My pups know that the freezer must contain some interesting art or a brainteaser, as I’m often staring in there at night while pondering something. (You know, like whether to have an ice cream sandwich.)
The title of this post was almost “you say ci-cay-da, I say Secada.”
Anyway, on to more pressing matters. It’s cicada season in parts of Virginia. Thus, if you live in the area or will be visiting, you may want to be on the lookout for these noisy insects. The season is just getting started, but before long they’ll be everywhere. Seriously… everywhere. In fact, to mutilate a classic song: “If you’re going to be at BlogPaws, you just might find a cicada in your hair.” If that happens, try not to panic. It’ll be okay. Continue reading
Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!
In less than a week, BlogPaws 2013 will be here. It just so happens that this year’s conference is (like the 2011 event) in my metaphorical backyard. So, how could I pass up another opportunity to hang out with some of my favorite pet bloggers? Truth be told, I signed up as soon as the location for 2013 was announced last year!
I can’t wait to see some of my blogging buddies again… and to meet some of you in person for the very first time! Will you be there?
I had a wonderful time in 2011, even though I’ll admit that I was a little nervous. (If this year’s conference will be your first, have no fear. As I’m sure you can imagine, this is one fun and welcoming group! If you’d like to read about the 2011 conference through the eyes of a newbie, check out my series of posts about the experience – you might want to scroll down and start with the oldest posts first.)
(Full disclosure: Bella and Tavish will probably not be attending the conference with me. Although it’s nearby, I’m worried that they might find it a little overwhelming. So, maybe I’ll manage to work something out with Tavish, but Bella will probably have to live vicariously through me. She’s in kind of a “get off my lawn” phase with any other dog she happens to encounter these days.)
Happy Friday! Let’s get to today’s linkage (which I must admit is not actually filled with baby mama drama… just several animal baby mamas).
Finally, we end with a video. I think I could watch this all day:
Still need more? Enjoy:
Obviously, today’s theme was partially inspired by Mother’s Day. This weekend, I’ll be remembering the wonderful lady who made me into the woman I am today. To those of you also making due with a memory, I’m sending you a giant hug.
I’ve got a special treat for you today – a guest post from my pal Michelle, the lovely lady behind Hey Love Designs! (Fun fact: Michelle adopted her dog from the same rescue group where I found Bellaface.) She’s here to tell us about BarkBox – a monthly delivery of goodies for the pampered pooch in your life. I’m pretty sure Bella and Tavish want me to sign up.
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Hi Friends!
I’m a pal of AJ’s and we’ve bonded over college memories, love of DIY, and of course, dogs! I talk about BarkBox so much that she asked me if I wanted to contribute a guest post. Of course I wanted to share the good dog love!
BarkBox is a monthly subscription of goodies – just like BirchBox – but for dogs. Each box can cost you anywhere between $19 and $29, depending on your subscription type, but the great thing about this is you get full sized goodies. They can be anything from toys, bones, and all-natural treats to hygiene products and innovative new gadgets.
I decided to try it out for a few months. I actually don’t buy my beagle-mix Nico very many toys. He’s pretty happy with his one stuffed animal, a water bottle, and a crumbled up piece of paper. But he’s such a great dog and deserves a little spoiling. Plus, with so many dog products out there, how do you determine which ones are good? I thought BarkBox was a great option to try something new.
Here’s what I love about BarkBox:
Here’s what I don’t love:
And really that’s it! I truly stand behind BarkBox’s awesome service and am always raving about it, which is why I’m here today. Nico approves too! I get a lot of packages for business and my online shopping addiction, and he now carefully inspects every single box, hoping it’s his BarkBox.
Want in on this fun service? I would love it if you would sign up using my referral link. You’ll save $5! Try it for a month or for six months and your dog will be so happy you tried it out. 🙂
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I’m Michelle and I love my dog (obviously), design, and dancing. You can find me across the web at Hey Love Designs, Hey, Love (personal blog – there’s more Nico love here), Twitter, and Instagram.
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Want to see even more Nico? Check out these great videos of Nico checking out some of his BarkBox booty! Oh, and in case you’re wondering, Michelle didn’t receive anything from BarkBox for this post. She’s just a satisfied customer who wanted to share her experience with you today!
I didn’t finish today’s No Frown Friday post yet… and now I have house guests. So, while I’m off enjoying their company, I figured I’d make it up to you by sharing tomorrow’s post today. (Yes, tomorrow’s post was done before today’s. I rarely manage to do things in a linear fashion.)
Anyway, here’s some money. Go see a Star War.
I feel like that ended way too soon. I demand a sequel.
In the meantime, here’s a fun fact: when you search YouTube for “star wars sheep” (as I’m sure everyone does from time to time), this video also comes up:
I mean, it’s not really about sheep, so we’ll just classify it as what Bob Ross would have called a “happy accident.”
May the Fourth be with ewe.