That’s what (odd) friends are for…

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I have a weakness for animal odd couples. Today, I have quite the assortment of crazy combinations for you:

  1. Your punny pet names: Heidi Plume (for a bird) & Tim Bunn (for a rabbit).
  2. Maybe Bella and Tavish should watch this kangaroo and lemur at play – it could provide some inspiration!
  3. Speaking of kangaroos, these photos of a baby kangaroo and a baby wombat sharing a pouch (seriously) sent my cute-o-meter off the charts. Did you know that the babies of both species are called joeys? No, not like that Joey. (Although… how you doin’?)
  4. Now, for a few odd couples involving pups. First up, these two… I mean, Mango and Milkshake? Those names are amazing. I melt.
  5. This guy has some pretty rocking bodyguards. (I’m totally fighting the urge to play The Bodyguard soundtrack right now.)
  6. Oh you know… it’s just a turtle and a Bulldog hanging out. Eating cereal.
  7. This next odd couple was meant to be. What are the odds that a Dalmatian will adopt her very own black & white spotted lamb?
  8. This baby sloth (also known as a pup!) is besties with a teddy bear. I now want to hug a baby sloth.

Finally, it’s time for this week’s video. You can’t go wrong with a dog and some dolphins, right?

What do you have planned for the weekend?


The dog blog days of summer, part II

Since I gave you so much homework during Part I of July’s monthly roundup (you know you love your summer reading assignments), I figured I’d wait a bit before sharing the rest of the links. However, it’s time for part 2. (After all, every dog has his day.)

Here are a few more posts that made me smile during the month of July: Continue reading


7 books I wish my dogs would write

The posts at Something Wagging This Way Comes never fail to get me thinking. This recent post is no exception: 7 Books I Wish Dog Trainers Would Write. (Head on over and check it out… I’ll wait here.) I hope the one about teaching your dog to stop shedding gets written. If I could, I’d reserve a copy now.

Since Pamela’s got the dog training books covered, I thought I’d turn my eye to another segment of the market – books about dog behavior. I’m sure we all have a few mysteries in need of solving (and after all, imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery – I hope Pamela feels sufficiently flattered today). To solve these mysteries, I’m going to the source.

Continue reading


A dog’s dilemma: to pee or not to pee?

I didn’t really have a theme in mind for today’s links. However, after I put the list together, I noticed a few common threads: England, philosophical musings, and sharks. (I’m not entirely sure how that last one fits, but there you have it.) So, here we go…

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Romeo Montawoof and Juliet Catulet.
  2. I’m not done yet…  I know that this one is stretching the “pet” part a bit far (though I suppose it could still work for a goldfish), but I couldn’t resist: Shark Wahlberg (or Sharky Shark, if you prefer).
  3. This puppy is the Jack Handey of the canine set. (Oh heck, why not… I made my own. If you make one too, share the link in the comments! Need some inspiration? Start here…)
  4. While he’s busy musing, cats are busy doing… in the arenas of politics and fashion, at least.
  5. Speaking of cats… I had no idea you could patent a method of exercise, but what do I know? (No update on how to properly herd cats, however. Get your patent application ready!)
  6. The Olympics are over, but that won’t stop me from posting a few more London-y type links: enjoy these adorable cards and these cool cakes.
  7. Since we’re talking about England today, did you ever see the great video explaining the difference between England, the United Kingdom, and Great Britain? If not, it’s definitely worth a watch.
  8. If you live every week like it’s Shark Week, then you should decorate your home appropriately. (Speaking of Shark Week…)

Finally, today’s video offering combines British-ness and deep thoughts (a la Henri):

Does sharing this video count as making use of my English degree? I sure hope so.



House cats keep falling on my head…

When I was a kid, my cat Buttercup always found a way to get into the space between the two floors of our house. (Is that called a crawlspace? I have no idea.) Anyway, my room had a dropped ceiling… thus, the video below is a dramatic reenactment of what occasionally happened to me in the middle of the night.

Luckily, I don’t think any of the ceiling panels ever broke. Usually the cat and ceiling just landed on me with a mild thud. If only we’d had the Internet back then. I could have been a viral video sensation.

In a way, I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who has experienced this particular phenomenon. Any others out there? Maybe we can form a support group. At the very lest, share your stories (about house cats falling on your head or other animal-related housing mishaps) in the comments!

(Bonus points if you can guess the song referenced in the title of this post. Hint: it’s from a movie… so, double bonus points if you can know the movie too. Don’t ask me how to redeem these points. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.)


Sneaky snuggle time

I took this one using my iPhone (Instagram with the black & white filter). Tavish was downstairs with the Hub, so I took the opportunity to sneak Bella up on the bed for some snuggle time. Obviously, I wasn’t going to disturb her to go get the DSLR!

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up and join the fun!



Girls just wanna have pun…

It’s Friday… let’s get to the linkage!

  1. First up, your punny pet names are inspired by this slideshow (oh… hello there, Slide 15): Cullen Bones, Nathan Blue Jaydrian, and Pom Daley. (Seriously, I want to meet a Pomeranian named Pom Daley. It’s my new dream.)
  2. Speaking of punny pet names, this week I learned that Prince Harry owns a racehorse named Usain Colt. How is it possible that I never came up with that one on my own? (Bonus link: Animals with misleading names.)
  3. Emmylou Harris rocks. Check out her new project, Woofstock.
  4. Um, I would watch the heck out of Animals Acting Like Sharks Week.
  5. You know I’m a fan of all things Seussical. Thus, I loved this collection of advertising artwork from Dr. Seuss.
  6. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t love these new ads from Old Navy featuring 90210 actors.
  7. On another nostalgia-related note… moves like Chandler!
  8. Here’s one for the Things Bella and Tavish Will Never Do files. (Oh, Corgis. Always good for a smile.) Yup… I adopt dogs that take their cues from the Gremlins.

You didn’t think I’d make it through this post with only one Olympics reference, did you? As if. Today’s video reveals the results of the Cat Sleeping Position Olympics:

That’s all folks! Hard to believe the Olympics are almost over already. Will you be spicing up your life on Sunday?
