It runs in the family

I just had to share this photo today, in spite of my tragically high-waisted skirt. (I initially thought it was shorts, but I believe it’s actually a skirt. Though either way… still not my best look.) It’s a photo of my mom, some of our dogs and me.

My mom was a wonderful lady. I miss her today and every day. One of the things she instilled in me was a love of animals. I was looking through old photos earlier today – when I saw this one, I just had to smile.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the fantastic moms out there, and a big hug to anyone else who is missing their mom today.



The blog is back in town…

So, the move is complete (thanks to the hard work of my very patient husband). Welcome to the new home of I Still Want More Puppies! I have a few more modifications in the works, but the basics are all in place. What do you think? (Suggestions welcome… if you have any WordPress tips or great plugin recommendations, I’m all ears!)

I also wanted to post something this evening to make sure the feed was working correctly. If you’re a feed subscriber stopping by and don’t see this post in your feed, please let me know!

I’ll be back to regular posting tomorrow… thanks for your patience!


Sleeping Bella, moving bloggy…

Well, it’s finally happening. I set a goal for myself in January – to move the blog to a self-hosted WordPress site by June. June is right around the corner… and thanks to my tech-savvy hubby, I will be making the move this weekend!

So, if all goes well, you’ll be able to find me at, starting this weekend. (If you go there now, it’s very much a work in progress. Patience, grasshopper.) In theory, this site will redirect you to the new one once it’s ready to go, but I wanted to give you the new address just in case.

My fingers are crossed that all of my posts (and especially your awesome comments) survive the move intact. If you’re a feed subscriber, the plan is to transition without disrupting your subscription – I’m all out of fingers, so I’ll cross my toes on that one.

There will be more changes to come, as I play with design elements and the like – so I hope you’ll bear with me once we make the move!

Due to the move, there will be no Friday linkage this week. I’ll make it up to you soon. Until then, enjoy this video documenting Bella’s contribution to the move…

Happy Friday!



PSA: Don’t play cards with this dog

You got to know when to hold ’em… know when to fold ’em… know when to howl and play… know when to run. You never count your dog treats, when you’re sittin’ at the table. There’ll be time enough for barkin’ when the dealin’s done.

I hope you learned something from today’s PSA (Puppy Service Announcement).


I want this Puggle to make a series of workout videos

Another Friday is upon us… let’s get to the linkage! (Don’t worry – the post title will make sense when you get to today’s video.)

  1. Your punny pet name for the week: Bark Linn-Baker. (See #2.)
  2. You know, sometimes the world comes together in a moment of pop culture synergy. On Wednesday, I was catching up on The Good Wife and realized that one of the judges was being played by the same actor who played Cousin Larry on Perfect Strangers. (Anyone else remember that show?) Then, I saw that someone created a Perfect Strangers video game online. What are the odds?
  3. Does your cat like to sleep on your monitor? Then this product is for you.
  4. Leaping lambs! Enough said.
  5. I love this video – the Wampug would be perfect for my production of Star Wags: A New Rope Toy.

In other news, I managed to sprain my ankle while running on Wednesday. Guess there goes that 5K I was going to run next weekend. I doubt I’ll be able to run by then – if not, I’m going to try to walk it. (At a minimum, I’ll be there cheering my team on, but I’d really rather participate.)

Anyway, that’s a long-winded way of introducing today’s video. Perhaps I can hire this pup to train me when I can start working out again. (I recommend watching with the sound on – the music is perfect.)

Happy weekend, friends!

It’s raining cats and dogs (and awesome blogs)!

Well, a new month is upon us, which means that it’s time for another monthly roundup. In light of the fact that it’s an April roundup, let’s just say I’m showering you with some awesome blog posts. No umbrella needed. Without further ado, here are some of my favorite posts from the last month:

  1. The worst thing my dog destroyed was… from No Dog About It – This post had me strolling down Memory Lane, remembering when my childhood pup Scotti demonstrated what she thought of my reading choices.
  2. The Joys of Stupid Dogs from Doggies and Stuff – I mean, I’m not saying Bella’s stupid… but she’s not really very smart. Remember the treat test?
  3. Random Thoughts from Basset Momma – A fantastic twist on the “this is your brain on drugs” thing from back in the day.
  4. Why You Should Never Use Your Daughter’s Favorite Stuffed Animal as a Dog Prop from My Brown Newfies – A good (and hilarious) lesson for us all.
  5. Dogs in the Movies from under the blanket – These posters are just too cool.
  6. You Can’t Do That! Oh Yeah? Watch Me! from Something Wagging This Way Comes – My new mantra: be the St. Bernard.
  7. Doggy Style Pick-Up Lines, also from Something Wagging – Hilarity doesn’t even begin to describe this one. (Pamela, you need to stop being so awesome. Actually… don’t.)
  8. January is Train Your Dog Month from Bringing Up Bella – Yes, it’s from April. Yes, it’s fantastic. (Bonus points for the perfectly chosen soundtrack.)
  9. You call me a Pit Bull like it’s a bad thing from Oh, Corbin – This post is just plain fantastic.
Gratuitous Bellaface!

And here are nine more!

  1. The Optimism of Cats and Dogs from Life with Sampson and Delilah – I love this story. I can picture it all playing out, as clear as day.
  2. Blog the Change: The Kindness of a Stranger from Kol’s Notes – A truly inspirational post.
  3. Be a Billboard for a Good Cause from Daley’s Dog Years – This post inspired me to purchase a shirt. That’s how good it is. (Seriously though – an adorable shirt and spreading a good message? You can’t beat that.)
  4. Cute Welsh Corgis and Guys in Ties from Chronicles of Cardigan – Sounds like a good combo to me.
  5. This is why I don’t travel with family from Pawcurious – This one cracked me up, especially the reference to Dr. Google. I can’t seem to break up with that guy. He’s like a bad boyfriend.
  6. Video Monday: If  you were a dog toy from Grouchy Puppy – Although now I am channeling Beyonce and singing “If I were a boy,” this video has nothing to do with that.
  7. The Top Ten Reasons Why Dog Teens are Better than Human Teens from Arwen’s Pack – Redirecting a sullen teenager using a squeaky toy? If only…
  8. Cats in Space from Bunny’s Blog – You know I love any excuse to reference [insert noun here]… in… space!
  9. Dog Song Saturday: Songs of the Dog Walker from Talking Dogs – You can’t go wrong with this one. (However, I will never be able to reference Wayne Brady without thinking of this moment.)
Did I miss any of your favorites? Share them in the comments!
For previous monthly roundups, click here.