Cat’s all, folks…

Before we get into today’s links, I have some fun news to share. I recently learned that this blog was nominated for eCollegeFinder’s Top Pet Blogs Award. The winners were announced this week, and we made the list of the Top 107 Pet Blogs! (I don’t know why it’s 107, but I kind of dig it.) Pretty cool, huh? Even cooler, some of our blogging friends made the list too. Check out the winners here.

Now, to the linkage. Last week, I featured some otters. This week, I’m feline like featuring some cats. (I blame this list of strange cat facts I encountered a few days ago.) Let’s get to it…

  1. Your punny pet name for this week: Terrence Meoward.
  2. Cheetah cub overload! You’re welcome.
  3. I have a feeling that Kristine from Rescued Insanity will like this next one. A cat trained to hug… could the video be any cuter? (On a related note, Kristine is working on an awesome project to show the world just how awesome cats can be. Swing by to find out more and submit your own story!)
  4. The cats in this video give a new meaning to the term copycat.
  5. By no means am I endorsing this brand (I’m no expert on cat food) – that being said, I have to admit that this ad made me laugh. For Pete’s sake, it has Chris Parnell in it. I’m not immune to the charms of Dr. Spaceman.

Finally, I give you this week’s video. I need to hire this guy to do the music for my punny production company. (I’ve got tons of characters, after all.) Wonder if he could do the same thing with plush dogs?

I know… it’s a weird video, but it just felt right. I’m a weird gal.

What are you up to this weekend? Don’t forget to check out Peggy’s Pet Place and Kol’s Notes for this week’s K9 Kamp challenge. Also, you have until Tuesday to enter the two Happy Tails Spa giveaways I announced last week, so why not do it this weekend?



#K9Kamp: Walking on (& napping in) sunshine

As you may know, Bella and I are participating in K9 Kamp for the second time. Today, I’ll be telling you about how we handled the first challengeWalking on Sunshine. This week, Kampers were given a simple directive – take lots of walks!

I have to say – every year it seems that Bella and I have some sort of issue when K9 Kamp rolls around. Last year, it was endless rain, which required us to adapt the challenges so that we could do them inside. This year, although it’s rained some, that’s not the real issue.

Instead, we’re both on the DL – I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago, and Bella was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection last week. So, my mobility has been compromised (walking too far or for too long results in pain), and the infection has left Bella feeling under the weather. Nonetheless, we soldiered on (so to speak) and did our own version of the challenge.

Our walks were not fast, nor were they far. However, we spent a fair amount of time wandering around the yard together. At times, Bella decided that she’d rather plop down in the sun and nap instead of walk. Given that she wasn’t feeling that great, I let it slide this week. We can’t be superstars every week, after all.

So, my first week was not quite the resounding success I’d envisioned, but we made it work for us. Honestly, just spending time with the pup (even if she chose napping in sunshine over walking on it), was nice. That’s the best thing about K9 Kamp – a built-in reason to spend extra time with my favorite furface!

Want more tales (and tails) from Kamp? There’s a sunny blog hop happening today. Swing by Kol’s Notes or Peggy’s Pet Place to check out the other bloggers participating and to share your own stories! If you completed this week’s challenge, you can even enter to win some groovy prizes while you’re over there. Can’t beat that!

Tomorrow, challenge #2 will be announced – make sure to check out Kol’s Notes and Peggy’s Pet Place for the details. I can’t wait!

Are you a fellow Kamper or thinking of joining us?

When is karaoke night?



Excuse me, you have a singing Bellagram

Hello, hello, hello, you called? I can’t hear a thing.
I cannot hear you in the yard you see, see.
Wha-Wha-What did you say? Oh, you’re just too far away.
Sorry, I cannot hear you I’m busy sniffing.

K-kinda sniffing.
K-kinda sniffing.
Sorry I cannot hear you
I’m kinda sniffing.

Just a second, it’s my favorite toy with which to play
And I cannot come in the house while I’m fetching it, okay?
You should’ve called me sooner before I was running free,
And now you won’t stop calling, but I’m busy sniffing.

Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t want to come in the door.
I want to stay outside and play in the grass more.
Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t want to come in the door.
I want to stay outside and play in the grass more.

The heart wants what it wants – and today my heart wanted to parody another Lady Gaga songI’ll stop now. (Also, I won’t lie. I’m kind of addicted to Instagram. Do you use it? If so, follow me and let’s connect!)


Teen (Mutt) Mom: 4 Months & Pregnant?

I just came across this great set of ads from the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah. The ads are part of the Fix at Four campaign, which is designed to educate people about the proper age for spaying and neutering your pets. (Well done, Best Friends. Bob Barker would be proud.)

Did you know that a kitten can become a mother at four months of age and a puppy at six months? Kind of crazy, when you think about it. (Take it from me, I adopted an unwed teen puppy mother off the streets. After Bella had her puppies, some cruel person kept the puppies and dropped her off at the shelter – and she was barely a year old at the time, maybe less.)

These ads are extremely clever, funny and effective. I think this one is my favorite (based on the Creek connection, of course).

Check out two more ads, after the jump…

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Adorable adoptables in northern Virginia: Bunny hop edition!

Bella loves bunnies… I think. She did have a bunny cousin, and she tried to lick him during their first meeting. However, she tried to lick a goose once too, so who knows what’s going on in that puppy brain of hers.

Anyway, all that is a prelude to some very special adoptables. Today, I’m participating in the Second Annual Rabbit Adoptathon, founded by the All Things Dog Blog. This year, the hop (wordplay!) is co-hosted by afFURmation and Bunny’s Blog. (We participated last year too – I told you that Bella loves her bunnies.)

