Take a look at me now… again

Pet Blogger Challenge
You know I love any excuse to engage in some omphaloskepsis. (A hat tip to Pamela from Something Wagging for teaching me that fun word.)  Luckily, Edie from Will My Dog Hate Me and Amy from Go Pet Friendly created the Pet Blogger Challenge, which means that at least one day of the year, my navel gazing is sanctioned… even encouraged.

I participated last year, so first and foremost – here’s the link to last year’s post (which I also started with a Phil Collins reference … apparently it’s a tradition). The post below builds off of some of the items I discussed in that post.

Now, on to the questions.  Amy and Edie have posed a series of questions, which those of us participating in the challenge will be answering on our blogs today.  I’ll be answering the questions for those who participated last year.  (There’s a separate set of questions for those taking the challenge for the first time – you can find both sets here.)

For some reason, I like to tackle this challenge in a narrative format, rather than in a list. I realize that this preference probably seems odd, especially given my general fondness for all lists. Bear with me – I get pretty wordy ahead…

Assessing my 2011 goals:  My goals for last year were simple – I wanted to maintain a consistent posting level, add some photography posts to the blog, and become more involved with local rescue groups. I’m not sure I’d say that any one of these goals was more important than the other – however, I’m fairly pleased with the progress I made, particularly towards the first and second goals.

Last year, I posted 228 times, compared to 123 in 2011.  I began to include more posts about photography – in addition to occasional tips, I conducted my first interview with Seth Casteel, a professional photographer who also takes photographs of shelter pets. These photography posts actually informed my volunteer work – I contacted a local rescue group and visited the shelter to take some photos for its website.  I plan to make volunteering at the shelter a regular event, and will be sharing my adventures with you along the way.

Moving the goal posts:  In addition to the goals above, I do think that my goals changed throughout the year. I set a few new goals for myself along the way – including moving the blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. I did some of the research (with help from some of my blogging pals) and considered my options, but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet. My new goal is to complete the move sometime before June (although I hope it will be before then). This past year, I also wanted to feature adoptable pets on my blog – I’ve turned it into a weekly feature.  Finally, I wanted to make more use of Facebook and Twitter to promote the blog, and I’ve definitely used these on a more regular basis.

How many posts does a blogger post:  Last year, I explained that I didn’t have a very strict schedule (other than Wordless Wednesday and No Frown Friday).  At the time, I was trying to post three times per week.  I still try not to slip below that level – although I’ve now added a regular Sunday post as well (the aforementioned adorable adoptables).  So, I’m slightly more schedule-driven than in the past, and I think that these regular posts help me keep my momentum going. However, I’m actually trying something new this month – I’m going to try to post every day in January.  I may try to continue daily posting after that, but I wanted to start with a more manageable goal.

(Don’t) show me the money:  I still don’t generate income from the blog.  I have been approached by various companies, but I’m not quite ready to take that step. I’ll probably reconsider that plan as opportunities come my way, but I don’t feel any pressure to decide right now.

The Good, the Bad & the Furry, revisited:  I think my likes about blogging have remained fairly consistent. One of my favorite things about blogging is still the sense of community. My connection to the pet blogger community grew by leaps and bounds this year. I became involved in more events (like K9 Kamp and Social Media for Social Good) and began to correspond with other bloggers through email and other channels. I became a more active member of the BlogPaws Community site and signed up to participate in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Challenge – so many valuable discussions!

However, the biggest change on this front was probably the fact that I finally met several other bloggers in person, thanks to the fact that BlogPaws 2011 happened to be in my ‘hood.  Meeting other bloggers and participating in the conference has had a significant effect on my connection to the pet blogger community. Rather than just other bloggers, I now think of many of these wonderful people as my friends.  It’s a nice feeling.

My dislikes, on the other hand, have evolved a bit.  My least favorite thing at this point is probably the technical side of things. I’d like to become more savvy on this front – if I could increase my skill level, I think my dislike would fade.

Back to the future:  I’m fairly pleased with the progress I made in 2011.  As for 2012, I see a few changes – including that long-desired move to self-hosted WordPress. I’ve set a goal to volunteer at least monthly, so that work may influence the blog content as well – and now that my eyes have been opened to the possibilities of shelter pet photography, I anticipate future posts on that subject. This past year, I also refined the focus of the blog a bit – humor with a dose of heart – and I hope to continue to find my niche.

