Moonwalking down memory lane…

I’m feeling nostalgic today (and every day, but let’s set that problem aside for now). Maybe this weekend I’ll bust out my jelly shoes and play with my Brenda Walsh paper doll.

Oh, wait. I own neither of those things. Tragic.

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Henona Ryder (or Winona Flyder).
  2. On a pun-related note, these reworked movie posters are killing me. Seriously, how did I never come up with Abraham Lynxin?
  3. Continuing on the poster theme, these minimalist posters of children’s classics are pretty neat.
  4. Seriously though, I’m beginning to question my pun-slinging skills. I also wish that I had come up with Ernest Lemingway.
  5. Given that I mentioned both Winona and good ol’ Brenda Walsh above, do you love the movie Heathers? If not, might I ask… what is your damage?
  6. Speaking of damage, this article about Jem and the Holograms may have broken my brain.
  7. Now I’m going to be singing this all day.

You know, this cat can moonwalk better than I ever could:

Thanks for joining me on this (moon)walk down memory lane!

(Don’t forget – the #SuperDogPics Twitter party is this Sunday. Have you RSVP’d?)


FOHA: Forty years of helping animals

Blog the ChangeFor this round of Blog the Change for Animals, I wanted to highlight an organization that has been helping animals since before I was a twinkle in my parents’ eyes.

Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) in northern Virginia has been serving the DC area since 1973. Last year, FOHA gave me a wonderful place to volunteer and a new pup in the form of Tavish. This year, FOHA celebrates its 40th anniversary. Continue reading


Super Dog Sunday: Show us your pets!

Your pet is cute. You know it. I know it. So, show ’em off!

Have you heard of Super Dog Sunday? Now in its third year, Super Dog Sunday is a fun photo contest that challenges pet lovers to enter football-themed photos of their pets and/or adoptable Petfinder pets. (If you use Photoshop or some other editing tool to create the perfect photo, I’ll never tell.) I’m honored to be part of the new Cheer Team that will be helping to promote Super Dog Sunday this year!

The event is 100 percent charitable and benefits the Petfinder Foundation. (Sponsors pay a fee to participate in the event, and that fee goes to the Petfinder Foundation to support its mission to help shelters and rescues so that more animals can find their forever homes. Cool, huh?)

Last year, several pets featured during the photo contest found forever homes and the event sponsors made over $1,000 in donations to Petfinder Foundation and supplied prizes for lucky entrants. Not too shabby.

Ready to play?

Have any questions? Please email, or

In addition to the photo contest, you can also get into the cheering spirit by participating in the #SuperDogPics Twitter party! The Twitter party is happening on January 20 from 4-5:30pm Eastern Time (I’ll let you do the math for your time zone) – you can RSVP here to find out more about that event.

Will you join in? Can’t wait to see your photos!


Interior de-whine: 7 tips for a pet-unfriendly home

Welcome back, students. In our last session, I taught you how to be a highly irritating dog walker. I’m glad to see that you refuse to stop there. I can tell that you love to learn. Or that you just love to be annoying. Either way, you’re in luck. It’s time for another free lesson.

Today’s topic? Creating a pet-unfriendly home. I know I’ve read a ton of articles about pet-friendly decor. It seems like the discussion has been a bit one-sided thus far, however. Where is the advice for people who don’t want to create a pet-friendly home? Won’t anyone help those who want to make their homes as unsuited to living with a pet as possible?

Never fear. Today, I am unleashing (pun intended and also a lesson from our first seminar) my inner Vern Yip (no pun needed). There’s no reason you should sacrifice your style for your pets. Make them accommodate you instead. Continue reading


No Frown Friday: “What is a weekend?” edition

It’s time for another Friday link roundup, although I’m sure the Dowager Countess would wonder what makes that so darn special.

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Waggy Smith and Kelly Barkson. (Have I used that last one before? I don’t think so, but that is surprising. I’m a huge Kelly fan.)
  2. Speaking of puns, I can’t decide which is my favorite of these. (Though I think it might be #9.)
  3. Dog or lion? You be the judge.
  4. I’ll be watching the Golden Globes and spending my Sunday evening with my imaginary best friends Tina and Amy. (Not that they are imaginary… just that my being best friends with them is a figment of my overactive imagination.) What about you?
  5. If MTV ever makes True Life: I’m Addicted to Awards Shows, they should totally give me a call. Anyway… enjoy these honest titles for Oscar-nominated movies.
  6. You know, I always wondered where kittens came from. Now I know.
  7. Say hi to your weather forecast for me.
  8. On an unrelated note (as if the others were actually related), I want all of these cakes. All of them. Bring them to me!
  9. I’m beginning to think that I’ll never get tired of hilarious auto-corrects. Perhaps it’s a new addiction to add to my awards show one.
  10. Houndton Tabby? Yes, please.

Speaking of Downton Abbey, I feel like the following parody would make a great cat food commercial.

I also have a fun bit of news to share with you today. Much like these dogs, I’m already thinking about the Super Bowl (and our annual Super Bowl party). In related news, did you know that the Puppy Bowl includes hedgehogs this year? Hedgehogs. Amazing.

Anyway… in years past, I’ve participated in the Super Dog Sunday blog hop. This year, I’ve been invited to be a member of the Cheer Team to promote this year’s Super Dog Sunday photo contest, which will benefit the Petfinder Foundtion. I’ll be posting more info soon, but you can go here to get a little preview if you just can’t wait. Stay tuned…


Take a look at me now (yet again)

Pet Blogger Challenge Jan. 10It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since I learned the word omphaloskepsis and engaged in some officially-sanctioned navel gazing. (I would say that it had been a year since I engaged in some navel gazing, but let’s get real. It’s one of my hobbies.)

Today’s navel gazing is brought to you as part of the Pet Blogger Challenge, hosted by the wonderful Go Pet Friendly. This post marks my third year participating in the challenge, so I’ll be tackling the questions directed towards repeat offenders. If you’re a regular reader of the blog, you know I love lists (as in my No Frown Friday posts), so it may surprise you to learn that I like to tackle this one in a narrative format instead.

Before I dive in, here’s a link to last year’s post (in case you’re curious). I tried to find a new Phil Collins song to capture the theme of this year’s post, but nothing really fit as well as the one I’ve used in the past. Although it would entertain me to draft a post entitled Sussudio, it wouldn’t make much sense.

Let’s get to it. Apologies in advance for the lengthy post… Continue reading


Meet the happiest dog in the world

Yesterday, I met Tavish’s doppleganger. (By “met”, I obviously mean that I read this article on the Interwebs. Close enough, right?)

Have you ever heard of a Quokka? The Quokka is an Australian mammal that’s roughly the size of a domestic cat (which also makes it roughly the size of Tavish).

Seriously, though… the resemblance is uncanny.


Source: Flickr user ceetap

Happy Tavish


Source: Flickr user kieranmcglone



Source: Flickr user neoporcupine

IMG_0203 - Version 2

Quokka in the grass on the side of the road.

Source: Flickr user fvanrenterghem


See what I mean?