Photo courtesy of

First up, allow me to introduce you to Oreo II. (If you’re wondering – yes, I did choose him because of the Roman numerals. I’m a nerd that way.) Oreo II is an adoptable American rabbit from the Humane Society of Fairfax County (HSFC). This sweet little guy is dog friendly (and cute as a button).


Photo courtesy of

Up next, meet Bella. (Good name, right?) This little lady is a Dutch/Cinnamon mix available from Friends of Rabbits in Centreville, Virginia. She’s sweet, calm and friendly. On top of that, she’s downright gorgeous!

If you have room in your home (and your heart) for one of these beautiful bunnies, contact HSFC or Friends of Rabbits. If you know someone else who might be interested, please share this post. Let’s find some homes for Oreo II and Bella!

Want to see more adoptable rabbits? Check out the other blogs participating in the adoptahon blog hop!



Otters, otters, everywhere…

I’ll admit it. I love otters. If seals are the puppies of the sea, otters are the puppies of the river… and also sometimes of the sea. (Actual puppies? The puppies of the land. Duh.)  After that intro, I bet you will have no trouble guessing today’s theme…

  1. Your punny pet name for this week: Beatrix Otter.
  2. This link reminded me of The Fox and the Hound (except for the fact that the link didn’t make me cry). Check out this adorable otter and puppy playing together.
  3. Um, I had no idea otters were so talented. I can’t juggle, but this otter can.
  4. This baby otter having lunch is awesome. (I’m extremely jealous of the guy who introduced himself to the otter as “Uncle Kevin.” I want to be an otter aunt!)
  5. I bet this little girl will grow up to be an otter aunt someday.
  6. I would like to apply for citizenship of Otter Nation (currently ruled by Sir Otter the Brave, I hear). Maybe that would improve my chances of being an otter aunt.
  7. If that’s too much to ask, can I just get invited to this guy’s next sleepotter? (I’m going for a sleepover pun here… I doubt it really worked, but I’m sticking with it.)
  8. I could watch this trio of otters all day. Or this group of otters chasing a butterfly. I’m flexible.

I have to admit, I had quite the debate with myself over which video to feature today. (I’ll leave it to your imagination whether that debate was out loud or simply between the voices in my head.) Anyway, this was the winner (via Best Week Ever):

It’s like he’s staring into my soul and sending cute rays right into my heart.

Want more otters? You’re in luck. I have one more link to share. It’s time for everyone’s favorite game show: Dog… or… Otter?  Enjoy!



Why I’m returning to K9 Kamp

I participated as a featured blogger in the inaugural K9 Kamp last year, and had a great time. Needless to say, I was thrilled when Peggy & Jodi asked me to participate again! (In preparation for this year’s event, I revisited my posts from last year – and now I can’t stop singing “shopping is our greatest thrill” from Troop Beverly Hills. You’ve been warned.)

What is K9 Kamp, you might ask? It’s a series of fitness challenged designed to encourage you to get fit while spending time with your dog. Our fearless leaders/Kamp counselors are Peggy and Jodi from Peggy’s Pet Place and Kol’s Notes, respectively. Read on to find out why I’m participating, and how you can join us!

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Splish splash, Bella’s taking a bath…

So far this week, the focus has been on spa days (and sudsy pups). Bella doesn’t mind some of the amenities at my day spa, but she’d prefer to skip the bath part of it all.

Anyway, with that in mind, I’m giving you a task. Give me your best captions for these two photos from Bella’s recent bath adventure.

Here’s #1:

In the year 1 BB (Before Bath)

Here’s #2:

The afterbath (see what I did there?)

Get those creative juices flowing, and don’t forget to check out the spa-related giveaways I posted about yesterday.


Happy Tails Spa Grand Prize: $100 Shopping Spree

happytailsspa180As I mentioned earlier today, I’m participating in the Happy Tails Spa Giveaway Event, sponsored by Happy Tails Spa and hosted by Two Little Cavaliers.

I was given two products to review – and you can win those two products! Visit my earlier post for details and to enter that giveaway – from that post you will also find links to other participating bloggers and a chance to win other products from Happy Tails.

However, I also wanted to tell you about the opportunity to win the grand prize for this giveaway event – a $100 shopping spree to Happy Tails. The products are all-natural, eco-friendly, and cruelty-free. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Ready to go on a shopping spree? (It’s like that old Supermarket Sweep show, only online and you don’t have to wear matching outfits. I guess it’s not really like that show at all. I kind of wish I’d been on that show. Anyway… I should move on.)

Enter to win using the Rafflecopter below (open to U.S. only – more details here).


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Happy Tails Spa Giveaway Event

happytailsspa180We’re participating in a fun event today… it’s the Happy Tails Spa Giveaway Event hosted by Two Little Cavaliers and sponsored by Happy Tails Spa!

It starts today (obviously) at 12:01am EST and will end at 12:01am EST on May 30. 2012. As you can see, you have plenty of time to enter!

This is a pretty big event – over 65 bloggers have come together to bring you some amazing natural spa products for your dogs. Each blog is offering one or more fantastic Problem Solving Products for the Modern Dog. All of the products offered by Happy Tails Spa are Eco-Friendly, All Natural, and Cruelty Free.

After the jump, check out my review of two of these products – the Comfy Dog Oatmeal Shampoo for Dry & Itchy Skin and Itchin’ For Relief, an All-Natural Targeted Anti-Itch Spray. (Although I received these products to review, the opinions are my own.) Then, sign up to enter to win these two products! After that, you can hop around to the other participating blogs for a chance to win other products. Pretty cool, huh?

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