I also want to use this year to really think about where I see the blog going in the future – whether it’s to maintain this space as a purely personal one or to take it to another level.  I have been tossing around a few ideas, but nothing concrete. Perhaps by the time next year’s Pet Blogger Challenge rolls around, I’ll have a better answer to this final question.

Want to read other entries in the Pet Blogger Challenge?  Visit Will My Dog Hate Me and Go Pet Friendly, or check out the list below!


I have a crush on the Travelers Insurance dog

I don’t know how I missed this ad during the holiday season (after all, I am mildly obsessed with the life and times of the Travelers Insurance dog).  I realize it’s a bit late to be sharing a Christmas ad… however, it made me smile, so I’m posting it anyway. You know you don’t mind…

There are even more ads online that I just discovered – one with a soapbox car and another involving a cat burglar. How am I not seeing these when I watch TV – have they been aired in your area?

Anyway, I was a bit curious about these ads and the canine thespian therein.  The dog who stars in these commercials is named Chopper.  This former shelter dog makes my day every time I see one of the ads.

His trainer, Sue Chipperton, even has her own blog, called Check the Gate.  (You may have seen one of her videos recently over at Life With Dogs, in fact.)  A few fun facts I learned from her blog:

My crush continues… Chopper is just too cute for words.  That’s all for today… see you tomorrow for the Pet Blogger Challenge!

Adorable adoptables in northern Virginia: Angel & Chopper

Every week, I’ll be featuring adoptable pets from local rescue groups.  This week, I’m sharing adorable adoptables from the Humane Society of Fairfax County (HSFC) and A Forever Home Rescue Foundation (A Forever Home).  Ready to meet this week’s featured pups, Angel & Chopper? Here we go…

First up, , meet Angel!  This lovely lady would love to be your new best friend.  Here’s her bio from HSFC:

“Her name is perfect for her. Angel really is an Angel! She’s so sweet and loving and the mom of the year. She came in from a kill shelter with 9 puppies and gave them every second of her attention. She knows it’s time to let them go, and she’s excited about having a real home of her own. She’s a small Shepherd mixed with Husky and black and tan in color. She’s very gentle and loves to have attention. She’s only 2 yrs old and has no puppy habits other than loving everyone. Come and make Angel’s Christmas wish come true, by giving her a forever home.

Attributes: An Angel is waiting for you!”


Have you been waiting for a pup like Angel?  If so, visit the HSFC website for more information.  To view the other pets available for adoption at HSFC, click here.

Up next, meet Chopper!  This handsome guy is approximately 5 1/2 years old.   Here’s his bio from A Forever Home:

This is Chopper. He is a 6 year old neutered, Rottweiler (born 06/27/06) with the most beautiful face in the world! He is a very sweet, loving boy that, unfortunately, doesn’t love being around small children. My husband and I have had him since he was a puppy and he has been growling at our 2 year old daughter. Rather than keeping him away from her, we would prefer to find him a loving home where he would get all of the attention he deserves. He plays wonderfully with other dogs, has never showed any aggression towards other dogs and actually he tends to be the submissive dog when playing in groups. He loves to take walks, run and swim!!! He is a fluffy teddy bear that just wants to snuggle up to everyone!!!

If you think you have the perfect home for Chopper, visit A Forever Home for more information or email Info@aforeverhome.org.  To view the other pets available for adoption at A Forever Home, click here.

A Forever Home also has a weekly adoption event at the PetCo in Chantilly.  For the address and to find out more info, click here
(If you have your eye on a specific pet, please email for information
first – not all pets will be at the weekly event.  However, there are a
lot of awesome pets in need of homes, so if you’re in the neighborhood,
stop by and meet some of them!)

Do you have room in your home (and your heart) for one of these cute canines?  Then contact HSFC or A Forever Home.  If you know someone else who might be in the market for an awesome companion, please share this post.  Let’s find some homes for Angel and Chopper!

Bios and photos used with permission from HSFC and A Forever Home.


Attack of the tiny tomatoes

It’s the first No Frown Friday of 2012… let’s jump right in!

