The next Uggie?

If they ever make a sequel to The Artist, Tavish would like to throw his hat (er, collar) into the ring. Check out his attempt at old Hollywood glamour…

Tavish: Classic Hollywood style

Also, his nose is in the shape of a heart. How did I never notice that before?

I think my Oscar fever is contagious. Perhaps he’ll be cured tomorrow.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!


Grab your puppy purse & meet me on the red carpet

As you know, I am addicted to awards shows. The Academy Awards are this weekend, which makes me feel… well, kind of like this.

(Oh, and if you follow me on Twitter, I apologize in advance for the fact that I will probably tweet far too much about the Oscars on Sunday evening.)

  1. Your punny pet names are, of course, inspired by this year’s nominees: Spaniel Day-Lewis, Alan Barkin, and Fang Lee. 
  2. I wish I was throwing an Oscar party so that I could make these punny foods. I’m especially partial to Beets of the Southern Wild.
  3. Has there ever been a puppy purse on the red carpet at the Academy Awards? Well, there will be soon. To paraphrase Ted Mosby… Pulling. It. Off.
  4. I would very much like to hire these animal doppelgängers to star in punny remakes of my favorite Oscar movies. (Until then, this video will have to do.)
  5. If that random Tupac hologram isn’t available, maybe the Academy should consider asking Tupac Shacorgi to be a presenter instead. Ratings gold.
  6. I enjoy this slightly different take on the Best Picture race.
  7. Speaking of Best Picture winners, these posters are pretty cool.
  8. Still need to fill out your Oscar ballot? Here’s one way to make your picks.

I was torn between two videos this week, both starring the canine star of a past Best Picture winner: Uggie from The Artist! Although this one features Uggie in a tie, the corny humor in the video below edged it out by the slimmest of margins.

Finally, in conclusion… thanks, Meryl.


Imitation is the sincerest form of insanity

Today’s post is inspired by my pal Kristine from Rescued Insanity. She recently shared some common search terms that led people to her blog. The results were pretty entertaining. (Go check them out… I’ll wait. Funny, right?)

They (?) say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So, I’ve decided to flatter the heck out of Kristine today and steal borrow get inspired by her idea.

Anyway… to the search terms!

In not-shocking news, a lot of people end up here by searching for “punny dog names” or “punny cat names” (and occasionally, for “punny animal names”). One day, I truly hope to become the preeminent website for ridiculously punny names. A gal can dream, after all.

“it’s funny how people twist words” – I hope so, as that’s my bread and butter.

“pet names for hairy men” – I wonder if one of my punny pet names was of use. I’m not sure if I’m flattered or frightened that this searcher ended up here.

“What kind of dog is in the Travelers commercial?” – Apparently, this question has haunted many an Internet searcher. I noticed a ton of variations on this question. Chopper the dog is spreading the word about the awesomeness of the mixed breed. Mutts unite!

“sunshine on my puppy” – Makes me happy…

Vintage Bella

“bella freud and husband” – I’m just going to help you out by leaving this link here.

“frowning quokka” – I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a quokka, but I’m not sure they are capable of frowning.

“same love gay dog” and “gay dog love.blogspot” – Well, I know why these two led you here, although the structure of your search terms puzzles me a bit. (Someone also found this site by searching “gay jude collin the pirata” – I have no idea what that means.)

“Why do you tilt your head when you are confused” and “why do we tilt our heads when confused to the right” – Because it seems to work for the dogs, so I thought I’d give it a try.

“power stones fan” – In fact, I’m tilting my head right now.

“my mom signs to my dog” – Pics or it didn’t happen.

“dog chewed letters on name tag. can’t read” and “dog walker didn’t show” – I am sorry to hear both of those things, but I’m not sure how I can help you… although I might suggest you get both a new name tag and a new dog walker.

“panties in a bunch better words” – I’m glad to see I’m not the only nerdy person who thinks about this stuff.

“self carrying dog blanket” – I smell a million-dollar idea. Any leads on a self-carrying poop bag? I’m placing my order right now.

“hello is it” – this blog you’re looking for? (I think this search term delighted me the most. I wonder how many confused Lionel Richie fans end up here.)

“buy goose northern Virginia” – All those goose puns are finally catching up with me, I guess. I do not actually run an underground goose market, however.

“northern Virginia bunnies for photographers” – I assume there’s some photographer out there looking for a few good bunny models? Unfortunately, if I do have a bunny modeling agency, it is only imaginary (much like the second season of Models, Inc.).

“massage on Thanksgiving” – You’re barking up the wrong tree, bud.

