-Picard and James Flea Kirk.
  2. Never was there a story of more awwĀ than thatĀ of Meowliet and her Droolio. (Or Drooliet and her Meowreo if you’re so inclined.)
  3. I wonderĀ if this pair just plays that “let me tell you ’bout my best friend” song on repeat. If not, they should.
  4. I wish I could go back in time and show Tod and CopperĀ that there was hope after all. You could have made it work, guys!
  5. Ever hope that a Rodent of Unusual Size would find love in this crazy world? (I mean, this is a thing that normal people think about, right?)Ā As you wish.
  6. Well, this little guy is basically an odd couple in and of himself. It’s like a chick and a hamster had an unexpected love connection. Or a duck and a gerbil?
  7. Speaking of unexpected combinationsā€¦ Sir Patrick Stew can moo, can you?
  8. Also rather moo-ving:Ā “At first, it was all about the milk, but thenā€¦ then I realized I was really just coming hereĀ to see you!

Let’s take this to the next level. Coming soon, to a theater near you: in a world of cats and boxes, one cat followed his heart and declared his loveā€¦ for a bag:

What can we learn from today’s linkage? Follow your heart. The resulting friendship might just be adorable.

Oh, and in case you missed anything, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:

Have a great weekend!