  1. Your punny pet name: Meowrio Lopez.  (On a related Saved by the Bell note, can we all agree that Lark Voorhies would be the perfect name for a pet bird? No punnification needed.)
  2. Speaking of puns, these classic book covers updated with cats are fantastic.  I think Litterbox Five is my favorite.
  3. Apparently even those who profess to be anti-pun fall victim to them every now and then. I was honored to learn that one of my punny posts made Rescued Insanity’s list of eleven must-reads for 2011.
  4. This cat is way better than I am at Fruit Ninja.  I’m beginning to think all cats have secret video game skills
  5. I’m craving all of these pieces from Have you met Miss Jones.
  6. You know what you need? An awesome video. Lucky for you, this one over at No Dog About It is extra awesome.
  7. Is this the best dog-related picture of 2011? You be the judge.
  8. You know I love any excuse to break out my best nature show narrator voice (see, e.g., the Cave Dog). So I had to share this post from Something Wagging about the migratory patterns of the Fuzzy-Bellied Honey.  Don’t be ashamed to read it out loud, Discovery Channel style – I did.
  9. Enjoy some pretty and get a few photography tips courtesy of Alfie’s Blog.
  10. I adore animal odd couples.  This fawn and kitten just made my hall of fame.
Finally, I saw this video and just knew I had to share it.  My love of turtles and tortoises is well-documented.  The baby tortoise in today’s video reminds me of my own childhood turtles, George and George.  They loved tomatoes too.
(via Cute Overload)

I want to give this video a high five, in the style of these two awesome sea turtles.


Interview with Seth Casteel from Second Chance Photos: Part II

I’m so excited to bring you the second installment of my interview with Seth Casteel, the founder of Second Chance Photos. Through this nonprofit, Seth aims to help shelter pets find homes through photography.  In today’s installment, Seth talks about lighting, his favorite moment as a pet photographer, and how you can save lives using your camera.

If you haven’t read Part I yet, I recommend you click here and check it out before diving into Part II.  Read on for the rest of Part II…

It’s amazing what a difference the right photo can make – you can see it for yourself in the before and after photos on the Second Chance Photos website. When a potential adopter sees a photo of a shelter pet, we want them to start visualizing the relationship that they could have.  As Pamela from Something Wagging astutely pointed out in the (very thoughtful) comments last week, it’s all about emotion. Don’t be intimidated by the technical side of photography – as Seth points out, you don’t have to be a professional to donate your time and skills to help shelter pets this way.

Let’s talk about lighting.  What lighting is best?  How do you deal with situations where the lighting is not ideal?

A very simple question with a complicated answer. My best advice about lighting is to experiment by shooting many photos in many different lighting scenarios. For classic portraits, I prefer cloudy days or the shade though.

Some of my readers asked about videos vs. photos.  Do you think videos of shelter pets are useful?

Absolutely. Any positive images, either photo or video, help increase the chances of adoption.

What was your all-time favorite shoot?

Not a fair question!! 🙂 I have enjoyed every single photo shoot I have done for different reasons. If I have to pick at this very second, I would say an Afghan Hound I met in New York City by chance while waiting for another client. I met this dog for only 3 minutes and did a quick series of photos of him. One of these resulting photos has become one of my favorites because it showcases an expression that I can’t seem to figure out. This is what I love about dogs. They have such an amazing range of emotions and expressions, and in a lot of ways, are just like people. This is why we relate to them and this is why I have dedicated my life to them.

What has been your most rewarding or most memorable experience photographing shelter pets?

To know the work is making a difference. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to help. Not only are photos saving lives, but they are helping to change the image of “shelter pets”, revealing to people that they are wonderful pets and make loving additions to your family.

If you could offer one piece of advice to someone who would like to start volunteering as a shelter pet photographer, what would it be?

The work you do will save lives. It may not always be easy, but shelter pets need your help. Be patient. Be dedicated. Shelter pets do not have a voice, but you can give them one.

A bit off topic, but I always like to end with a pop culture question.  What’s your favorite TV show?

I don’t watch much TV, but I would say DEAL or NO DEAL! It’s just so exciting!! No deal!!!! 🙂

Thanks again to Seth for answering my questions!  

