Cats in hats & dogs in blogs…

Lots of good stuff for you today….

  1. Your punny pet names for the week… wait, I need to put on my punglasses first.  That’s better.  In honor of last night’s So You Think You Can Dance finale I give you… Mary Purrphy.  (Bonus SYTYCD-related name in need of no alterations: Cat Deeley.)
  2. Multiple cats in multiple hats?  Dr. Seuss would be proud.  (Since we’re kicking things off with some feline links today… here’s a bonus quiz about purring.)
  3. I have a feeling Dr. Seuss would have also liked these adorable doughnuts decorated to look like cats.  Okay, I don’t really have that feeling.  I just like them.  That’s enough, right?
  4. Speaking of cat-shaped food (not to be confused with actual cat food), check out this cool jewelry shared on under the blanket.  Love the whimsy.
  5. Speaking of finding lost pets (I sort of was, I promise… visit blanket ID for a great and stylish way to keep your pets safe), viva la microchip!  This dog was reunited with his family a year after fatal car crash.
  6. Are you a pet blogger in addition to being a pet blog reader?  (I think it’s safe to assume you are at least a pet blog reader, right?  After all, you are here… reading my pet blog… but I digress.)  If so, hop on over to Rescued Insanity and join the discussion – how did your blog get its name?

As you know, I like to close things out with a video on Fridays.  In all honesty, I almost didn’t today because I just watched this video from No Dog About It and there’s no way I can compete… I can’t even tell you how much I loved it.  I cheered.  No joke.  So… you should go watch that.  Really.  

In any event, I’ll still give you a video, since one can never have enough cute.  I think that this will be Bella’s reaction when she finds out she needs to have her nails clipped and get a bath this weekend:

(via Life with Dogs)

However, although Bella tries to hide when she senses a bath on the horizon, I’m just glad she hasn’t earned a black belt in bath avoidance like this guy.

In other news… two weeks until BlogPaws!  Will I see you there?


I’m so excited… I’m so excited…

I’m all over the place today… I feel like Jessie Spano on a caffeine pill bender.  (I know, Jessie.  I’ll never get into Stanford at this rate either.)   Anyway…

  1. Your punny pet names:  Jessie Spaniel and Elizabeth Barkley.
  2. Shameless self-promotion time again!  Go visit my cupcake blog and enjoy some chocolate chip and mint chocolate chip cupcakes.
  3. Penguins graduating are adorable.  I hope the penguins went retro and played the Bayside High song during commencement. 
  4. The Canadian Prime Minister adopted a kitten.  This kitten is adorable.  That is all.
  5. For your consideration: this pup is gunning for an Oscar nom with his dramatic interpretation of playing dead.
  6. A chimp bottle feeding a tiger cub?  All in a day’s work.  If that’s not enough cute for you, go check out these Animals with Stuffed Animals.  I have a feeling that’ll do the trick.
  7. Add to your wish list: Dog Lips!

Finally, it’s not quite the Zenniest moment of Zen ever, but it’s pretty close:

(via Best Week Ever)

I'm going to BlogPaws 2011 badgeIn other exciting news…. I’m going to BlogPaws!  Who else will be there?  I can’t wait…


    I’ll stand by you… words to live by

    A momentary semi-serious interlude ahead…

    Last night, I returned home to find a very unhappy Bella.   We had a thunderstorm while I was at work – a fairly loud one.  Bella’s storm phobia appears to have skyrocketed to a whole new level lately – I found paw prints on the dining room table, the dining room chairs… and other evidence of absolute and overwhelming fear.  My poor girl.

    Initially, I was worried that she may have hurt herself, but she seemed okay. While I cleaned up the dining room, she had dinner and seemed relaxed.  So although it had been a rough afternoon, things seemed to be returning to normal.

    Unfortunately, more storms were on the way.  So, I loaded Bella into her Storm Defender Cape, and we headed upstairs to hang out with some music on in hopes of keeping fear at bay.  (As an aside, the Storm Defender Cape seems to work sometimes, but I ordered the Thundershirt last night in order to see if it will work better.  I need to try something different in light of her escalating fear.  I’ll keep you posted.)

