Doggie style Christmas carols return!

This month, wordless Wednesdays will be extremely wordy… are you ready for the return of caroldies? They’re something of an annual tradition around these parts…

Santa Tavish via

Make sure to leave out some cookies for Tavish… er, Santa

Bark! the Begging Canines Sing

“Bark!” The begging canines sing
“Glory to yummy dinner things.
We’ll take some of that turkey wild,
And crumbs from yonder messy child.”
Joyful the Dalmatians rise,
When more tidbits fall from the skies.
“It doesn’t matter who’s to blame,
We’ll eat that food ‘fore it can stain.”

Morsels, by every dog adored.
Your every move won’t be ignored.
At dinner time they quickly come,
Hoping that you will give them some.
Patiently they wait to see,
If you’ll indulge their begging plea.
Stealing food will also sell,
If your back is turned as well.
Bark the begging canines sing,
“Glory to the dinner bell’s ring!”

Now, it’s your turn. Share your caroldies in the comments or send me your requests for this year’s caroldy selections!

(While you’re at it, you might as well caption that Tavish as well, right?)


Wanted: One groove

As you may have noticed, things have been pretty quiet around here lately. Or maybe you haven’t noticed, since it has been slow since May (aside from that stint in August), and you have given up on visiting.

I have to admit – I like to think that you still check back here from time to time, hoping to see some new content.  I won’t flatter myself by thinking that’s actually true. However, if you have stuck around and are reading this post… I’m glad to see you. Thanks for not giving up on the blog while I spent some time figuring out how to navigate the changes of my life. (Paging Stevie Nicks. I’m obviously going to spend the next few minutes serenading Tavish with some sweet Fleetwood Mac tunes before I finish this post. I’m sure he wishes that I would not.)

Anyway, it’s December, I think it’s time I give this whole blogging thing another shot. After all, if I don’t get this thing up and running again, what will I do with all of the caroldies that get stuck in my head during the holidays? What will I do with all of the Tavish pictures that populate my phone?  Who will pretend to enjoy (or at least tolerate) my punny pet names? How will I convince you to check out that long-gestating webcomic that I’ve got in the works once I finally hit publish?

I might start slow, but bear with me. I can at least promise you some of this adorable little guy along the way:

Tavish is back -

You need to get something back, Ma? Here’s my back!

Next time, I’ll even convince him to face the camera… I hope.

Anyway, consider this my attempt to channel Stella and find my missing groove. (I can only hope that my journey also involves a trip to a tropical island.)


When puppies make puppies…

Blog the ChangeThis post is part of Blog the Change for Animals, a quarterly blog event dedicated to shining a spotlight on animal causes. I originally had another post planned for today, but it’s still in limbo due to a nasty case of writer’s block. So, I decided to share a post I did last year (with a few tweaks) about a topic that never seems to go out of style.  (Just ask Bob Barker.) 

From time to time, I write about some of the more interesting search terms that bring people to this humble blog. One of these search terms inspired today’s post. Those fateful words? “I want a puppy that makes puppies.” Well, dear searcher… what exactly do you mean by that? I kind of hope you’re looking for some sort of child’s toy that I haven’t heard of yet. Or a puppy prodigy that spends his spare time building Lego replicas of other puppies. Continue reading


Paw & Order: SVMew

Before we dive into today’s links, a quick plug if you live in the northern Virginia/DC area… this Saturday (the 27th), Friends of Homeless Animals (giver of Tavish) is hosting its annual Barktoberfest. Stop by for pet contests, music, food, drinks, fun, puppies, kittens, and more… check it out!

Now… let’s do this.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Rawr-iska Hartigay (star of Paw & Order: SVMew) and Ace Hentura (bird detective, obviously).
  2. Speaking of Olivia Benson, I think Mariska Hartigay is my soul mate. (H/t Hey Love Designs for sending this one my way!)
  3. Move over, Ace Ventura.  This little dude is my new favorite pet detective.
  4. Furry pet detective aside, there appears to be an actual and altruistic pet detective in Canada.
  5. I need a detective (pet or otherwise) to help me solve these mysteries. Anyone?
  6. Is your dog the Hooch to your Turner? Take this quiz and find out which fictional duo you and your pet are most like. (My result? Apparently tiny Tavish is a giant St. Bernard at heart, and I’m a nerdy adolescent boy. Who knew?)