If you have any additional questions for Seth, please share them in the comments.  I’ll pass them along and see if he is available to answer them.  Has Seth inspired you to get involved?  


The eyes (and ears) have it

You may remember that I mentioned I’m part of the Daily Dog Challenge group on Flickr.  There’s a new prompt each day for inspiration.  I thought I’d share a few recent shots I’ve posted for the various daily challenges in December.

Up first, the photo below was in response to the prompt: “Make a photograph with your dog that captures your idea of beauty today.”

View on Flickr

That one was easy – who could resist those eyes?

After the jump, find more photos for your viewing pleasure…

Another prompt from the holiday season: “However you and your dog choose to celebrate today, share it with us, and enjoy the day!”

View on Flickr

Roscoe chose to celebrate with a nice nap.

This next one is a bit more abstract.  The prompt: Take a high contrast photo of your dog today! Whether you use a background or some kind of photo enhancement, remember to have fun with it!”

View on Flickr

I don’t think I’ll ever tire of taking photos of Bella’s ear.  Is that weird?

I have a few more from December to share… but I’ll save those for next week’s Wordless Wednesday.  Have to keep you wanting more, right?

You can see all of the photos submitted as part of the DDC here.  Enjoy!


Adorable adoptables in northern Virginia: Chew Chew & Smitty

Every week, I’ll be featuring adoptable pets from local rescue groups.  (I usually post this feature on Sunday, but I’m a tad late this time around.)  This week, I’m sharing adorable adoptables from the Humane Society of Fairfax County (HSFC) and A Forever Home Rescue Foundation (A Forever Home).  Ready to meet this week’s featured pups, Chew Chew and Smitty? Here we go…

First up, meet Chew Chew!  This wonderful Westie is approximately 4 years old.   Here’s his bio from A Forever Home:

Chew Chew is an adorable Westie who was rescued by one of our AFH volunteers before he was to be dropped off by his family at an animal shelter. He lived with a Maltese and older children. True to his breed, he’s an active boy. Chew Chew has come to AFH in the hopes of finding a family that will give him the attention, exercise and training that his breed requires in order to be healthy and happy. He’s a very smart little boy and is already learning a lot in his new foster home. He now knows to sit/down for a treat. This handsome little dog is best suited for those who love the spirit and playful personality that typifies the terrier mystique. Please send your application in soon, as we foresee a happy ending for this lucky fellow in the very near future!

If you think you have the perfect home for Chew Chew, visit A Forever Home for more information or email Info@aforeverhome.org.  To view the other pets available for adoption at A Forever Home, click here.

A Forever Home also has a weekly adoption event at the PetCo in Chantilly.  For the address and to find out more info, click here
(If you have your eye on a specific pet, please email for information
first – not all pets will be at the weekly event.  However, there are a
lot of awesome pets in need of homes, so if you’re in the neighborhood,
stop by and meet some of them!)

Up next, meet Smitty!  This handsome pup is an Aussie/Beagle mix looking for a home.  Here’s his bio from HSFC:

“Come and meet your new best friend. Smitty is patiently waiting for someone he can share his life with. He’s a beautiful guy with tan and white fur. He lived his life as a stray for almost a year and is now ready to belong to someone special. He’s good with other dogs, is under a year old, good with cats and housebroken. Today can be your special day and Smitty’s best day ever, if you send in your dog adoption application right away.

Attributes: Handsome and So Sweet!”


Are you ready to make Smitty’s day?  If so, visit the HSFC website for more information.  To view the other pets available for adoption at HSFC, click here.

Do you have room in your home (and your heart) for one of these handsome guys?  Then contact HSFC or A Forever Home.  If you know someone else who might be in the market for an awesome companion, please share this post.  Let’s find some homes for Chew Chew and Smitty!

Bios and photos used with permission from HSFC and A Forever Home.


22 things that made me smile in 2011

‘Tis the time for reminiscing about 2011…

Last year, I shared some of my favorite posts from this blog.  This year, I’ve decided to stop the navel gazing (until the Pet Blogger Challenge later this month, of course) and highlight some of my favorite posts from other bloggers.  (Thanks to Mel from the No Dog About It blog for the inspiration.)

It’s a tough task, actually. There is a ton of great content out there in the pet blogging community.