“professor Garfield” – Given that I only talk about the cat, I have a feeling that this blog was not the professor you were looking for. (I do enjoy the search terms containing some variation on the Garfield “down doobie doo down down” comic.)

list of puns furrever eggcelent” – Now this one makes sense to me.

“why does every kid want a puppy?” – Um, because they’re awesome. Why don’t you just ask me why every kid wants ice cream?

“tell me more about puppies” – Happy to be of service. Pull up a chair and start surfing the archives. You might be here a while.

“no you love puppies and cupcakes” – Why, yes. Yes I do. I never claimed otherwise.

“I still highly want to” – I got nothin’. Follow your dreams. You can reach your goals.

Swing by Rescued Insanity (if you didn’t do so already, even though I told you I’d wait) to see what terms Kristine shared and to check out some funny terms in the comments. Then share your funny search terms below!


9 posts to beat the February blahs

Obviously, I’m a bit behind. Nonetheless, I’m finally sharing the roundup of some of the posts I enjoyed in December, which seems so very long ago.

(Don’t take it personally. I currently have seven episodes of Nashville, thirteen episodes of Arrow, four episodes of Dallas, and twelve episodes of Boardwalk Empire waiting for me on my DVR… not to mention the shows that have more than one word in their titles.)

  1. It’s gonna be a White Christmas!!! from Ryker Rules – Loving these photos.
  2. Although it’s been said many times, many ways… from Cardiganshire Corgis – Speaking of awesome photos, this one cracked me up.
  3. Meme-ing our life away from You Did What With Your Wiener – I can’t choose a favorite, but these are great.
  4. 8 Holiday Questions for 8 Authors from Pooch Smooches – Carol of the Balls, anyone? Love it.
  5. Dog a Day Project: Happy Hanukkah! from Doggie Stylish – Puns!
  6. This Is My Settle Down And Take A Breath And Enjoy The Wonderfulness Post from My Brown Newfies – We all need to do this from time to time.
  7. from Something Wagging this Way Comes – I can’t argue with any these.
  8. Looking for More Beautiful from Tales and Tails – Exactly what I needed.
  9. You Might Be Dog Crazy If… from Rescued Insanity – Someone should add this list to the DSM. Diagnosis? We’re all mad here.

Hope you enjoy these! I hope to get the January roundup to you sooner rather than later… but I won’t be so foolish as to make any promises.


A canine dream come true…

I’ve got some good stuff for you today. Happy weekend, pals!

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Dingo Starr. (Bonus pun!)
  2. All news coverage would be improved by the inclusion of canine camera operators. I’m just saying.
  3. Cool adoption posters… or the coolest adoption posters?
  4. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when Tavish gives kisses, these photos are a pretty good approximation.
  5. Simply put… I’m charmed.
  6. Remember Bella’s intelligence test? Maybe I should try that one out on Tavish. In any event, apparently there’s now a whole website devoted to helping you find out if your dog is smarter than your average Bella.
  7. I need an excuse to throw this party.
  8. This collection of Daria quotes makes me want to ignore my to do list and just have a Daria marathon all weekend. Is that allowed?
  9. These mascots put aside their rivalry to focus on their similarities. Human beings, take note. Why can’t we all just get along?

Finally, I give you this week’s video:

That, my friends, is the kind of weekend I wish for you.


If dogs could send Valentines…

Honestly, someone should cut off my access to any and all pop culture, punny and/or topical Valentine’s Day cards on the Internet. I can’t get enough.

Yesterday alone (in honor of Galentine’s Day), I saw a ton of great ones and kept sharing them on Facebook and Twitter. Among them? DC-themed Valentines (I lost it at Total Ellipse of the Heart), good stuff from the Bluth family, Valentines for the history lovers out there (#6 is my favorite), and tributes to my Hunger Games Valentines. There’s something for everyone.

Anyway… I figured I might as well join in the fun. Without further ado, I present six Valentine’s Day sentiments from the dog:
Dog Valentine #1

Dog Valentine #2

Dog Valentine #3

Dog Valentine #4 

Dog Valentine #5

Dog Valentine #6

If your dog could send you a Valentine, what would it say?


His spring is broken…

When I was a kid, our dog Kandi lost some teeth as she got older. She’d often sit around with her tongue sticking out – my mom used to say that her spring was broken. We’d have to tap it to remind her to pull it back in.

Apparently Tavish was channeling some Kandi last night…

What's up?

In case you’re wondering, he’s using my laptop as a pillow. So comfy.
