It’s a beautiful day in the Bellahood… won’t you be her neighbor?
It’s been one of those weeks… so I hope you’ll understand that I didn’t have time to put together your regularly scheduled Friday linkage. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.
Until then, enjoy this video. Considering summer weather is here, it seemed pretty appropriate. I think it’s impossible to watch it and not smile!
What are you up to this weekend?
Wow… we just finished the third K9 Kamp challenge. How did that happen? I guess time does fly when you’re having fun.
This week’s challenge was called Just One Doggone Minute to Win It. This challenge recognizes that sometimes life gets in the way of staying fit. However, we all have some free minutes in there, so Kampers were encouraged to find a way to make those minutes count! Read on to find out how we did… Continue reading
Today, we’re going with some vintage Bella from 2007 combined with a PSA from the pup herself. (She totally wrote this song.)
Hot dog, summer in the city
Whether a Beagle, Yorkie, or a Pitty.
Why can’t I just nap like a kitty?
It isn’t getting any cooler in the city.
All around people being brain dead
Even though that car is hotter than a match head.
But it’s not hard to be a pearl,
Be smart about the world.
Come on, come on, and see the light
A dog in a hot car’s just not right.
And babe, don’t you know it’s a pity,
Some people just aren’t all that bright
In the summer, in the city
In the country, or the city.
Stay cool, no need for that pity
Just remember this little ditty.
Sure enough, you’ll be sitting pretty
Looking out for dogs in the country and the city.
I’m already filled with dread knowing that the usual hot car stories are just around the corner… as usual, I’m sure the news cycle will bring out my Hulk-ian tendencies. (As in, “Hulk smash idiots who leave their dogs in hot cars.” Hulk smash a lot.)
You may remember when I shared a great post from Oh, Corbin – “You call me a Pit Bull like it’s a bad thing.” Using that post as inspiration, Corbin has organized a special event today – Blogville Pitty Post Day! The mission is simple – share a positive post about Pit Bulls.
The timing couldn’t be better for me, actually. This weekend, I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with a fantastic Pit Bull in need of a home, and I’m delighted to introduce her to you today. Continue reading
As usual, it’s time for some Friday linkage. This week, the theme is helping out. Confused? Stick with me…
It’s not a one-way street, however. Dogs help us too. Like this dog helping his baby friend learn to crawl.
I kind of want a series featuring the adventures of this dog and baby as they grow up together. Rated TV-CAA (Cute, Awesome & Adorable).
It’s time for another K9 Kamp update. Today, we’re talking about the second challenge, which was named (drum roll, please)… Play with Your Balls. (In case you’re not as amused as I am – which would make me question our friendship – perhaps the fact that I received an email beginning with “How’d you all do playing with your balls?” yesterday will do the trick. Best email ever.)
Anyway, as you know, Bella and I have been battling against various health issues during this year’s K9 Kamp. (We’re still on the DL, but we’re on the mend.) This week, we also had an additional challenge – the fact that Bella will not play with balls. I guess she doesn’t get the joke.
Read on to find out how we did… Continue reading
And she’s making a stairway to Bella.
When you get there you know, that the stairs will be closed.
With a treat you can get to the next floor.
Ooh, you must pay to use the stairway to Bella.
I seriously can’t help myself. The husband sent me this photo and it was just begging for a Led Zeppelin parody, don’t you think?
Now, it’s your turn. How would you caption this Bella?
We moved into this house in the winter of 2009. This marks the third spring we’ve spent here. The past two years were fairly uneventful. However, here in 2012, things have taken a puzzling turn. Before I get too far into it, I should warn you that this post is a long one. I promise I’ll try to make it worth your while…
For some reason, the neighborhood birds have decided that my house is a problem that needs to be pecked out of existence. It’s like living in a live-action version of Angry Birds. The siege began in April, when this little bird decided that the shiny plate on our front door was looking at him (or her) funny.
Timber from FOHA
This week, I have a special edition of my Adorable Adoptables feature for you. In the month of May, Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) in northern Virginia has been running a “Back in Black” promotion to showcase black cats and dogs looking for a home. The promotion is part of the Best Friends Animal Society’s Back in Black 2 national adoption event.
Oreo from FOHA
We’ve talked about black pets on the blog before as part of Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week. My motto is “appreciate, don’t discriminate” – it’s crazy that black pets have a tougher time getting adopted, considering how awesome they are. I mean, how could anyone find the sweet faces accompanying this post anything less than fantastic?
So, check out some campaign info from FOHA. Then swing by the FOHA Twitter account and Facebook page, where they’ve been sharing black pets all month! There’s even a special Black Cat Ball section on the FOHA website. It’s a pretty great campaign, and there are lots of cute pets up for adoption, including the ones featured in this post – Timber, Oreo, and Gulliver. Finally, don’t forget to spread the word about these sometimes overlooked (and amazingly awesome) adoptables!