    Anyway, as I sat upstairs, sipping my second glass of wine on an empty stomach (it was one of those days, capped off by the dining room incident), iTunes decided to play “I’ll Stand By You” by The Pretenders.  It seemed like a good song to sing to Bella – I blame the wine for this assessment.  (Although I cannot carry a tune in a paper sack, I love to sing.)

    As I serenaded my receptive pup with this song, it struck me just how perfectly some of these lyrics described how I was feeling.  I know it’s technically a love song, but stick with me here for a second.  For example, take the following lyrics:

    • “Don’t be ashamed to cry/ Let me see you through/ ‘Cause I’ve seen the dark side too”
    • “Nothing you confess, will make me love you less”
    • “Take me in, into your darkest hour/ And I’ll never desert you, I’ll stand by you”
    • “Won’t let nobody hurt you/ I’ll stand by you”

    That’s the kind of unconditional love that our animals deserve.  (Honestly, it’s the kind of unconditional love that some people in our lives deserve too, but that’s a discussion for another day.)

    When a dog is fearful or reactive, some people get angry at the dog.  That’s hard for me to take… for all that we treat them like our children, dogs are not just little people in fur suits.  They’re dogs, and it’s our responsibility to try to understand where they are coming from rather than ascribing human reason and emotions to their actions.  It’s natural to be upset when your dog messes something up, but it’s essential to put things into perspective.  How you react to to something like this is within your control – you can choose how to handle it.  Fearful dogs don’t need to be blamed… they need love and a person who will do their best to help them through this difficult time.

    Although sometimes she destroys things, messes up the house, or generally makes life difficult, I am fiercely protective of my girl.  I’ll do whatever it takes to help her through the rough times.  I’ve been fortunate in the past to have people do the same for me, and I hope I’ll be that fortunate again should the need arise.

    Deep thoughts about dogs inspired by a 1994 power ballad.  That’s just how I roll.



    No one expects the Corgi-fication

    Okay, so I know I’ve focused on Corgis before (they were even the subject of my first breed spotlight and inspired me to dream up a detective show starring a Corgi/Jack Russell named Cojack).  However, the Internet has made it very clear that it’s time for another Corgi roundup.  You wouldn’t believe how much Corgi stuff keeps popping up on my screen.  It’s obvious that the universe wants me to give in to the Corgi-fication.  Who am I to argue?

    1. First up, your punny pet name: Ernest Corgnine.
    2. Corgis are pretty darn cute on their own.  (Need proof?  Visit the Chronicles of Cardigan.)  That being said, Corgi mixes are no slouches either.  Check out this gallery of Corgi mixed breeds.  Still want more?  Here you go.
    3. If I was matriculating at Hogwarts, I’d ask the Sorting Hat to place me in Gryffincorg.
    4. Make way for ducklings… especially when they’re following a Corgi around.
    5. Based on the ears alone, I think I’ve found Bella’s Corgi doppleganger.
    6. I’ve never seen a dog who liked the vacuum as much as this guy.
    7. This Corgi won’t come in without an invitation… is he a vampire or just really polite? 

    I can sum up this week’s video in four words.  Those words?  This. Is. The. Life.

    (via Cute Overload)

    If you’re not as relaxed at that pup, I bet you need a way to unwind.  Might I recommend you enjoy a moment (several moments, actually) of Zen, Corgi style?


    PSA: Don’t be fooled by the dog on the label

    A little Public Service Announcement for you today… just because something has a fun dog-themed label does not mean that you will like it.  Exhibit #1… no matter how fun you find the following beer label, I suggest you walk away and leave this bottle on the shelf.  It was not good.  Not good at all.

    Even though it wasn’t very yummy, I still think the label is pretty darn cute.

    That being said, I’m sure I won’t learn from my own mistakes and will fall under the spell of another deceptive dog label in the future.  (Anyone else out there suffer from this problem?)  Don’t be like me, kids…


    Another hot dog story… with a twist!

    Item I saw in today’s Washington Post:

    I love this for multiple reasons:

    1. It’s just darn funny.
    2. I was just skimming the Metro section of the paper and stumbled across it.
    3. I started to read the item and get angry… until I got to the twist.
    4. Even though it’s funny, I’m glad that someone called the authorities when they thought a dog was in distress.  Better safe than sorry.

    That being said, remember that dogs of the non-wooden variety won’t fare so well in this terrible heat.  So make sure to keep your dog cool this summer!