Holy crap, you guys. Agatha Christie’s first dog looked like Tavish. Doggelganger alert!

(I realize that the “holy crap” portion of that sentence might not accurately capture your reaction, but I promise you that was mine. My mom loved Agatha Christie, so I have a soft spot for all things A.C.)

Anyway, check it out:

Fascinating, yes? Authors are kind of like rock stars to me, so I loved that video on many levels.

In closing… take a look, it’s in a book.


Odds and ends and ducks and Friends

Well, that didn’t work.

I thought that my month of blogging in August would reignite the blogging flame… however, I think it resulted in a second wave of blogging burnout.

Never fear, however… I’m working on a plan to get myself back on track. In the meantime, I thought I’d dedicate this edition of Friday* linkage to some things that I have been filling my time with lately:

  1. Before we get started, however, I would be remiss if I failed to share some punny pet names: Hiss Messina (for a snake) and Mindy Meowling.
  2. Those pet names miiiiight have given you a clue to what I’ve been watching lately.  My list of current TV obsessions includes The Mindy Project. (I mean, seriously. Seriously, people.)
  3. I’m also obsessed with Outlander. (You might be noticing a theme in the links, but I promise I’m totally into the rest of the show too. I’ve even read the books!)
  4. I’ve also been loving all of the Friends coverage lately. I’ll never get over it. (Also, this kid is possibly the coolest kid ever. So cute.)
  5. Beyond the pop culture realm, I’ve also been fascinated by the Scottish independence referendum.  (This John Oliver clip is hilarious. This moment on CNN is perfection. Like gum.)
  6. In news that will be surprising to absolutely zero people, I have also been staring at photos of the new baby red pandas.  I think these pandas are my lobsters.
  7. Um, new Dr. Seuss? Epic.
  8. I’m not even sure how words can do this next link justice. I’ll just say that it is my everything and let you enjoy the awesomeness.

Finally, today’s video. I can’t stop watching this:

Speaking of things I can’t seem to stop doing, I probably read this post like ten times and laughed every single time.

Until next time, faithful friends!

*I assume you can forgive me for providing Friday linkage on a Thursday night.


Caring for Critters: Dealing with kidney disease


This post is a part of the Caring for Critters Health Issues Round Robin hosted by Heart Like a Dog. As the adorable graphic suggests, pet bloggers will be sharing their personal experiences, health problems their pets have faced, and how we dealt with them. While we consulted veterinarians and specialists in determining our own course of treatment, we are not vets and nothing shared should be considered medical advice. Got it?

I’ll admit – I had trouble deciding what to write about today. My beautiful Bella had numerous health issues over the years, so choosing one was difficult. I also wasn’t necessarily motivated to revisit some of those issues in light of our recent loss. However, inspiration finally hit, and this post is the result. Continue reading


You are cordially invited to my red panda intervention

It’s time for your Friday linkage. (I’m getting this one in right under the wire. Last minute? Who, me?)


  1. First up, your punny pet names: Pandalf the Red and Angela Pandasbury. I maaaay have used my good (?) panda puns in the past.
  2. Where did August go? I’m not ready for this yet, no matter how cute it might be.
  3. This one’s old news, but I don’t care. Red panda twins are always timely.  (As are single red panda cubs. I don’t discriminate.)
  4. I cannot stop posting links to photos of tiny red pandas.
  5. I might need a red panda intervention, friends.
  6. Seriously. Here’s a probable reenactment of what would happen if I ever get within snuggling distance of a red panda.  (Can it be a reenactment if it hasn’t happened yet? If not, what should I call it? A preenactment?)
  7. Red panda. (See? I’ve lost control. Forgotten how to form complete sentences.)

I’m not entirely sure what’s happening here, but it’s catchy (and stuck in my head):

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week when I wasn’t ogling red pandas:

(Also, I missed yet another post yesterday. I am really not so good at this whole blogging every day thing! Oh, well…)