The posts below all have one thing in common – they make me laugh or smile (one of those really big smiles).  There are many beautifultouching, and thought-provoking posts that touched my heart this year. However, today I felt like aiming for tears of laughter or joy rather than the other kind.  Hope you don’t mind.

It was a long year. I’m sure there are some others I adored that slipped my mind when writing this post.  (Perhaps one of my 2012 resolutions should be to do a better job of keeping track of my favorite posts. You may notice that this list skews toward the more recent entries.)  In no particular order, here are 22 posts I loved this year…

  1. My Most Embarrassing Dog Moment from My Brown Newfies – I have no words. Just go read it.
  2. The Puppiness Project – Everything’s Better with Puppies from Something Wagging This Way Comes – With a title like that, how could this post not make my list?
  3. 10 Pictures of Dogs Reading Books from Doggie Stylish- I love dogs. I love books. I love this post.
  4. Favorite Video Friday – Stella’s Shasta Adventure from No Dog About It – I don’t know how Mel finds so many great videos.  However, I still watch this one when I just need a moment of Zen.
  5. (Viewing this may cause extreme joy) More Happy Pets! Part I from The Chronicles of Cardigan – It really did cause extreme joy. Extreme.
  6. Adopting Beelzebub: A Beast of a Bird? from This One Wild Life – An adoption story that warmed the cockles of my heart.
  7. 17 Things Bella Has Stolen from Bringing up Bella – I’m kind of glad my Bella only hoards socks.
  8. Spam Saturday: Amazing Products, Thrilling Occasions, Thanks-a-Mundo! from Will My Dog Hate Me – This post is masterwork. Go put the lime in the coconut and drink it up, okay?
  9. 32 Simple Things You Do That Matter To Dogs from Peggy’s Pet Place- More warming for those cockles.
  10. Dog a Day Project – Why I Don’t Have Kids from Doggie Stylish – I’m just going to start replying to everyone who asks me when I’m going to have children by emailing them a link to this post. (Don’t get me wrong – I don’t know what the future holds. However, I tend to think people should mind their own beeswax and stop asking.)
  11. 5 Reasons Puppies are Easier Than Kids from Smart Dog – A perfect companion to the Doggie Stylish post. 
  12. She Who Cannot Be Trusted from Postpartum Paradise – A toddler, a dog, and adventures in unconventional (and unsanctioned) grooming.  See? I can appreciate posts involving kids!
  13. Senior Dogs: Appreciate, Don’t Discriminate from Grouchy Puppy – This one is actually a guest post that Sharon from Grouchy Puppy contributed to this blog. I just love the message.
  14. The Mystery of Burt’s Bees from Tales and Tails – Or, as I like to think of it, “how to collect puppy kisses in one easy step.”
  15. Dogs in International Costumes: Bone Voyage! from Will My Dog Hate Me – Just because.
  16. Drunken Master IV:  Canine Fu from Rescued Insanity – A funny tale of DWWI (Dog Walking While Intoxicated).
  17. For Woofing Out Loud from Kol’s Notes – In case you’ve ever wondered if your dog thinks you’re as funny as you think you are… the answer is apparently no.
  18. 15 Ways to Tell if You’re Dog Crazy from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Just a genius post, and, well… it’s funny ’cause it’s true. This post inspired me to start that whole dog song parody series of posts. 
  19. Pinterest Tuesday – Dogs Making Messes from Two Little Cavaliers – The cutest kind of mess is the kind that I don’t have to clean up.
  20. Chinese Takeout = Bad Dog Parenting from Life With Desmond – Speaking of messes… wondering if something is trash or treasure? Just ask the dog.
  21. Dressing Up Dogs at Holidays from Grouchy Puppy – I just love this creative take on the antler photo.
  22. From the DDY Digs Desk from Daley’s Dog Years – I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m including this post partly because of the Ryan Gosling photo.

Why 22?  I have no idea. I feel like this list could have gone on forever (for example, I wanted to include a post from BZ Training, but I just couldn’t pick a favorite photo shoot, so I’m cheating and linking to the whole blog here). Finally, I just held an intervention for myself, cut myself off, and sent myself to list-making rehab.  
What was your favorite pet blog post of 2011?